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Printed From: The Grove Social Club
Category: Non Grove Related Stuff
Forum Name: Off Topic Forum
Forum Description: Discuss Anything off topic here - upcoming events etc.
Printed Date: 09-March-2025 at 23:34
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Posted By: BrendanFella
Subject: GENERAL CHAT and BS
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 01:10

OK Folks, Just noticed there is no "chat topic" for those with less than 200 posts. I understand that we can be more personal in the private room but let's have a chat for everybody where we can just BS etc.

So please everyone, let's keep the "personal", "Political" and the "High risk Debate" in the PRIVATE ROOM and just have fun here.

This is just for fun chat and BS where nobody is left out. So no serious stuff here. Let's keep this Topic Light-Hearted and FUN.


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 01:14

Ok your on! lol.


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 01:17

Weather forecast for Cleveland tonite...

SNOW WATCH, high winds and snow squalls....poor visibility for am traffic rush hr. Jaz, a little early for this. As the old song says "We gotta get outta this place"

Cleveland Browns Monday nite football game in Buffalo, NY...forecast-10"-14' of snow. Sure will be interesting to watch on TV, if we can see the ball...LOL. I was at one of these games in Cleve Stadium and folks at home watching TV couldn't see crap cause of the snow. 

To the powers that be....Is there a way of activating the "add photo" icon here without having to go onto the web. (The up arrow)


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 09:09
A chatroom out here in the weally weally wide wide world of the Grove has been tried before and failed and got too confusing, and everyone just posted in the other one...  

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 17:26
How about we make it a room for new people to post and introduce themselves. They can give as much or as little information as they want.

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 17:28

Right then

"Hello, how are ya, what's your name"

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 17:37
Hi name is Bluebell and I'm a recovering Grove Head. 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: ShortHairHippie
Date Posted: 17-November-2008 at 17:41
hi everyone,I'm SHH,and I suffer from Grove withdrawl,and air guitar-itus,with symptoms of a sore neck       

upon us all,a little rain must fall

Posted By: DAYO
Date Posted: 18-November-2008 at 13:23
What the hell has ya here anyway


Grov'in 70 - 76

Posted By: Evangeline
Date Posted: 18-November-2008 at 18:51

My name is Jen and I'm an alcoholic.

Oh wait.....this isn't AA? Feck!



"Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 18-November-2008 at 19:02
My name is Teresa and I'm the only sane one out here

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 18-November-2008 at 20:44
My name is Mary and I am a hell of a lot saner than Teresa


Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 18-November-2008 at 21:08

Im Sharon and those other two are not sane atall unlike me im the sane

New ppl who havent posted come and join in you never know you may just become an

Or even enjoy the fun!!




All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 00:24

Originally posted by Black Russian Black Russian wrote:

A chatroom out here in the weally weally wide wide world of the Grove has been tried before and failed and got too confusing, and everyone just posted in the other one...  

Ok, I'm soooo confused. I try to be Mr. Fecking Nice Guy cause I remember not being able to get into the chat. So I thought  (There I go thinking again, Jaz) I'd give the under 200 a chances to chat. I thought the original just got too controversial and was moved.

Anyway I forgot about all the bleedin' insane women on the forum as is evident above. Now who in their right mind is going to come in here and chat w people who obviously need some psyc treatment. Jeez, At least us from the 60's have an excuse. (AA is no excuse)

Anyways, If the newer members are not gonna chat and give us some info feck 'em. Every post here is from a "Veteran Gobsh*te" ('cept U BR)...LOL

So no more MR. NICE GUY...If no posts from new members I'll just delete it. We can go back to the private room and insult each other.  I was just tryin' to soften em up....LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 00:28

Oh, While I'm in here...exciting news....

I go for a colonoscopy Fri morning...I think they are checking my BRAIN function.....Then if I can just stay outta jail for a few days....LOL

I'll try to get a copy of the video for you all.


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 00:43
Hi, I`m Mins.

" Do u come here often ? "   

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 00:44
Thanks for that Brendan, I've lost my address to get a copy of that video


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 02:23

Originally posted by irish_mammy irish_mammy wrote:

Thanks for that Brendan, I've lost my address to get a copy of that video

Ah sure not to worry mammy...I'm sure some nice person on here will give me ur address......LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 09:05
Originally posted by BrendanFella BrendanFella wrote:

Originally posted by Black Russian Black Russian wrote:

A chatroom out here in the weally weally wide wide world of the Grove has been tried before and failed and got too confusing, and everyone just posted in the other one...  

Ok, I'm soooo confused. I try to be Mr. Fecking Nice Guy cause I remember not being able to get into the chat. So I thought  (There I go thinking again, Jaz) I'd give the under 200 a chances to chat. I thought the original just got too controversial and was moved.

Anyway I forgot about all the bleedin' insane women on the forum as is evident above. Now who in their right mind is going to come in here and chat w people who obviously need some psyc treatment. Jeez, At least us from the 60's have an excuse. (AA is no excuse)

Anyways, If the newer members are not gonna chat and give us some info feck 'em. Every post here is from a "Veteran Gobsh*te" ('cept U BR)...LOL

So no more MR. NICE GUY...If no posts from new members I'll just delete it. We can go back to the private room and insult each other.  I was just tryin' to soften em up....LOL

Bren, I gave up been Mr Nice Guy in here, now I am just Mr Cheeky

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Sinead
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 18:45
Woooah! Calm yerself down Bren, inner peace and all that eh!  Hi I'm Sinead - and entering the life of parenthood of a teenager (WHY ME!)  and yes I have already apologised to my parents several times  for EVERYTHING I have ever done.

Life may suck at times but you still have to get out of bed and get on with it!

Posted By: Evangeline
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 19:36

My sympathies've got years of fun ahead of you.

Thing is, you can get lucky and get a teenager who's all nice and sensible (like mine). Very hard to have fun with though, especially if he/she closes up like a clam. It's very hard to keep the lines of communication open. It's funny sometimes though, when we've been out and Andrew's babysitting and we stumble in half-toasted and he's sitting there with a disapproving look on his face, it's hard to remember who the teenager really is!


"Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 19:40
Hey, I'm Mel and I have no life.....


TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 20:00
Originally posted by BrendanFella BrendanFella wrote:

Oh, While I'm in
here...exciting news....

I go for a colonoscopy Fri morning...

