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Pogues and Dondons Jokes only

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Topic: Pogues and Dondons Jokes only
Posted By: Aries
Subject: Pogues and Dondons Jokes only
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 13:11

Now there yiz go lads.

A thread just for you and your jokes.

Everyone else ( with decent jokes,) please use other Joke thread


Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 13:13
SEE, I couldn't resist.
Had to check already.....Jazus


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 13:42

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 13:44
I'm telling me Mammy on yis

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 14:12
Thats quite funny DonDon

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 14:30

Humour in life is so important. It doesn't really matter if we all laugh at different long as we laugh. It makes you feel so good doesn't it?

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 14:44
One day Tarzan, Jane and three elephants walked into a bar.
The bartender said "What is this, some kind of joke?" __________________

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 09-March-2010 at 15:57
Why didn't the sailors play cards?
- Because the captain was sitting on the deck.

What happened when the cow jumped over a barbed wire fence?
Utter destruction!

Why can't Cindirela play baseball?
She ran away from the ball.

What does an elephant do when it breaks it's toe?
It calls a toe truck!

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 10:42

Our ice cream man was found lying on the floor of his van covered
with hundreds and thousands. Police say that he topped himself.

 A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. "My dog is cross-eyed, is
there anything you can do for him?" "Well," said the vet, "let's have
a look at him". So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then he
checks his teeth. Finally, the vet says, "I'm going to have to put
him down." "What? Because he's cross-eyed?"
"No, because he's really heavy".

Guy goes into the doctor's. "Doc, I've got a cricket ball stuck
up my backside." "...How's that?"
"Don't you start."

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 10:59


There is a danger that some of the above may qualify for the real Joke page as they are funny

Be careful.............................


Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 11:45
Three pieces of string walk into a bar. One goes to order drinks and the
barman says-"We don't serve pieces of string in here". The second one goes
to the bar to order drinks and the barman tells him-"We don't serve pieces
of string in here". The third piece of string who is dressed like a punk, in
tatters and his hair in a mess goes to the bar . The barman looks at him and
asks- "Are you a piece of string?" and the piece of string says "No-I'm a
frayed knot"

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 11:49
A horse and a dog are sitting at a bar and the horse asks for a drink. When
he goes to the toilet the dog says to the barman "That's very unusual" and
the bartender asks "What -a horse drinking Guinness?" and the dog says
"No--a talking horse"

OK--I admit it....I made that up

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 12:02
A panda walks into a bar. It asked for a burger, shoots a man at the counter, and leaves. The next day, he does the same thing.
On the 3rd day, the bartender asks the panda why he does this.
The panda says, 'Look up panda in the dictionary and youll find out why.'
So the bartender looks up panda in the dictionary, and what does it say?
Panda: Eats shoots and leaves!

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 12:16

 Paddy Grove man, Paddy English and Paddy Scotch Man are at the Grove. They are all looking at Patricia Grove Girl on the dance floor with her friends 

 Celcil starts a slow set.Paddy English Man asks her to dance She says "NO thanks"

Paddy Scotch Man then asks her to dance she says" NO thanks"

Paddy Grove Man is watching whats going on and  then goes over and says to Her "NO thanks "

Patrica Grove Girl replies  "Would you like to dance"

So they both dance together all night , get married and have 5 children and one of them is Chinese. Because 1 in 5 people in the world are chinese 


Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 13:07
Time for a drink...


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 13:20
Time to Barr a few people from this site methinks 

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 13:32
That's hilarious

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 14:08

Originally posted by DONDON DONDON wrote:

Because 1 in 5 people in the world are chinese DON DON 

Just on this, as we all know,one in five people in the world in Chinese and so it follows that in our family of five there has to be one.

There's me Da,Joe,me Mam, Mary,meself,my brother Lee Wing Han and me sister Janet.

If you were to ask me,I'd say it's Janet.

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 14:39

 Paddy Grove Man was dancing a slow set with Janet one hung low.

He said to her "Can I have the last dance with you "

 She replied " Your having it Paddy"

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 15:54

That means that there are two Chinese in our family...I think Pogue had that new eye surgery. Now let me think of which one is the other.....I vote for the eldest in the family Jimbo, cause he was the first born and then came FIVE girls before the other 5 brothers came along.

Maybe the Ma n Da thought they couldn't have kids and adopted Jimbo then they started popping them out on their own.


