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What did YOU do before heading down?

Printed From: The Grove Social Club
Category: The Grove Social Club
Forum Name: Knacker Drinking & Pre-Grove Activities
Forum Description: What did you do before you came down? Want to meet up before the next Grove Tribute Night?
Printed Date: 28-March-2025 at 15:22
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Topic: What did YOU do before heading down?
Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Subject: What did YOU do before heading down?
Date Posted: 11-November-2010 at 22:06
Hiya gang,

Did you have any set routine before you went down to the

When myself and my friends started going down first, we'd
queue up like all the other non-members, completely
sober, considering ourselves lucky to get in.

Then, some of the lads 'moved on' and the crew I hung
around with discovered alcohol and the pleasure to be had
especially drinking "down the Annes" and heading inside
for the 'albums' (or with our albums) before the main
Grove started when the singles started.

Then, after my folks figured out that we were drinking
down in St Annes before going in, they gave the Green
Light to drinking in the front room (we were over 18 by
now, obviously). From memory, these were the best Grove
days for me - drinking at home, playing tunes before
heading down to Sybil Hill.

After that, it was hit the Neptune and grab the last bus
back to Raheny/Clontarf for around 11.45pm for the last
bit of the Grove.

Then...I felt too old to be there...

Would love to hear your stories....

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Chris Rooney
Date Posted: 11-November-2010 at 23:17
I didn't drink til I was 18, so first year or so was sober. Then the normal routine was to go to Superquinn, buy a naggin of Pernod, naggin of Smirnoff, & a bottle of blackcurrant. Mix them all together at home in a litre milk jug  & head off, slugging it on the way & try to act sober so you got in! Head in for the album Cecil always played before the main crowd got in. Drank a litre bottle of Pernod one night before heading down, got in & the album/headbanging circle got going. I was doing cartwheels in the middle! A mosh started & someone ran into me & the button off my jeans went PING!!!!!! One of the lads had a leather jacket with the long strings on it so I ripped one off & tied my fly up. All was grand til I needed a pee, & got it open just in time before wetting myself! Happy Days!

Lovely cushioned header, for Gerrard!!!! Oooooooooooh you beauty! What a hit son, what a hit!!!!

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 12-November-2010 at 00:40
Good thread Mel, Great Story Chris!

My first few times at the Grove was with a few from school. None of us drank then. (actually the only time I wasn't let in, I was sober!)
Great times, great music, Then the demon drink was discovered - 2 pints, maybe 3, from Kelly's near the Cosy Cafe, on the Malahide road.

In the cold weather we (4 of us) imbibed in Artanehead's house listening to Floyd, Genesis, Bowie.... then headed down.
In the warmer weather, we headed to St Annes, near the entrance for the beers, sometimes a bottle of Liebfraumilch.

I drank most of a bottle of Dubonnet one time thinking it was ordinary wine. Lovely stuff!
Always had a tube of toothpaste in the army jacket for the checkpoint. We went in in pairs and met in the jacks always relieved we hadn't been stopped.
Can almost hear Zeppelin playing now.....

Posted By: Uncle Arthur
Date Posted: 12-November-2010 at 02:08

Originally posted by Brunswick Brunswick wrote:

Hiya gang, 

Then, after my folks figured out that we were drinking
down in St Annes before going in, they gave the Green
Light to drinking in the front room (we were over 18 by
now, obviously). From memory, these were the best Grove
days for me - drinking at home, playing tunes before
heading down to Sybil Hill. 

Great thread Mel. Time for a confession. I used to do dj at the oasis in ard scoil ris, which finished at 11.30 and then go straight to the grove afterwards. However I always brought a large bottle of black russian into the oasis in my record case (ingredients purchased in martins of fairview and mixed on the malahide road). Having finished the night there with Achiles Last Stand or Trampled Underfoot I would hotfoot for St. Pauls.