I think in your case a colonoscopy would entail a full body scan?

Not calling you an asssh....tishoo! or anything


Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 22:25

Hey, who let Pogue in here?...crap, it was me.

Pogue, I thought you was dead. It's been so long....As for Friday...I told the Doc I was from a whole family of A-Holes and next thing I know.........Now I see the reason for 200 posts. Ah well, I'm sure we can still figure a way to keep him out. Actually for Pogue that was pretty tame and even nice of him.

Sinead, Did you say ONE teenager? Jaz, I had 3. It's sooooo much fun. Never know when the cops are comin-a-knockin'...LOL Lots of fun, Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Scouts, Jeez yeah, you gonna have lots of time to sit around...Hee-Hee

I miss those years so much now that they are all moved out.



IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 23:29
Jesus H... Were there any hills back when you were born?..or dirt?

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 19-November-2008 at 23:32
Originally posted by BrendanFella BrendanFella wrote:

....As for Friday...I told the Doc I was from a whole
family of A-Holes and next thing I know.........

A family of A-holes would be a hole family...not a "whole" fam...

Posted By: Sinead
Date Posted: 20-November-2008 at 14:38
Yes Bren, I have only one, but there are two others to follow in her footsteps and they are getting good practice in already.LOL!  The 6 year old give out to me like no other human has ever before, and, of course, she is always right! And the 11 year old is just biding his time and slipping under the radar - he gets away with murder hee hee!

Life may suck at times but you still have to get out of bed and get on with it!

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 20-November-2008 at 16:42


Exactly the same here - I sometimes feel like a naughty child with the way my two look at me.    Of course I do go out of my way to embarrass them as much as possible - like singing along with the muzac in the supermarket or talking to complete strangers when I am in a queue - Oooooh the satisfaction of it.


Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 21-November-2008 at 02:02

I would like to comment on the above posts....I'm drinkin that gallon of stuff to prepare for my test tomorrow.....hold on......1st off, i'd like to say that Sinead.....hold on again, I was sayin' Sinead it is really great........Oh Oh, BRB.......

Where was I, oh yeah, crap hold on again BRB......Maryi, I think.....Oh Jaz, be back........About embarrassing our teens.....Gotta go again, be back.........It's so much.....Oh sh*te, not so soon...

Feck it, I give up.


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 21-November-2008 at 02:10
You are either in a very bad state or a very slow typist

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 21-November-2008 at 11:20
Originally posted by BrendanFella BrendanFella wrote:

I would like to comment on the above posts....I'm drinkin that gallon of stuff to prepare for my test tomorrow.....hold on......1st off, i'd like to say that Sinead.....hold on again, I was sayin' Sinead it is really great........Oh Oh, BRB.......

Where was I, oh yeah, crap hold on again BRB......Maryi, I think.....Oh Jaz, be back........About embarrassing our teens.....Gotta go again, be back.........It's so much.....Oh sh*te, not so soon...

Feck it, I give up.

Jasus Bren always knew you were full of sh*t....lmfto

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 21-November-2008 at 13:14

Bren as they say better out than in    Seriously - the very best of luck with the test (can't spell colonoscopy!!!)  - some guy put his test on the internet - Bren in case they don't give you a video of yours --------- -

Sorry just could not resist.


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 21-November-2008 at 14:00

That's gross! who is that doctor and what's the diet! LOL

Like to know what that water is!! Sounds like it does the trick for a healthy constitution alright...

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 21-November-2008 at 16:29

Maryi, thanks for that video...Now we know what ppl with too much time on their hands do, surf the net. Jeez, My colon didn't look anything like that. Maybe cause I use it for thinking, huh?

See, I knew if we had something interesting to talk about people would come....LOL

Sharon, me "Full of shiite"...NOT any more...hee-hee

OK, back to teenagers....I must say that I wouldn't be who I am today without the kids. They helped me become addicted to drugs n alcohol. Really though, great fun I must say, never a boring moment. And I got to see more of the USA when my one son played College Football. His last year in college we decided to NOT MISS one game. So we went to places like Nashville, St. Louis, Chicago and more. Funny thing is that the games were always on a Saturday and we would fly in for the weekend....My wife ALWAYS found a casino no matter what city we were in...LOL (The son travelled w the team)


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-November-2008 at 17:00

Hi I'm Carol and I'm an alcoholic (well I would be if I had the time!!).

I am still recovering from teenagers Sinead...two of them - the angel and the devil...wouldn't be doing that again in a hurry! The Devil now has her own child so that'll teach her!!

Posted By: Sinead
Date Posted: 25-November-2008 at 10:36


I am still recovering from teenagers Sinead...two of them - the angel and the devil...wouldn't be doing that again in a hurry! The Devil now has her own child so that'll teach her!!

Ha ha ha revenge is sweet after all!  On the note of embarrassing the kids, I did a programme for RTE radio, The Big Knicker Challenge.  Saoirse's (the eldest) teacher had it on the radio in school every day when it was on and ALL her classmates heard it.  Needless to say I was a huge embarrassment to her, yet also "a cool mam" according to some of her mates for doing it!  I told her it was a way for paying her back for the Labour I had on her ha ha ha!

Life may suck at times but you still have to get out of bed and get on with it!

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 05-February-2011 at 13:47
Tesco conned into funding festival

Tesco's unstoppable march towards world domination has been well documented in recent months and years. The supermarket chain long since left behind simple groceries to embrace every commercial sector possible and has even moved into music, inking an exclusive deal to sell Nadine Coyle's disastrous debut album.

But no one had expected them to start putting on festivals. Which is what the company have inadvertently done, after it was revealed in a court case that the 4,000 capacity Hertfordshire event Standon Calling had been bankrolled in a con masterminded by one of their employees, Alexander Trenchard.

The eldest son of Viscount Trenchard has been sent to prison for 30 months after admitting theft and fraud by false representation at Aylesbury Crown Court. He was found guilty of using his Tesco company credit card to swindle the firm out of £355,000, which he used to cover debts.

Trenchard, a former Page Boy to the Queen, founded the festival in the family seat of Standon Lordship near Ware ten years ago. From humble beginnings as a glorified BBQ in the grounds of a 16th-Century manor house, the event has developed a reputation as the "best kept secret in the UK festival calendar".