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 21:29
Lizzy Lee, Marie Ho, Suzy Chen, Karen Wong and Lori Chung entered a
lookalike competition...everybody won.

oldie heh

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 21:32
Why did the chicken cross the road?

Ans: to collect her old age pension

Do you get it?

Neither did the chicken because she wasn't sixty five.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 10-March-2010 at 21:47
A man wakls into a bar and says"C-c-c-can I h-h-have a P-p- p- pint of
G-g-g-g Guinness p-p-p-lease".

The bartender gives him a pint and says "H-h-here you g-g-g-go s-s-
s-s-ir a p-p-p-p-int of t-t-t-the b-b-b-est f-f-for you"

He drinks it and says-"C-c-c-can I h-h-have a-a-a nuther p-p- p-
pint of G-g-g-g Guinness p-p-p-lease".

he bartender gives him a pint and says "H-h-here you g-g-g-go s-s-s-
s-ir that w-w-w-will b-be t-t-t-two and s-s-sixpence p-p-lease"

Another man walks into the bar and says in a thick english accent-"I say
my good man! May I have one pint of Guinness when you get a chance?"

The bartender says "Why of course you may, my good chap, a pint of the
best for the gentleman coming up"

The first guy calls the bartender over and says-"H-h-h-hey Y-y-y-you!
are y-y-y-ou m-m-making fun of me?"

...and the barman says "N-n-n-n-oo, I'm m-m-m-aking f-f-fun of h-

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 03:25
Man at bus stop- "Excuse me-Does the bus from here go straight to town?"

Skinhead-"Doo Da Doo da"

Man - "Does the bus from here go straight to town?"

Skinhead-"Oh de Doo Da Day"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 10:19

 Mary had a little bear

 That was all sweet and kind

And everywhere that Mary went

You could see her bear behind.


Little Bo peep ............... did it for the Insurance

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 13:06

Jazus Mary n Joseph,
Just when we thought the jokes couldn't get any worse...

HA HA, but here I am like an eejit still reading them.



IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 14:45

A chicken walked over to a duck that was standing at the side of the road.

The Chicken said"Dont do it, pal. You'll never hear the end of it"  

Paddy Grove Man and his wife were lying in bed one night but their chances of sleep were being wrecked by their neighbours dog barking loudly in the garden.

Eventually Paddy Grove Man said" To hell with this!And he stormed off.

Five minutes later, he came back up stairs.

What did you do?" asked his wife.

Padddy said: "I've put the dog in our garden - let's see how they like it"

A man walked into a record shop and asked the assistant:" Have you anything by The DOORS?"

"Yes , she said,"a bucket and a fire extinguisher" 

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 14:57
Originally posted by DONDON DONDON wrote:

A chicken walked over to a duck that was standing at the side of the road.

The Chicken said"Dont do it, pal. You'll never hear the end of it"  

Padyy Grove Man and his wife were lying in bed one night but their chances of sleep were being wrecked by their neighbours dog barking loudly in the garden.

Eventually Paddy Grove Man said" To hell with this!And he stormed off.

Five minutes later, he came back up stairs.

What did you do?" asked his wife.

Padddy said: "I've put the dog in our garden - let's see how they like it"



TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 15:05

What was Meat Loaf's favorite musical instrument at School

The Dinner Bell 

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 15:33

 A semi professional singer went for an audition at a local Club.

 The club secretary said" I hope you're not a hypnotist.

"We don't want any more hypnotists here"

The Man said: "No I'm not, I'm a singer.But what's the problem with hypnotists?"

 The secretary said "We had one here last week.

With 12 people on stage in a trance, he tripped over the microphone stand and muttered:' sh*t' We've been clearing up ever since"

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 16:18

 David Beck was flying out to the Beijing Olympics.

A reporter asked Him whether he was taking chopsticks.

David replied :"No she's staying at home with Kids"


(Slow burner)

Brendan Fella and Pogue were at the grove  they saw no action all night,then Pogue came  back  after a slow set with two Girls.

Brendan said "There Like Buses"

Why queried Pogue" because you wait for ages and then two come along at once?"

"No, Said Brendan. "They are like buses

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 16:55

A lion was becoming rather old and slo and was having trouble catching prey. He decided he needed a disguise so thatother animals would not know he was a lion and would therefore not run away.

So he went into a fancy dress shop and bought a gorilla suit.He then headed for a watering hole to see if he could catch something with his cunning diguise.

On the way he came across two eagles sitting on a rock.

