Tickets Now On Sale
Printed From: The Grove Social Club
Category: The Grove Social Club
Forum Name: Grove Reunions
Forum Description: Details of forthcoming Grove Reunions
Printed Date: 09-March-2025 at 23:11 Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.05 -
Topic: Tickets Now On Sale
Posted By: crusty
Subject: Tickets Now On Sale
Date Posted: 16-November-2005 at 19:52
Hi All,
Just to let you know that the tickets for the Grove Reunion, Christmas
Special, December 27th, Shieling Hotel, are NOW ON SALE!
Due to the sell out - phenomenal success of the Hallowe'en Special, this
evening will be a TICKET ONLY EVENT so get your
tickets early as there's already a huge demand.
Tickets €12 available from The Shieling Hotel reception (01 8314222) and
Austin at The Irish Permanent News-Stand O'Connell St.
Looking forward to seeing you there...
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 03:18
off to get mine later on today!!!
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 03:36
Going down to nite to get mine Hope there will be some left
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: smurphette
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 06:35
Hey Crusty, just asked my Dad to call down to the Sheiling to get some
tickets for me, and they told him they didn't have any yet...??
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 06:37
Ah no way Just asked my husband to go down for me
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 06:38
Just rang the Hotel and they don't have any tickets
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 06:50
Bet the Shieling hate us!!! And maybe Crusty's coming around to that way of thinking too.
------------- We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 06:55
I starting to belive that now ..
Just have to wait and see.
I better get tickets after all this
My luck I will get tickets and want have a babysitter for that night
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: smurphette
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 07:11
Having palpitations now at the thoughts of missing out on tickets. I
wonder if the Shieling are having communications problems amongst their
staff... and that the tickets are hidden away somewhere in the hotel!!
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 07:16
I know my husband has just been there and Andy hasn't been down with the tickets yet may be to night or in the morning
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: smurphette
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 07:28
I wonder now if they are at the Irish Permanent Stand as have asked a
friend to swing by there later today also!! (have to try all options )
Posted By: crusty
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 10:30
Hi Guys, my sincerest apologies. I did actually drop the tickets into The Shieling myself last night, there's been a slight breakdown in communication within the Shieling Hotel camp. The guy that I gave the tickets to last night never told the other staff about them. So I've just been onto Pauline at The Shieling who's kindly going to sort it all out for us. (Thanks Pauline.)My apologies to all those who wasted their time with a pointless trip to The Shieling. But fear not, if you haven't got them, no-one has!
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 10:38
Thanks Crusty!
We were all getting a tad anxious, sad lot aren't we?
------------- We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Posted By: smurphette
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 10:43
Still anxious until I actually have the ticket in my lamh!! Thanks for sorting that out though Crusty!
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 10:54
well im off now to buy all the tickets from the shieling and sell them at a hughely inflated price (not really)
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 17:05
Just been down there

------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 17-November-2005 at 17:18
Lenny you can fly me home with the profits!
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 18-November-2005 at 02:56
eejit91 wrote:
Lenny you can fly me home with the profits! |
LOL - np eejit:)
didnt actually make it down last night so definately going down today to pick up some!
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 18-November-2005 at 04:05
There should be a few left to day

------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 18-November-2005 at 07:01
lol. hopefully!
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 21-November-2005 at 19:02
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 04:17
she is pretty wicked allright. nearly giving me a heart attack like that. got me tickets anyway, and booked me room.
sure yell have a great time at the sister in laws.
id say we will meet up on the night allright. maybe reserve a corner in the bar with a big grovesocialclub forum members only sign. you wont get in unless you tell us your username.
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 04:35
Didn't mean to give you a heart attack........
But I thought the tickets would go fast.
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 04:37
lol - ill forgive ye kay, even tho ye didnt send me a card :P
apparently there was lots of interest on the phone last friday with people picking them up on the saturday.
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 04:39
When you get to the BIG 200 I will send you one

------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 04:41
lol. only another 40 or sposts to go. ill sned you one for your 200th post aswell!!
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 04:42
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 05:21
Doesn't look like I'm going to make 100 posts before I go away...
I'll do my best though. Have the tickets sold out yet?
------------- We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 05:30
When are you going ?
Don't know about the tickets you will have to ring up
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 05:35
I'm going at lunchtime.
I got my tickets last week, wasn't going to risk missing out, just wondered out of interest.
------------- We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 05:36
And another one just to get my senior member star!!! 
------------- We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 05:36
congrats on your senior start xgh!!
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 05:55
Cheers, I've a bit of work to catch up with you lot though! Chattering out here non stop yiz are.
------------- We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 06:12
Congrats you made it to 100

------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 06:14
yell make it xgh, go on, you can do it
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 06:34
And I'm offline from lunchtime till Friday night, what a challenge!
------------- We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 06:34
Have a good time
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 08:14
Congrats XGH - yee haaa you made it. 100 posts
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Grainnec
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 09:34
Afternoon lads,
Just got my tickets and the lady in the Sheiling said to tell all that the tickets are flying out the door and will be gone by the end of the week at the rate they are going. So if you know anybody who needs to get theirs, its adviseable to get down there asap.
Cant wait!!!!
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 10:13
It will be a great night............
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 22-November-2005 at 10:19
I made a balls of that but anyway you get the message!!!!
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Choirgirl
Date Posted: 12-December-2005 at 09:44
What the story about reaching 100?
Posted By: stephb
Date Posted: 22-December-2005 at 13:28
hey everyone
happy christmas to all
i need a favour from someone. i bought 4 tickets from cecil when they went on sale for the one on the 27th and my mate lost hers well i think it was accidently thrown out and she has yet to miss a grove and i dont want the christmas one to be her 1st. can anyone help me out PUHLEEEESE?
see you's on the 27th
------------- does it mean i am old if i cant remember or am i still drunk?
steph \m/
Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 22-December-2005 at 16:55
Sorry Steph, can't help you I'm afraid, hope your mate gets sorted out tho.
Posted By: Grainnec
Date Posted: 23-December-2005 at 05:34
It just so happens that i have two tickets that wont be used due to a death in the family so let me know if you want them.