However, Trenchard is said to have become "obsessed" with the project, which has featured performances from the likes of Florence & The Machine, Glasvegas, British Sea Power and The Magic Numbers in previous years. When the 2007 bash lost money, he illegally obtained £196,000 from Tesco, where he was Corporate Affairs Manager.

Kevin West, prosecuting, outlined how Trenchard had used "cut and paste" techniques to increase the limit on his card from £6,000 to £40,000. The total loss to the company was finally uncovered by an audit in 2010 after hitting £355,000, which his parents have since paid back.

In his defence, Patrick Gibbs said the festival chief had committed a "serious breach of trust" which had left his client "thoroughly ashamed". After his release from prison he will have to pay back the money to his parents. He will one day succeed father Hugh Trenchard as the 4th Viscount Trenchard.

Judge Tyrer, sentencing, told the court: "I accept this became an obsession, rather like gambling, but the fact is it went on for a significant amount of time." Upon his arrest, Trenchard made a full confession to police and the organisers behind the bash insist the court case does not signal the end of the event.

"I know that Alex very much regrets his actions and feels great remorse for the distress he has caused," said Graham MacVoy, Festival Director for Standon Calling 2011. "But the festival is about more than just one person. Standon Calling 2010 was a resounding success and we are building on that."

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 06-February-2011 at 11:21

William Shatner is recording a heavy metal album.

The veteran Star Trek star has lined up a glittering selection of rockers to join him on what is thought to be a record of cover versions.

Reportedly confirmed for appearances on the album are Peter Frampton, Mike Inez of Alice in Chains, Steve Howe of Yes, Ian Paice from Deep Purple, Queen's Brian May and funk legend Bootsy Collins.

Somewhat unsurprisingly, the album is to have a 'flying in space' theme.

Among the covers planned are Foo Fighters' 'Learn To Fly' and Black Sabbath's 'Iron Man'.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 06-February-2011 at 14:47
William Shatner??  Thats out of this world  (sorry couldn't resist it)


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 07-February-2011 at 10:40

Originally posted by irish_mammy irish_mammy wrote:

William Shatner??  Thats out of this world  (sorry couldn't resist it)

I think Shatner is trying to Klingon to a bit of fame

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 07-February-2011 at 14:59
Actor Martin Freeman was flattered to learn Peter Jackson delayed filming of The Hobbit to accommodate the star's busy schedule - because he was "sad" at the prospect of missing out on the lead role.

The star was forced to turn down the part of Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming Middle Earth epic due to commitments on BBC series Sherlock, in which he plays sleuth Sherlock Holmes' sidekick Dr Watson.

However, executives at New Line and MGM studios were so determined to recruit Freeman they proposed a new timeline which would allow the Love Actually star to be in New Zealand for the shoot.

Freeman jumped at the chance to accept the role - and he's grateful to director Jackson for allowing him to be a part of the movie.

He tells Total Film, "I had to turn it down because of being contractually obliged to do the second series of Sherlock for the BBC, which we are doing in the middle of this year.

"When I found out I couldn't do both it was very sad. And then it was very flattering when Peter Jackson rearranged the filming around my availability."

Production on the highly-anticipated Lord Of The Rings prequel was originally scheduled to begin this month but has been postponed for a short while after Jackson underwent surgery to treat a perforated ulcer.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 07-February-2011 at 15:11
Laughter is contagious. -

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 08-February-2011 at 12:52
Here's a lesson for our government

in how to haggle. -

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 09-February-2011 at 10:53
Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher

If there were any actress in the world we would pick to play former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher - master of transformation and Hollywood's finest Meryl Streep would definitely be the one. Although perhaps it wouldn't immediately spring to mind.

The twice Oscar winning-actress, and one of the most successful in Hollywood of all time, has begun portraying Baroness Thatcher at the end of last month in the film, The Iron Lady, and from the picture of her in costume we almost thought it was Lady Thatcher herself.

The film is set during the leadership of Maggie Thatcher in 1982 and will chronicle the 17 days of the former PM's life building up to the Falklands War. It's being directed by British director Phyllida Lloyd and loveable British actor Jim Broadbent will play Lady Thatcher's husband Dennis.

In a statement, a delighted Streep said:

"The prospect of exploring the swathe cut through history by this remarkable woman is a daunting and exciting challenge. I am trying to approach the role with as much zeal, fervour and attention to detail as the real Lady Thatcher possesses. I can only hope my stamina will begin to approach her own."

The 61-year-old Mamma Mia star recently impressed audiences with her accurate impersonation of Julia Child in Julie & Julia back in 2009.

And if anyone has the zeal, stamina and fervour, it's Meryl…

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 09-February-2011 at 11:24

Pity this film doesn't cover the period of the Hunger Strikes.

Would be interesting to see how her unflinching attitude would be portrayed thirty years later.

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 09-February-2011 at 12:51
Spiderman Musical Turns Off The Critics

The Broadway musical of Spiderman has been panned by critics in New York after its preview shows were dogged by problems.

Spiderman: Turn Off The Dark all looked good on paper - with music by U2's Bono and The Edge and director Julie Taymor, who was responsible for the hugely enjoyable stage version of Disney's The Lion King.

But the much anticipated show, which cost more than £40m to staged, has left critics climbing the walls.

The production has been plagued by broken limbs and technical mishaps.

Its official opening has been delayed several times but critics have been sneeking in to watch the musical during previews.

The Washington Post branded the show a "stinker" and the Hollywood Reporter said it was a "web-slinging folly".

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 09-February-2011 at 19:32
Originally posted by monarch monarch wrote:

Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatche

A bit of a stretch I would say...but considering I was madly in love with
Meryl ( like for almost 2 seconds) I have to admit there is a scary


Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 10-February-2011 at 13:27

Goodbye Guitar Hero...

Activision has axed ‘Guitar Hero’ - the franchise that kickstarted the whole music revolution on home consoles. What's going on?

It’s all down to money, of course. Without putting too fine a point on it, 'Guitar Hero', and music games in general, are not generating enough of it – the recent Guitar Hero ‘Warriors of Rock’ enjoying particularly dismal sales. Activision will now disband its 'Guitar Hero' business and is already in the process of making layoffs at the developers concerned. 'DJ Hero' is affected too, and it’s unlikely that we’ll see a sequel any time soon.