One eagle said "Hi Mr Lion"

 The other said "where did you get that gorilla suit"

The Lion was devastated. "How did you know I was a Lion?" he asked


The  eagles then  started to sing" you can't hide your Lion eyes..." 

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 17:33

why did audiences sream so loudly at the beatles concerts?


It was the shock of seeing four scousers working.


There's one thing I really hate about my New Thai bride------

She keeps leaving the Toilet seat up.

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 11-March-2010 at 20:59

Man, I can't believe I'm actually laughing out loud at this stuff.

Gerry, do you have a real job, cause if you do I'd like a job there. And don't come back n tell me you're a "jokewriter"...LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 09:31

Nope Brendan, not a joke writer.I am enjoying the site for the memories and the craic...........hush   Jasus! here come the nurse

I will be back shortly .I hope

Don Don

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 10:02

 A Man went to a store to buy a chimney.

"How much is this one?"he asked.

The sales assistant replied.

"Oh. it's on the House"

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 10:08
i am   starting to like this thread,,god i need to get out more often

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 10:30

A women went into a butcher's shop and said"I'd like an oxtail please.

The butcher said: " Certainly,madam.

Once upon a time there was an ox......"


A man walked past the refigerator and heard two onions sing a

BEE GEEs song.


When he opened the fridge  door, it was just chives talking.



Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 12:30

Originally posted by joey the lips joey the lips wrote:

i am   starting to like this thread,,god i need to get out more often

I know how you feel  I like all these Jokes

Kay Fagan

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 13:13

Oh God !!

What have I started......


Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 14:12

A woman said to her friend:"Whenever I'm down in the dumps I buy myself a new dress.

"Really?" said her friend.I've allways wondered where you got them.

Two Farmers  were standing in a field.One said:"Have you seen my flock of cows?"

The other corrected him:"Herd of Cows".

" Course I've herd of Cows.I have a whole flock of them!"


A little boy greeted his Grandma with a hug and said:  "I'm so happy to see you, Grandma.Now  maybe Daddy will do the trick he has been promising us"

"What's tricks that? " She asked"

"Well" said the little boy excitedly, I heard Daddy tell Mammy that he would climb the walls if you came to visit 

A girl told her boyfriend: "You will have to make sacrifices in a relationship"

So he went out and slaughtered a Goat

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 14:45

 This is an olde

A deer was trying to cross a busy road but the traffic was very heavy.After he had been trying unsuccesfully for five minutes, a bear walked pass and said:"Excuse me, there's a Zebra crossing a bit further along the road."

The deer replied: "Well I hope he's having better luck than I am."

A man phoned a budget airline to book a flight.The operator asked: "How many people will be travelling with you?"

"How should I know?" said the Man... "It's your plane"

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 16:55

A man was reported to the animal welfare authorities for feeding Viagra to his pet Labrador.

The Man is now banned from keeping pets.

And the Labrador is now a pointer.


A Man rang up an incontinence helpline and told the advisor

" Before I go into the details, is all the information I give you confidential"

"Of course," said the advisor.  "Now where are you ringing from?"

 " The Waist down

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 19:35
HEY... your friend just called you an ass?

Heee Hawww Heeee Haaaalways calls me that.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 12-March-2010 at 19:40

Two elephants and a cymbal fall off a cliff

BOOM BOOM ...tsssssh!

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 15-March-2010 at 13:12

Driving along a remote country road a driver saw a sign that said. 

"Watch  For  Falling Rocks"

A few miles later he spotted some small rocks by the side of the road and picked a few up and put them in his car.

When he reached the next town, he took them to the highway maintenace office.

Placing them on the counter, he said to the official

"Here are your falling rocks.Now where's  my watch?"     


Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 16-March-2010 at 03:12
A fellow goes to a massage parlour and asks for the works. A slim
blonde woman with big breasts works on his back and shoulders for a
while before telling him to turn over. When he turns over she can see he
is more than a bit excited and asks him if he'd like a wank. The man is
surprised at her forwardness but takes her up on her offer. "I sure would
" he said. She gives him a wink and says-"OK--I'll be back in a few
minutes". He lies on the table wondering what she has in mind. He never
dreamed something as good as this would happen to him at the local
massage parlour. His mind wanders to all types of exotic fantasies . After
about five minutes he begins to think she is taking too long to come
back. Ten minutes pass and he is going crazy. Fifteen minutes, he's
about to go insane when suddenly he hears the door opening . The
blonde woman sticks her head in and whispers --"Did you have it yet?"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 16-March-2010 at 16:15

 A tramp said to a Businessman in the street."Mister, I haven't tasted food for a week."