On sunday night I used to drink with a crowd in Coles in Fairview (now Smyths) before getting the bus up the howth road. I always prefered Sunday nights at the grove! 


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity but an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 12-November-2010 at 10:33

Originally posted by Uncle Arthur Uncle Arthur wrote:

I always prefered Sunday nights at the grove! 

Me too, although it was a bit weird with the 'extension' closed off on those nights.  I don't know how I got up for school/work on Mondays in those days.

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Sister1
Date Posted: 12-November-2010 at 18:09

Usually a few cans before heading down. Used to drink them in St. Annes or on Vernon Ave. The offie on the howth road near the beachcomer was usually good. Being reasonably tall got me served i reckon. One night in the offie, the attendant nodded and said at least he wouldn't have to ask me for id - and proceed to say he got all sorts in there, even Grove Cards as ID.....I tried not to laugh......where exactly he thought I was headed I don't know.

Once or twice we went to Harry Byrne beforehand - lucky to get served and swift 2/3 pints before 10.00 pm.....

Keep it Local, Keep it Near!

Posted By: Grovegirl
Date Posted: 12-November-2010 at 20:26

 Liebfraumilch, Roundy....memories!

Never see it on the supermarket shelf these days.I wonder is it still on sale?


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 12-November-2010 at 21:37
It is still on sale Mary.  Pick up a bottle every now and then.  Always reminds me of the Knacker drinking days and friends parties in and around Artane.

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 13-November-2010 at 00:29
I just remember it was cheap (wasn't everything then?), very sweet, and had very colourful labels.
Mateus Rosé wasn't too bad either. Oh yes, lots of thought went into pre Grove drinks..

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 13-November-2010 at 01:52
A few bottles of Carlseberg Elephant and a few Guinness at THE SHEDS and we ready for the walk back up Vernon Ave. to the Grove.


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 14-November-2010 at 10:38
Originally posted by Grovegirl Grovegirl wrote:

 Liebfraumilch, Roundy....memories!

Never see it on the supermarket shelf these days.I wonder is it still on sale?


"Germany's most exported wine, which is sweet, inexpensive, and generally looked down upon by connoisseurs. This wine's origins go back to the sixteenth or seventeenth century. The word Liebfraumilch, which means "milk of Our Lady," was originally used only for wines produced from the vineyards of the Liebfrauenkirche ("Church of Our Lady"), a church in the city of Worms in Germany's rheinhessen region."    -

Knew you were all good convent girls!

A man must have a code

Posted By: Grovegirl
Date Posted: 14-November-2010 at 13:45

 Thanks for the insight there, Finno! 


Posted By: Evangeline
Date Posted: 14-November-2010 at 16:36
I normally went with 2-3 friends. Spent about 2 hours
getting ready. Well, it takes a while to get the hair and
make-up *just* right when you're a goth. Congregated in
one or other of our houses with a few cans/nagin of vodka
smuggled into the bedroom. Then there was the 'running
the gauntlet' leaving the house and making sure the
parents didn't notice you were a) half cut, b) 'dressed
like a cheap tart'.

I remember one night in particular leaving my friend's
house, her mam decided Karen was wearing way too much
make-up and dragged her into the kitchen to administer
the facecloth before letting her go. She was highly

Ah, those were the days.

Jen /^o^\

"Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"

Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 14-November-2010 at 21:42

 What did YOU do before heading down?

Jesus am i the only one who read this thread title and nearly had a heart - attack ????????????????

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 14-November-2010 at 22:53

AH Blondie...that thought never even crossed me mind....LOL
Yah dirty minded............

I'm talking Grove circa 60's, hard enough to get a kiss...


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 14-November-2010 at 22:54
oops!...probably shouldn't have said "hard enough".....the way your mind works....


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 15-November-2010 at 10:11
Originally posted by BrendanFella BrendanFella wrote:

AH Blondie...that thought never even crossed me mind....LOL
Yah dirty minded............