Open-world action game ‘True Crime: Hong Kong’ is also getting the kiss-off, albeit for a slightly different reason. According to Activision CEO, Eric Hirshberg “it just wasn’t going to be good enough” and wouldn't be able to hold its own in a competitive marketplace. Well, fair enough, eh?

The same can certainly be said for the 'Tony Hawk' franchise, which has singularly failed to seize the highground from EA’s ‘Skate’ series over the last couple of years. The Birdman gets a stay of execution rather than the bum’s rush, though – Activision’s Thomas Tippl confirms that there will no new Tony Hawk games in 2011. That’s no great loss, in our opinion.

So what’s left for Activision now they’ve trimmed the portfolio? Plenty, no doubt, however the main focus going forward will be on “creating the world’s best interactive entertainment experiences” and the company's three biggest properties – namely ‘StarCraft’, ‘World of Warcraft’ and ‘Call of Duty’.

Sequels and spin-offs, in other words. Oh well...

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 10-February-2011 at 13:33

Marianne Faithfull joins Jagger penis debate

Marianne Faithfull says rumours of Sir Mick Jagger having a small penis are "nearly" true.

The Rolling Stones frontman has been plagued by claims he has a less than impressive manhood - with bandmate Keith Richards recently saying his ex-girlfriend Marianne had "no fun with his tiny todger" - and now the 64-year-old actress has voiced her opinion on the matter.

When asked if Keith's comments were accurate, Marianne - who dated the singer from 1966 to 1970 - said: "Not quite, but nearly."

Yesterday (09.02.11), it was claimed the band's latest tour was in jeopardy as Mick is still angry with Keith' comments in his autobiography 'Life' and a subsequent interview.

A source said: "Mick read Keith's book before publication and didn't have any great problem with it.

"It was the fact that it was all dredged up in the interview afterwards that really upset him. Many believe this is the real reason why talks in relation to the tour have broken down."

Although Marianne seemed reasonably satisfied with Mick as a lover, one issue she isn't happy with is the credit she has been given in helping make the band a success.

She believes she deserves more recognition and money for her inspirational input and claims 'Satisfaction' singer Mick has a problem with sharing.

When asked if the 67-year-old rocker was selfish by Classic Rock magazine, Marianne said: "No comment. But it would be unrealistic to expect him to share. He isn't like that."

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 11-February-2011 at 09:49

Drug from curry spice may help stroke recovery
Provides protection to vulnerable brain cells

A new drug derived from a component of the spice turmeric could protect brain cells in the event of a stroke, and even help them to recover after an attack.

Curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric, a golden-coloured spice used in curries and other dishes. It has previously been studied as a potential treatment for brain injury and disease, but until now it has suffered from a number of limitations.

For instance, the body absorbs it too slowly to be effective in the case of a stroke, and it does not reach the affected areas of the brain in sufficient amounts to provide any benefit. Also the body's own defence mechanisms prevent it from getting to the brain where it is needed.

Now scientists at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles have isolated a new compound from curcumin which - in laboratory experiments - can affect the mechanisms that protect and help brain cell regeneration after stroke.

At present, stroke is typically treated with a "clot busting" drug which helps dissolve blood clots, allowing blood to flow back to the brain. It is this blockage by blood clots, causing oxygen deprivation to the brain, that results in damage after stroke. If the drug is administered quickly enough after the stroke, the harm may be reduced.

The new curcumin-hybrid compound, CNB-001, does not attack blood clots but instead repairs stroke damage at the molecular level that feed and support the all-important brain cells, neurons.

Lead scientist Paul A. Lapchak said: "CNB-001 has many of the same benefits of curcumin but appears to be a better choice of compound for acute stroke because it crosses the blood-brain barrier, is quickly distributed in the brain, and moderates several critical mechanisms involved in neuronal survival."

When brain tissue is deprived of blood and oxygen, a cascading series of interrelated events triggers at the molecular level, breaking down the normal electrical and chemical "signaling pathways" responsible for nourishing and supporting neurons. The environment quickly becomes toxic, killing brain cells and destroying their support structures.

To treat this effect a range of different drugs will be needed. The new drug affects four of these pathways, repairing them and thus preventing long-term damage. In the experiments the drug reduced stroke-caused "motor deficits" - problems of muscle and movement control - and the outcome suggests this would be effective up to three hours after a stroke, which is the same time frame in which clot busting drugs can be used.

Around 150,000 people have a stroke in the UK every year. Stroke is also the third biggest cause of death, after heart disease and cancer, and the single largest cause of adult disability.

Dr Sharlin Ahmed, research liaison officer at the Stroke Association, said: “When a stroke strikes, the brain is starved of oxygen causing brain cells to die or be damaged. There is a great need for new treatments which can protect brain cells after a stroke and improve recovery.

"The spice turmeric is known to have many health benefits; yet this is the first significant research to show that it could be beneficial to stroke patients by encouraging new cells to grow and preventing cell death after a stroke.

"The results look promising, however it is still very early days and human trials need to be undertaken.”

The study findings were presented at the 2011 American Heart Association International Stroke Conference in Los Angeles.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 12-February-2011 at 10:51
Police are investigating after a woman's car window was smashed and an iced bun was apparently thrown into the vehicle as it waited at traffic lights.

The cake "appeared on the back seat" of the Ford Mondeo after the rear passenger window was shattered in Evesham, West Mercia Police said.

A spokeswoman said: "The female driver was sitting in her silver Ford Mondeo and, while waiting for the lights to change, a man walked up to her car.

"She heard a bang and the sound of glass smashing and saw that her rear passenger window had been broken."

"Of particular note, when the lady looked in the rear of her car, an iced cake had appeared on the back seat after the glass had smashed."

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 12-February-2011 at 15:12
Forest Green Rovers ban red meat

Football fans at Forest Green Rovers will no longer be able to enjoy a half-time burger or beef pie after their vegan owner banned the sale of red meat from the ground.

Millionaire owner Dale Vince introduced a ban on red meat for his players at the Blue Square Premier club a few weeks ago but has now extended the ban to the fans inside the ground too.

The club's communications director Tom Williams confirmed:"Following discussions with the manager and on nutritional advice, it was decided to no longer feed our team red meat for health and performance reasons.

"(It has now been) decided that this policy should be extended to the stadium, at least in part as a further step in establishing ourselves as a 'green' organisation.