"Dont worry said the businessman."It  still taste the same "


A guy walked into a bar and saw Van Gogh sitting ona stool.

"Hi,Vince he said." Can I get you a drink?"

"No your'e okay" said Van Gogh I got one 'ere"  


A bank robber walked over to a hostage and said:"Did you see my Face "

"Yes said the hostage .

And the robber shot him dead.

Then he turned to the next man and asked "Did you see my face ?"

"No he said. But My Wife did "


A husband  wanted his eighty three year old wife dead and asked a hitman how he would do it.

"I would shoot off her left nipple " said the hitman.

The husband threw up his hands in horror, exclaiming: I want her dead - not kneecapped.


Did you hear about the blonde  who thought  the world's most prolific inventor was an Irishman named Pat Pending


Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 17-March-2010 at 19:36
Two Irishmen leave a bar...

No... Hold on, that can't be right

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 17-March-2010 at 19:40
Whats green, four miles long and has an IQ of 127?

The Saint Paddys Day parade

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 18-March-2010 at 10:12
My Uncle had his tongue shot off during the Vietnam War, but he doesn't talk about it

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 19-March-2010 at 03:52
Two babies in a cot. One asks the other -"Are you a boy or a girl". The baby
peeks under the blanket and says-"I'm a boy". The first asks- "How do you
know" and the other says -"I'm wearing blue booties"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 19-March-2010 at 09:03





Worn by foxes to avoid leaving fingerprints when killing chickens

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 19-March-2010 at 10:45
Two farmers are passing a field when one says-"I made love for the very
first time in the corner of that field".

"In the field?" the other asked-" ...right in front of the farmhouse?"

"Yes, I was in that corner and her mother was standing right over there"
pointing to the other corner-

" You were making love with her mother standing a only few yards away?"
He asked-"What did her mother say?"

"Maaaaa-aa!" says the other farmer

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 19-March-2010 at 15:27

When your travelling between Russia and Alaska, you must first get your Bering straight.

This one's for Brenan Fella


the first day at the nudist colony is allways the hardest.


If you water the lawn with beer the grass will come up half cut.





Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 19-March-2010 at 17:43
Did you hear about the budgie that ate a plank?

wooden budge

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 24-March-2010 at 17:29






Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 25-March-2010 at 08:58
Jeez ,if ya keep going Dondon with these jokes ,you might be allowed back into the joke section

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 25-March-2010 at 12:14

God summoned Jesus for a paternal chat"Have you found any work yet, my Son" he asked.

"Yes" replied Jesus."I've been offered two jobs- one as a Carpenter on Mars at €25.00 a year and one on Earth at €30.000 a year "

"So which one will you choose"? said God

"I think I will take the the job on Mars" replied Jesus.

God was mystified."But you have been offered €30,000 on Earth and only €25,00 on Mars".

"Yes said Jesus," but last time I was Earth I was hammered with Tax

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 25-March-2010 at 13:10
Straight to hell with you dondon....


Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 25-March-2010 at 14:31

 Man walked into a bar with a Banana on his head.As he served him, the barman said."look, I don't know if you realise this, but you have a banana on your head.

"That's okay, " said the Man. "I allways wear a banana on my head on Tuesdays."

"But today is Wednesday" said the Barman.

"It's not, is it? groaned the Man." Oh no! I must look a complete Idiot   


Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 25-March-2010 at 17:25

Not the only feckin' idiot around here....

Jaz, you arseholes make my day


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 26-March-2010 at 08:43

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 26-March-2010 at 08:48

 Two older Men were sitting down to breakfast. One said to the other:"Do you know you've got a suppository in your ear?"

"Really" said his friend, removing the suppository.

"I'm  so glad you pointed that out".Now I think I remember where I put my hearing aid "

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 26-March-2010 at 09:01



Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 26-March-2010 at 09:07
You just gotta laugh

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 26-March-2010 at 10:21

Last week I saw a Man playing"Dancing Queen" on the Didgeridoo.

I though. "That's aboriginal"

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 27-March-2010 at 02:20
A man goes to the doctor with spongecake coming out of one ear and
jelly and custard coming out of the other"
And the doctor says- "You are a trifle deaf"

A man goes into a French restaurant and asks the waiter-"Do you have
frog's legs" and the waiter says-"Yes" and the man says-"Hop over there
and get me a beer"

Get me some turtle soup and make it snappy

A man in a french restaurant asks his friend-"What's soup du jour?" and
his friend answers-"It's mushroom, I had it yesterday."