I'm talking Grove circa 60's, hard enough to get a kiss...

Ah Brendan way before my time Grove in the 60's  as for me having a dirty mind innocent as the driven snow ask any of them

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 15-November-2010 at 10:53
Originally posted by Blondie Blondie wrote:

 What did YOU do before heading down?

Jesus am i the only one who read this thread title and nearly had a heart - attack ????????????????

Haha! Never thought of that either, Joan.    I can 'edit' the title if you want?

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 15-November-2010 at 11:44

Well heading to the old Grove, usually started with a hairwash and then plenty of brut aftershave or if that was gone my Dads old spice.

My  2 sisters were  going as well and My Eldest would do her nut if she found out that I intended going on a Sunday, as that was her favorite time.Of course she had a Boy friend from Clontarf and she didn't want me looking at her or meeting her at the Grove.

I remember the guys Name but I will keep Mum on his Name. I had four Girl friends during my stint at the grove.One of them I arranged to meet under Clearys Clock and she was a half an hour late.We missed the Savoy showing of One flew over the cuckoo's nest.. So we ended up looking at the Texan chainsaw massacre( how romantic can you get)

I asked her why she was so late and she said her Dad drove her in and went around a few time just to get a good look at me before he decided to allow Claire to meet me.

Ah those were the days of fun and innocence 

I wasn't drinking then so I would usually meet a few friends on the way down and be early so you had a better chance of getting in.The bouncers were more likley to let you in when you were there early.I remember before I got my card I use to borrow a friends.

The heat of the place when you arrived late But going early and  listening to the music at  it's loudest was great.

When the Grove sadly burnt down we had to endure club 74 and crap music and the fights that broke out.

Everyone seemed to be in tartan or had some piece of tartan on their clothing and the loafers were all in, even on some of the Women. In fact some of the Women in their bomber jackets were more dangerous looking than the guys.

I didn't like the music and it attracted a skin head element then thanfully Cecil came back and things were normal again.

We would have a few pints in the light House in Howth ( it was the only place you could get served ) and then head for the Pauls Grove.

Time or tide waits for no Man and I stop going when then crowd seemed to get younger looking.  

Does anybody remember a character at the Grove who was a major spurs Fan who had  bedecked himself with badges on his scarf and wolly hat,and his denim Jacket

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 16-November-2010 at 04:39
Mel was there a thread like this one before ??...Defo..must resurrect a few
old threads...HEY - who hasnt done the " Grove Time Capsule" yet..own

My better memories are of the Winter Grove Saturday nights..Setting:
cold, dark Saturday evening..guess I would have finished the ecker,
walked the dog, done the bit of baking for my Mum and then sat down for
the Saturday dinner of Roast Grief, Gravy, Cabaiste and Roast Spuds,
followed by Rhubarb Tart and Cream. YUM ( I want some NOW )...

Yep took the bath ( we had no shower ), dried and back combed the hair
and then went hunting for clothes. If I decided to do the indian skirt/dress
I was sorted..but if it was jeans etc I sometimes had to resort to
borrowing my Dads Grandfather style shirt when I was stuck - ( I must
have been )...ridiculous it was his Orchestra Shirt with a removable collar
and must have been massive on me but sure everything was oversized
then, the more you hid the better ( YES we have done a thread like this
before )...
Wud stick my head around the sitting room door, whisper to Mum about
not letting Dad know what I was wearing and could I have her purse
please for some bus fare..

I would get the 2045 ish 29A down to the shops at the Annes and get out
at the Sugarloaf where my buddy lived. Her folks owned that and they
lived over the shop..anyhow I would consult with her and we would maybe
change clothes.
I remember borrowing a pair of skin tight jeans every 2nd week round
about 4th year, she would wear them every other ( gosh we really were
badly off ) addition to pinching the Dad`s shirt for the night I would
have pinched one of his waistcoats too.
We would apply lots of black eyeliner, sneak in and nick some fags from
the shop - preferably MORE menthol and recomb the hair as it would
have died or flopped invariably with the usual wind howling about..