"We appreciate some will miss their burgers and sausages, but our catering staff are working hard on a range of tasty and interesting products to replace those that are no longer available."

Owner Vince, who runs green electricity company Ecotricity, was unapologetic in his stance.

"If red meat was not good enough to feed our players, then it wasn't good enough for our staff, fans and visitors too.

"At its worst it means once every two weeks watching a football game without being able to eat red meat.

"Anybody that really needs it can bring a ham sandwich or something if they wish - that's no problem."

The chairman of the club's supporters trust Tim Barnard admitted there were "a few raised eyebrows" at the ground last weekend when fans were unable to order cottage pie, but added: "I'm a traditional chips and curry sauce man myself so it doesn't really affect me."

The club has not done a complete switch to vegan food however, as free-range poultry and fish from sustainable stocks will continue to be served.

Communications director Williams concluded: "We're a country now where apparently chicken tikka masala is the most popular national dish. I think the old sausage bap won't be much lamented."

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 13-February-2011 at 10:58

Anderson sues ex-boyfriend over Las Vegas property

The former Baywatch star filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles earlier this week claiming she made a deal with her former partner, real estate entrepreneur Laurence Hallier, in 2006 while she was in a relationship with him.

Anderson alleges she agreed to promote his Las Vegas Panorama Towers development in return for one of the properties for free. She also claims Hallier agreed that if the apartment wasn't built in time, he would hand over $1 million in cash to her, reports

The beauty is now seeking the money after Hallier allegedly failed to build her apartment.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 13-February-2011 at 21:25

Originally posted by monarch monarch wrote:

The cake "appeared on the back seat" of the Ford Mondeo after the rear passenger window was shattered in Evesham, West Mercia Police said.
A spokeswoman said: "The female driver was sitting in her silver Ford Mondeo and, while waiting for the lights to change, a man walked up to her car. 

When did FORD start using the "VW" logo?...........LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 14-February-2011 at 04:03
Feb 14th --Happy Paddy's Day everyone!

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 14-February-2011 at 10:34
World Football - Ronaldo retires from football

Brazil legend Ronaldo has confirmed that he is retiring from football with immediate effect.

The 34-year-old's decision to retire brings an abrupt end to one of the most prestigious careers the world of football has ever seen.

Ronaldo was a part of the Brazil's World Cup wins in both 1994 and 2002, and is one of only two men to have won the FIFA Player of the Year award three times, along with France's Zinedine Zidane.

The striker won his first Ballon d'Or as the European Footballer of the Year in 1997 aged just 21-years-old, and again in 2002.

During his career, the forward racked up over 350 club goals and he won 97 caps for the Samba Boys.

"I can't take any more," Ronaldo told Estado de Sao Paulo.

"I wanted to continue, but I can't do it anymore. I think of an action, but I can't do it the way I want to. It's time.

"It's the body that's hurting me. The head wants to go on, but the body can't take any more."

In 2007, Ronaldo was named as one of the best starting eleven of all-time by France Football and was named to the FIFA 100 - a list of the greatest footballers compiled by fellow Brazil legend Pele.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 15-February-2011 at 10:20
Woman, 61, gives birth to her own grandson

A 61 year-old American woman has given birth to her own grandson.

Kristine Casey offered to act as a surrogate for her daughter Sara Connell, who had been trying for a baby for several years.

Ms Connell, 35, and her husband Bill are the biological parents of the baby boy, Finnean Lee, who was conceived through IVF, but carried by her mother.

Ms Connell became pregnant after undergoing IVF treatment in 2004, but delivered stillborn twins, and later suffered a miscarriage.

She held her mother's hand as Finnean Lee was delivered at 39 weeks by caesarean section, the Chicago Tribune newspaper reported. When she heard her baby cry out, she was overcome with emotion.

"I lost it. It's such a miracle," Ms Connell told the Tribune.

The new mother was not the only one affected by events.

"The surgery itself was uncomplicated, and the emotional context of this delivery was so profound," said Dr Susan Gerber, specialist obstetrician at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, where Finnean was born.

Ms Casey, from Virginia, had previously delivered three babies, the last one some 30 years ago. She is thought to be the oldest woman in the state of Illinois to give birth.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 16-February-2011 at 01:31
Coca-Cola's 'secret ingredient revealed

Often duplicated but never replicated, the Coca-Cola recipe has been a well-kept secret for years.

Created by medicinal pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886, the exact measures of each ingredient that make up the world-famous soft drink have been closely guarded - until now.

American public radio show claims to have uncovered a list of ingredients and their exact quantities to mix the perfect Coca-Cola drink.

A photo from the 8th February 1979 editorion of American daily newspaper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, shows a person holding open a book with a recipe, which is allegedly an exact copy of Pemberton’s.

The recipe is said to contain the precise amount of all the different oils needed to create Merchandise 7X, Coca-Cola’s secret ingredient.

Even though Merchandise 7X makes up only one percent of the drink’s formula, the key ingredient is believed to give one of the world’s most popular soft drink its unique taste.

The official recipe is allegedly guarded 24-hours a day in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.

Here is the ‘secret recipe’:

    * Fluid extract of Coca 3 drams USP
    * Citric acid 3 oz
    * Caffeine 1oz
    * Sugar 30 (it is unclear from the markings what quantity is required)
    * Water 2.5 gal
    * Lime juice 2 pints 1 qrt
    * Vanilla 1oz
    * Caramel 1.5oz or more to colour
    * 7X flavour (use 2oz of flavour to 5 gals syrup):
    * Alcohol 8oz
    * Orange oil 20 drops
    * Lemon oil 30 drops
    * Nutmeg oil 10 drops
    * Coriander 5 drops
    * Neroli 10 drops
    * Cinnamon 10 drops

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 20-February-2011 at 10:32

Butter or margarine: which is better for you?

First we were told to steer clear of the saturated fats in butter and switch to margarine. Then we discover the dangers of trans-saturated fats in margarine, resulting in many of us switching back to good old butter.   So which one really is better for us?

Many people prefer the taste of butter over margarine and are drawn to the idea that it is a more natural product. However, it is high in saturated fat. Saturated fat not only raises total cholesterol but it also significantly increases the LDL (bad) cholesterol – the type that clogs the arteries and can lead to heart disease. Healthy eating guidelines advise that we should consume no more than 10% of total calories as saturated fat.