A man walks into a restaurant and orders an egg sandwich and a chicken
sandwich to see which will come first.

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 28-March-2010 at 04:07

Q. How do you put a giraffe into the fridge?  
A. Open the fridge, put it in, and close the door.

Q. How do you put an elephant in the fridge?  
A. You open the door take out the giraffe, put the elephant in, and close the door.

Noah invited all the animals to a meeting on how to cross the alligator infested waters. 
Q. How did they do it?  
A. They walked across.  The alligators were at the meeting.

Q. Who wasn't at the meeting?  
A. The elephant, he was in the fridge.

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 28-March-2010 at 04:58
A guy is crazy about a girl in his office but she will have nothing to do
with him. He knew Elvis was coming to town and that she was his number
one fan, so he asked her if she'd like o go to see Elvis with him. He told
her that Elvis was a personal friend from his school days and that he
always went for a few drinks with him and the band after the show, He
said Elvis had personally given him the center seats third row. She didn't
believe a word of it, but just in case, she took him up on his offer.
When they went to the concert, right enough he had the best seats in the
house and she was impressed. While the band was warming up on stage
he said he wanted to go say hi to Elvis and he would be back in a minute.
He snook out a side door and along the corridor to Elvis' dressing room
but the bodyguards caught him and beat the hell out of him and kicked
him out of the theatre. While he was bleeding in the alley he saw a second
floor window open and he climbed up the drainpipe. When he got inside
the bodyguards caught him again and were giving him a terrible beating
when Elvis peeked out of his dressing room to see what all the
commotion was and saw Jimmy bleeding all over the shop. Elvis jumped
on him and started giving him karate chops and kicks but the poor fellow
pleaded with him to stop--"Elvis!- he cried , please don't kill me ...I am in
love with this girl and...." he went on and told Elvis the whole story about
how he is in love with the office girl and he told her that he was a
personal friend, and If only Elvis would just give him a nod, the girl might
fall in love with him and.. "- Elvis explained that he could not just give
any Tom, Dick or Harry a nod from the stage or everyone fan wold expect
one, but when he saw that Jimmy was so upset he said he would make an
exception. He promised he would say "Hi Jimmy" from the stage, and
hopefully he would have luck with the girl.

Jimmy thanked Elvis and returned to his seat bruised and covered in
blood. The girl asked what had happened and he said that while he was
teaching Elvis a few moves in karate he jumped a bit too high, went over
the bannisters and fell down the stairs.
As she was about to question him the music started and the lights came
on. The band started up with the intro to "My Way"'and "ladies and
gentlemen i present to you the king of Rock and Roll!" ...Elvis appeared
out of he spotlight. He picked up his guitar and walked to the front of the
stage, nodded to the the third row center and said "Hiya Jimmy,,rilly nice
to see ya here" and Jimmy nodded back and said said "Ah-would you ever
go and f**k off Elvis, I'm with my girlfriend"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 29-March-2010 at 13:24

 Man went into a barber's. The barber said  shall I cut your hair around the back,Sir"

The Man said:"What's wrong with doing it in the shop.





Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 31-March-2010 at 22:50
Dear Administrator:

Can DonDon have a joke thread all to himself please

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 01:58
good bye all
Don don

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 03:45
Dondon is leaving the building site one day with a wheelbarrow full of sand.
The foreman stops him and sifts through the sand, thinking he is stealing
something, but the forerman finds only sand in the wheelbarrow. The next
day he catches Dondon leaving with a wheelbarrow full of bricks, he
searches through the bricks but finds nothing. The next day it was a
wheelbarrow full of newspapers...and this went on every day. Finally after
years Dondon retired and at his going away party the foreman asked him
what was going on. He said "I know you were stealing something all of
those years Dondon" and Dondon says-"OK I admit it, I was stealing

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 13:21

Originally posted by Pogue Mahoney Pogue Mahoney wrote:

Dear Administrator:
Can DonDon have a joke thread all to himself please

Jazus, Of all the nerve......


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: whippersnapper
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 20:49
Originally posted by BrendanFella BrendanFella wrote:

Originally posted by Pogue Mahoney Pogue Mahoney wrote:

Dear Administrator:
Can DonDon have a joke thread all to himself please

Jazus, Of all the nerve......