Back out the door an hour later and get another 29A round to Sybil Hill -
have a smoke outside and head in, head straight for the centre to hassle
the New Romantics from our year and then suss out who was down the

These were the days before we stayed on the 29A to town and headed to
the Plough and returned on the second last bus to Pauls.
Remember the speed of those buses at that hour - drivers all in a hurry to
get to the garage and go for last pints I guess.

Summer Grove Prep was a bit different - the long evening promoted the
whole head to St Annes to hang out on the mound and people watch, a
couple of tinnies on the sly etc. Didnt have to wear so many layers either
which was nice.

Only time I queued for the Grove was for New Years I think and I
defiinitely was never sober.

Bit all over the place Mel but that my bit...


Mins X

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 16-November-2010 at 10:08

Cool, Mins.   I had a vague memory alright of a similar thread (or threads) in the past but ya know how it is, pondering 'new' topics to talk about, especially for some of the newer members, who may have missed the boat first time around.  Thanks for bumping some of the older "Grove" threads too, they're always worth a return visit.

Mel. x

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 16-November-2010 at 10:21
great stories

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 16-November-2010 at 15:47

Earliest memories as a 16 year old........ only allowed go on a Sat night at first.........most of the people I knocked around with weren't from my area so meself and the John Daly fella would mosey down early enough to check out the albums,strongest memory is hearing the Bass Drum from " You're All I've got Tonight " from the Cars first album as we went into the corridor. Used bring down the odd album and remember trying for weeks on end to get Cecil to play  but he took a lot of persuading,quite rightly predicting that it wouldn't go down too well with the rockers. Eventually one saturday he relented and was proved 100% correct...........but feck the begrudgers, I loved it.

Saturday night was spent hanging around with various different groups of people,one of my favourite things about the Grove............just meeting people that you knew would be there,stopping for a chat,maybe a bit of headbanging and then moving on. Met herself one saturday night in late 1981 ( yeah, nearly 30 years ago ) and the rest is history .No drink in those days 'cos we always had a match early Sunday morning.

After leaving school and going to College,the Grove Sunday Night became a reality. Every Sunday ( in the playing season ) was spent in the same way............up early for a match,home for the dinner,down to the Park for the afternoon to hold hands,home for the ablutions about half six and then the bus into Barney's Pub on Eden Quay to hook up with the lads off the team for a few pints of Harpic before getting the bus up to Sybil Hill and the altogether different Grove experience. Less people,older crowd,more chatting than headbanging..........

In the Summer when there was no match,just stayed in the scratcher until dinner time.

Fantastic days and ones I really wish my own 17 year old could experience.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 16-November-2010 at 19:41
I had six nice shirts and four pairs of shoes that I saved mostly for the
Grove. It was vexing when our servant girl Mary did not have them shined
and ironed. Often I would tell my mother and she would make her call a
taxi for me to get there when I was running late.

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 17-November-2010 at 00:26

Originally posted by Pogue Mahoney Pogue Mahoney wrote:

I had six nice shirts and four pairs of shoes that I saved mostly for the
Grove. It was vexing when our servant girl Mary did not have them shined
and ironed. Often I would tell my mother and she would make her call a
taxi for me to get there when I was running late.

No trousers then Sean, bet you were popular with the ladies .

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 17-November-2010 at 04:40
Commando Rolo, Commando - Best way

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 17-November-2010 at 11:02

Probably just wore them really, really long Grandfather shirts...

Can picture Pogue coming along to a reunion in one of them shirts, a pair of slippers and a nightcap on his head.


TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 17-November-2010 at 11:40

Pogue'S Taxi  

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 17-November-2010 at 11:53

Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

Commando Rolo, Commando - Best way

Wouldn't know Miss Mins, but you know, I'll take your word for it.