Margarines usually contain fewer saturated fats than butter as they are predominantly made from plant rather than animal derived oils. However, plant oils tend to be liquid at room temperature. Therefore, in order to make them more solid and spreadable, manufacturers have traditionally used a process called hydrogenation. During this process trans fats may be formed - a type of fat known to be even more harmful to health than saturated fat as they raise LDL (bad) cholesterol and reduce HDL (good) cholesterol.

Increased awareness of the harmful effects of hydrogenated fats has resulted in a questioning of the real health benefits of margarine. However, the Food Standards Agency still recommends margarine as the healthier option. This is partly because changes in processing techniques have greatly reduced the amount of trans fatty acids likely to be found in most margarines, but also because margarines are generally much lower in saturated fat than butter. They are also a good source of heart friendly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Monounsaturated fats are particularly effective at helping to protect against heart disease as they not only reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, but also increase HDL (good) cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats are a good source of immune strengthening omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids and will also help to lower LDL cholesterol.

So on the whole, margarine really does seem to be the healthier choice but the different types do vary a great deal between them so here’s our 4-step guide to choosing a healthy option.

1. Choose a spread that has a low total fat content. Ideally, look for a spread that has less than 55g of fat per 100g.

2. Look for a low saturated fat content.
Choose a spread that has less than 10g per 100 grams.

3. Look for a low trans fatty acid content. Manufacturers don’t legally have to declare this on the label but most do.
Choose a spread that has 0.5 grams or less per 100 grams.

4. Go for a spread made from olive, rapeseed or groundnut oil as these are likely to have the highest monounsaturated fat content.

A word on cholesterol-lowering spreads
Many of the cholesterol-lowering spreads contain stanols and sterols. These are ingredients derived from plants that can actually reduce the amount of cholesterol that the body absorbs. These spreads can be effective at lowering cholesterol, but they should not be used as part of a healthy, balanced diet and not as a substitute for other, well established ways of reducing the risk of heart disease, such as increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables, giving up smoking, eating less saturated fat and taking more exercise.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 21-February-2011 at 08:14

I love this...
Workers throw out $50,000 pice of "ART" - k-of-the-day-workers-trash-50k-artwork/?icid=main%7Chtmlws-m ain-n%7Cdl9%7Csec3_lnk1%7C202445


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 21-February-2011 at 19:54
At first glance that looked like an Irish Mickey Mouse

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 24-February-2011 at 10:07
Chinese gamer dies after three day blowout

A Chinese man has died after playing an online game for three days without a break.

The Beijing Times reports that the unnamed 30 year-old had barely slept or eaten during his mammoth session. He collapsed while playing at an internet cafe on the outskirts of the city and was rushed to a nearby clinic, where he died after failing to regain consciousness.

It later came to light that the man had spent the equivalent of £928 on online games last month. It is not known which game he was playing at the time of his unfortunate demise.

Online gaming is hugely popular in China, particularly among the country’s young. Government measures introduced to curb problems of addiction have met with little success so far, and it is now thought that as many as 450 million Chinese citizens now have internet connections.

Sadly, this is not the first time that somebody has died after gaming for too long. In 2005 a Korean man perished after playing online for 50 hours non-stop. A lack of rest and nourishment would seem to be contributing factors in both cases.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 24-February-2011 at 10:50

Morning all,

I tryed to set up a forecast for the General Election 2011 as new topic just for a bit of fun...but made a horlicks out of it as per usual.Is there anybody that has the IT skills to do it..please

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 24-February-2011 at 11:58
OK Ger, done !

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 25-February-2011 at 11:22
Pierce Brosnan cutout sparks armed police alert

A cardboard cut-out of Pierce Brosnan wielding a gun sparked an armed police alert in Germany.

A driving instructor mistook a picture in the window of a flat in the German city of Augsburg for a gunman, and quickly alerted police.

When officers attended the flat to tackle the incident they were stunned to discover that the 'armed gunman' didn't have his (Gold)finger on a trigger, but was in fact a life-size cardboard cut-out of Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. The cut-out had been used to promote a special offer on the James Bond adventures. The red faced driver certainly doesn't have a 'Goldeneye' for catching criminals.

The Irish star played secret agent Bond in four blockbuster films. He was the fifth actor to play 007, and his time in the tuxedo spawned some of the most successful entries in the enduring franchise.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 26-February-2011 at 13:04
10 foods all men should eat

A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns. Here are ten foods all men should eat.

1) Blueberries
Blueberries are another fruit that have been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer, thanks to their high levels of proanthocyanidins. However, blueberries' positive benefits for men don't stop there, as studies have also suggested that blueberries may be effective in reducing risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes and age-related memory loss; a condition more prevalent in men than women.

2)Whole grains
Whole grains are great for our health thanks to their high levels of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Most whole grains, including brown rice and oats, are particularly rich in B vitamins, which are good for general wellbeing and can also help alleviate depression. Individual B vitamins can also benefit male health in various ways. Studies have suggested that folate (vitamin B9) can keep sperm healthy, while biotin (B7) may help hair loss. Silica, also present in whole grains, could also help with healthy hair growth.

3) Brazil nuts
Snacking on nuts is great for heart health and good skin. However, Brazil nuts are particularly beneficial for men as they are packed with selenium; a powerful antioxidant which studies have suggested can boost sperm health and motility. Furthermore, selenium is also great for lowering "bad" cholesterol levels, preventing blood clots and lifting your mood.

4) Broccoli
Broccoli - along with other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and sprouts - contains a strong cancer-fighting chemical, sulphoraphane, which research has suggested may reduce men's risk of developing bladder cancer (a cancer more commonly affecting women than men), prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

5) Oysters
Oysters are the highest natural source of zinc; an essential requirement for men's fertility and sexual health. Zinc not only helps to maintain healthy testosterone levels in men, but it is essential for healthy sperm production. On top of this, zinc deficiency may be responsible for hair loss in men, so an increased intake may benefit men's appearance as well as health.

6) Tomatoes
Tomatoes are possibly one of the best "superfoods" around, and the popular fruit has particular benefits for men. Studies have suggested that the lycopene found in tomatoes may reduce risk of colorectal cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease; the leading cause of death in men. Research has also shown that men who frequently eat foods rich in lycopene may drastically reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.