Yeah, I reckon Pogue was worried about Dondon bringing the quality up on this thread

I'm searching for that cash I should have saved for the crash

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 23:52
Be careful now...Hal Roach is in heaven and can hear you guys.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 23:54
Originally posted by DONDON DONDON wrote:

good bye allDon don

Poor old Dondon..His jokes were bad but not that bad that he had to go
hang himself.

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 06-April-2010 at 13:10

I see he hasn't been around.

Hope he didn't take it seriously ?????


Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 06-April-2010 at 13:18

Jeez, where are the two of them?
They get their own thread and now.......

I don't think either one of them take anything serious. They sure don't take the meaning of the word "JOKE" serious...LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 06-April-2010 at 13:52
Thats true..but you'd hate them to be sulkin'


Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-April-2010 at 10:39







Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 12-April-2010 at 11:10
Ah! DONDON your back


Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-April-2010 at 11:14

Hi All,

 I was away on a small holiday.  



Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-April-2010 at 11:35






Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 12-April-2010 at 11:46
Originally posted by DONDON DONDON wrote:

Hi All,

 I was away on a small holiday.  



 I believe Portrane is nice at this time of year ,,welcome back man

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 12-April-2010 at 12:13

It's good to be back on track...........I mean on line  

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 13-April-2010 at 10:34

 A Farmer's young Son ran into the house and said"Mommy Mommy .the bull is shagging the cow!

"Timmy, please!" cried his mother, agast."Dont use language like that.You must be polite.You have to say the Bull is 'surprising the cow'."

Twenty minutes later, the boy ran in again."Mommy Mommy.the Bull is surprising all the Cows!"

"He can't be surprising all the cows,Timmy

"He is. He's shagging the Horse!"  




Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 16-April-2010 at 15:51

Why did the Chicken lay her egg on an axe

 She wanted to hachet.


How can you drop an egg six feet without breaking it?

 By dropping it seven feet---- it won't break for the first six feet

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 16-April-2010 at 17:59
Jeez oh man......Don't you have another vacation coming up?...LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 17-April-2010 at 04:56
A kid walks up to his friend and says -"Guess what I have behind my
back-It begins with the letter "N" and the other kid answers "Is it a


"Is it a napple?"


"Is it a nelephant?"

"NO-FFS it's not"

"OK- I give up, what it it?"

"It's a nunion"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 17-April-2010 at 16:46
your the best pogue  the best
don don

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 17-April-2010 at 18:39
And here we have DONDON actually complimenting his newfound long lost brother....LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 18-April-2010 at 22:15
Another brother ?????????????? How many of you are there ?


Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 19-April-2010 at 02:03
Brendan is the only illegitimate child in the family

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 19-April-2010 at 12:36

Why does the french flag have Velcro.

So the blue and red sections  can be easily  removed in times of War....


What's the Capital of Iceland ?????


About €6.50





Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 19-April-2010 at 14:48

Two Eskimos, sitting in a kayak, were very chilly. To keep warm, they lit a fire in the craft, but it sank.

They should have known. You can't have your kayak and heat it too.

A group of chess enthusiasts had checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories.

 Soon the manager came out and asked them to disperse. "But why," one asked.

"Because," he said, "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer."


  • Ask me if I have a banana in my ear.
  • Do you have a banana in your ear?
  • I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear.


  • How much does it cost for a pirate to get his ears pierced?
  • A buck an ear.


  • What do you call cheese that isn't yours?
  • Nacho cheese.

  • What do you call a blind dinosaur?
  • An Idontthinkhesaurus.

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 20-April-2010 at 04:25
2 muffins in an oven.

They're both getting baked.

And one of them says " It's very hot in here!"

And the other muffin replies "Yikes, a talking muffin!"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 20-April-2010 at 14:27
A tourist rents a camel from an old Bedouin, who tells him, 
  "It's a very capricious animal, sometimes it stops and won't continue."
  "What do I do then?"
  "You take these two bricks I give you, and when it stops, you get
down, walk behind it, and (*smash*) crush its balls between the bricks!"
  "God, it must hurt terribly!"
  "No, look, if you hold them this way, with your thumbs on the upper
side, it doesn't hurt at all."

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 20-April-2010 at 14:39

Originally posted by verh verh wrote:

Another brother ?????????????? How many of you are there ?

There are only TEN of us.....5 boys, 5 girls.

But the poor older brother was born first and then 5 girls so he never had a brother to play with.

He's a bitter ole' geezer to this day...LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

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