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 07-August-2012 at 05:50
The old Threads..nothing like them for a laugh..

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 07-August-2012 at 15:30
They really are, aren't they?  Pity we dont get more new members on here to discuss their own memories.  Far more on FB that havent (or dont seemed to have) registered (or post) here.

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 08-August-2012 at 21:59
Maybe its worthwhile as Moderator that u send an email to for Pete to read out and ask all the listeners to please log into the official site and register more importantly - that raises awareness for this, the reunions and now the radio show..if there is more interest then more interest will be shown in keeping the show going on longer..also there should be a slot for some of the Grove couples..the ones that were interviewd in the paper there 2 years ago..we can think of a few..anyhow BR might already have that in the pipeline but just thought to mention it..maybe also we can dig into the archives and suggest ONE funni topic to brush on to chat about in studio - like the Grove Fashion, Grove Modes of Transport, Grove Time Capsule, Slow Sets and all the other stuff we used to laugh about that can jog the newbies memories and maybe get everyone posting here afresh and anew..just ideas but u know the harm in mentioning it here...look forward to listening in on Friday..Mins..

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 08-August-2012 at 22:13
Great ideas there Mins Thumbs Up

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 09-August-2012 at 10:33
Good ideas there Mins.  Peter might have already seen your message above but I'll PM him to announce the existence of the website, give its web address, discuss it's contents etc., on a regular basis.  Some newbies in here would be very welcome.
Edit: Message sent although Peter has mentioned that this weeks show was pre-recorded when Lesley was over from Oz so he wont be able to get the word out this Friday I presume.

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 09-August-2012 at 15:47

I need a few researchers here so.... I am up to my eyeballs with the course inpending exams and the radio show... If anyone has a bit of time to look through some of teh threads or post maybe copy the link of the page or even some of the stories put them on a Word document and email them to me ???

I will try and mention the Grove website a bit more... With just 90mins trying to chat put cd in and cue up the right song chat again and waffle LOL We do forget things...

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 09-August-2012 at 16:13
If it would make things easier I could post a weekly topic for "discussion" (taken from our large "archive" on this site) on the FB Radio Page while the show is running (referencing that further discussion can be taken up on this website after the show is over) and see if people want to throw their comments in.
e.g Show topic for discussion tonight: "What did YOU do every Saturday night before going down to the Grove?? - Any comments?"
(If you're also interested in commenting on this topic after the show has finished, a similar thread, and many more interesting Grove-related threads, may be found at" rel="nofollow - ).
Do sign up to the site and share your memories. 
How about something like that as a template each week, and I'll dig out a different thread from here for people to comment on every Friday.  Maybe it'll draw in extra members to here?
If you're happy enough with that, I'll do the honours, if you're cool with it?
Mel. Smile

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 09-August-2012 at 16:24
Yeah Mel go for it.... Thats your job.... Put it in the Grove radio page and not the Event page...

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 09-August-2012 at 16:42
No problem.  I'll maybe post something around the time the show starts to try as many as I can (i.e. everyone listening in).  On the "Grove Radio" page - no worries! Thumbs Up

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 10-August-2012 at 11:37
Great Idea Mel

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 10-August-2012 at 22:31
Seem to recall spending some Saturday nights in town Bruxelles..also the flowing tide but some of that overlapped with the Grove
Oh yeah a winebar under pizzaland on O'Connell Street called Hijax(?)

A man must have a code

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 09-September-2016 at 22:29
Pre Grove reunion drinks, if anyone is interested, on the night of 5th November, in the Waterside pub in Howth from 7pm.  Head up to the Abbey Tavern between 8.30pm - 8.45pm.  All welcome.

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 02-April-2024 at 23:16
It would have been funny to meet in Saint Anne's - and everyone had to bring their own bottle of Bulmer's.

There's a plan for the next reunion- Knacker Drinking ...We can all meet at Cecil's statue.

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