7) Eggs
For men suffering from hair loss, eggs may also provide the perfect solution. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for hair growth, as well as being rich in biotin (vitamin B7). Egg yolks are also a good source of iron, which some studies have suggested can alleviate hair loss, which can be caused by anaemia.

8) Pomegranate juice
Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and research has suggested that drinking the juice of this "superfood" can help lower cholesterol - which can be high in many men as young as their 20s - and prevent hypertension. A study has also found that drinking just one 8oz glass of pomegranate juice a day could dramatically slow down the progress of prostate cancer.

9) Garlic
Garlic is well known for boosting heart health, and a study on the effects of garlic consumption on males has shown that regularly eating garlic could help lower men's cholesterol levels. Furthermore, research findings published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have suggested that regularly eating garlic and onions could help lower men's risk of developing prostate cancer.

10) Salmon
Salmon is not only a great source of protein, but it is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help address many of men's most common health complaints. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to lowered levels of "bad" cholesterol and can also reduce risk of many illnesses, including heart disease, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and depression.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 27-February-2011 at 10:10

"Dancing at Lunacy" (Enda Kenny with Michael Noonan on bodhran)

"Little Red Rooster" (Eamon Gilmore)

Fianna Fáil's Latest Mickey (Micheál Martin)

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 28-February-2011 at 10:05

The Oscars: Winners and Losers

As the awards season comes to an official close, we take a closer look at the winners and losers on the biggest night in the Hollywood calendar. Did all the winners cover themselves in glory? And who will be left rueing the decisions made at the 83rd Academy Awards?

It quickly became apparent that hosts James Franco and Anne Hathaway would be among the losers on the night as things started off with a rather uninspired comedy montage that would be more at home on the MTV Awards than the Oscars. The pair then came out onto the stage with an 'amusing' acknowledgement of their attempts to appeal to a younger demographic, but the prolonged 'skit' was too safe, as the online reaction made clear.

The dynamic between the pair was also not quite right. Hathaway certainly got through the requisite number of costume changes, but some of their material fell flat as she hogged the limelight and Franco was left smiling and squinting in the background.

Among the big films nominated on the night, 'The King's Speech' came out as the biggest winner as Tom Hooper saw off the challenge from David Fincher for Best Director; and once that result was announced the Best Film win was all but tied up. Steven Spielberg did his best to console the losers by listing some of the notable films not to have won the title of best film, but it will prove small consolation to the outstanding teams behind 'The Social Network', 'Inception', 'The Fighter' and 'Black Swan'.

Of more consolation to these films were the acting gongs. Christian Bale saw off the challenge from Geoffrey Rush to grab Best Supporting Actor for his performance in 'The Fighter'. With his reformation now complete in the eyes of his peers, Bale even managed to acknowledge his own mistakes from the past and look presentable with a bushy beard. That's a big win in anyone's eyes.

'The Fighter' also triumphed in the award for Best Actress in a Supporting role, but a new winner quickly became apparent, as the presentation soon became the Kirk Douglas show. The veteran milked it for all he was worth and slowly won over the crowd. The result was something of a predictable disappointment as Melissa Leo's strange self-promotion proved to be a successful gambit. An awkward moment between the winner and Kirk Douglas then gave way to a rant of sorts which even saw her swear in front of a live television audience. Although she won the prize, Leo could well come out of Oscar night as a loser as both her acceptance speech and attire were heavily criticised.

The screenplay awards were another area of big winners. The Best Original Screenplay award went to David Seidler for 'The King's Speech', but the ever-affable Aaron Sorkin won Best Adapted Screenplay for 'The Social Network' and delivered a classy and measured acceptance speech. The two heavyweight contenders were to clash again before the end of the night but for now there was an even split in terms of writing kudos. Christopher Nolan surely sensed the writing on the wall at this point, and unfortunately he would walk away empty handed.

'True Grit' was possibly the biggest loser on the night, being nominated in several categories but finishing completely empty-handed. 'Black Swan' was saved from another shutout by the inevitable win for Natalie Portman in the Best Actress in a Leading Role category. She had clearly learned from her giggly mistakes at the Golden Globes as she won over the audience with a speech that showed an emotional side entirely in keeping with the victory.

Both main acting awards were handed out by last year's winners, so as Portman received her Oscar from Jeff Bridges it was left to Sandra Bullock to go through the motions announce hand Colin Firth the award for Best Actor. No surprise at all, and although he has now run out of amusing anecdotes, Firth almost gave us a dance routine which would have gone down a storm.

'Inception' and 'The Social Network' got to share some of the technical and musical awards, but both films would have hoped for more of a return than that. The night also saw a bizarre montage of auto-tuned lunacy from some of the biggest films of the year. Cynics might say it was a desperate attempt to feature 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' on a show aiming for a younger market: and they're probably right. Notch that up as another loss for the organisers of this year's ceremony.

And so it was that the 83rd Academy Awards ended a rather dull and predictable affair. 'The King's Speech' won big, and the key rivals redeemed themselves in just about every category they were expected to. Which may well mean us unfortunates in the audience were losers too...

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 25-March-2011 at 14:55
Daltrey honours Entwistle at London gig

The Who star Roger Daltrey remembered the band's late bassist John Entwistle in an emotional tribute during a charity show in London on Thursday night.

The legendary rocker took to the stage for a solo performance at the capital's Royal Albert Hall as part of his Teenage Cancer Trust gigs, which raise money for sick youngsters.

And, according to, Daltrey used the opportunity to honour his late The Who bandmate, who died of a heart attack in Las Vegas in 2002.

As he thrilled the crowd by playing songs from the band's 1969 album Tommy, Daltrey told them, "Back in the '70s we used to love doing harmonies. The Beach Boys, we s**t on them. John always had the loudest voice, he had the voice of an angel. So this is for him and all those guys out there who are sent to terrible places like Afghanistan."

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 26-March-2011 at 10:57
20 songs banned from the airways!

1      Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg - Je T’aime - sexual references
2      Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen - anti monarchy
3      Paul McCartney and Wings - Hi Hi Hi - drug references and explicit sexual lyrics
4      The Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk To f**k - use of the F word!
5      Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax - sexual references
6      Troggs - I Can’t Control Myself - singer Reg Presley sounds like someone climaxing
7      Rolling Stones - Lets Spend The Night Together - promoted promiscuity
8      Cliff Richard - Honky Tonk Angel - no one told Cliff a Honky Tonk angel was a hooker
9      George Michael - I Want Your Sex - sexual references
10     Paul Simon - Kodachrome - advertising
11     Judge Dread - various records, Big 6, Big 7 etc - sexual content
12     Monty Python's 'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life' lyrics...Life's a piece of sh*t...
13     The Au Pairs - Come Again - referred to orgasm
14     The Stranglers - Peaches - sexual references
15     The Kinks - Lola - mentioned Coca-Cola, later changed to Cherry Cola
16     Pink Floyd - It Would Be So Nice - lyrics mentioned the newspaper The Evening Standard
17     Donna Summer - Love To Love You - groans and heavy breathing
18     Paul McCartney - Give Ireland BackTo The Irish - political
19     Tom Petty's 'You Don't Know How It Feels' - has the line 'let's roll another joint'
20     Dr Hook & the Medicine Show - The cover of Rolling Stone - advertising

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 14-April-2011 at 13:39
Band smash world's biggest tour record with 20 gigs to spare

U2 have set a new record for the highest ever grossing tour with each of the band members and their manager set for a record payout of almost €100m each.

The 360 Tour has surpassed the $558m (€386m) earned by the Rolling Stones on their Bigger Bang tour in 2007.

However, with 20 more gigs to go, by the time it ends on July 30, U2 are expected to have grossed $700m (€500m) from seven million ticket sales worldwide -- also a new record.

U2 manager Paul McGuinness said he and the band were very proud of setting the "biggest tour ever" record.

"That dollar figure for the gross looks enormous," he said. "Of course I can't tell you what the net is, but I can tell you that the band spend enormous sums on production for their audience."

"To set the record with a further 20-plus shows to go on the tour is kind of mind-blowing," he said.

The group's 'fifth member' said touring had been something U2 had always taken very seriously, alongside their recording output.

"We were always very conscious that we had two parallel careers, as recording artists and as live performers, and each was absolutely vitally important.

"In our own kind of quiet way we were all somewhat military about it. We would talk about territories and conquering them, and if there was somewhere that was slower to come along, we would go back there and work it again.

"Bono is kind of a closet General Patton. So, for us, this is a real victory," he added.

Beginning in Barcelona in Spain on June 30, 2009, the tour included dates throughout Europe in July and August of that year and North America in September and October.

They ended that year's touring with a free concert at the Brandenburg Gate, marking 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

However, the tour was temporarily halted in May 2010 when Bono was seriously hurt during rehearsals in Germany.

The singer sustained severe compression of the sciatic nerve with a ligament tear and a herniated disc, and had to undergo emergency surgery.

His injury put U2 out of action for two months, forcing them to cancel summer dates in North America and at the Glastonbury Festival.

However, by August 2010, U2 were back in action, touring Europe again until October, moving onto Australia and New Zealand in November/December 2010.

The band has played to an average of 63,000 people on each of the 360 shows, taking $6.4m (€4.4m) for every show.

Designed by Willie Williams, who has worked with U2 for all their tours from Pop Mart to Vertigo, the 360 Tour is named after the 360-degree structure on which U2 perform, nicknamed 'The Claw', which allows fans an unobstructed view of the band from any seat in the arena.

It takes 100 permanent touring personnel, and an extra 200-300 local personnel to put the U2 show on each night.

The final date of the 360 Tour is on July 30 at the Magnetic Music Hill Musical Festival in Moncton, Canada.

But before that they will headline the Friday night of this year's Glastonbury music festival on June 24.

Despite their 35 years together, it will be the band's debut performance at the UK's biggest summer festival which is held at Worthy Farm in Pilton, Somerset each year.

U2 will not be using their 360 Claw stage at Glastonbury, with reports saying the group have had to redesign their stage show for their appearance at the iconic festival.

The estimated combined audience of seven million for the 360 Tour beats U2's own record of 4,619,021 for their Vertigo tour in 2005.

1 -- U2, 360 Degree Tour (2009-11). Gross to date: €386m; expected to hit €500m. Attendance: seven million.

2 -- The Rolling Stones, A Bigger Bang Tour! (2005-07). Gross: €386m. Attendance: 4.6 million.

3 -- AC/DC, Black Ice Tour (2008-10). Gross: €305m. Attendance: 4.8 million.

4 -- Madonna, Sticky & Sweet Tour (2008-09). Gross: €282m. Attendance: 3.5 million.

5 -- U2, Vertigo Tour (2005-06). Gross: €269m. Attendance: 4.6 million.

6 -- The Police, The Police Reunion Tour (2007-08). Gross: €248m. Attendance: 3.3 million.

7. -- The Rolling Stones, Bridges To Babylon Tour / No Security Tour (1997-99). Gross: €233m. Attendance: 5.5 million.

8 -- The Rolling Stones, Voodoo Lounge Tour (1994-95). Gross: €219m. Attendance: 6.3 million.

9 -- The Rolling Stones, Licks Tour! (2002-03). Gross: €207m. Attendance: 3.4 million.

10 -- Celine Dion, Celine Dion Taking Chances Tour (2008-09). Gross: €193m Attendance: three million.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 26-May-2011 at 09:52 - ox-to-look-fresh-faced-for-interviews-155851.html#ixzz1NQX9V hlk

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 29-May-2011 at 08:23
nice avatar Rainey and the Name is cool

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 05-June-2011 at 10:48
Wayne Rooney admits hair transplant

Footballer Wayne Rooney has admitted he has had a hair transplant.

A photograph of the Manchester United and England striker leaving a private clinic in London's West End was published in The Sun newspaper.

He was captured walking towards a vehicle wearing a baseball cap underneath a hooded top but refused to comment on the matter .

Rooney, 25, later posted confirmation via his Twitter account that he had indeed undergone treatment to grow his hair back.

He tweeted: "Just to confirm to all my followers I have had a hair transplant. I was going bald at 25 why not. I'm delighted with the result."

He later added: "It's still a bit bruised and swollen when it dies down u will be first to see it. Anyone recommend any good hair gel. Haha" and "I had it done in Harley street hair clinic London. Thanks to all the staff who looked after me."

His wife, Coleen, tweeted: "Hiya!! Yes waynes had his hair done! His own decision not me asking him, like alot are saying!! Pleased for him and it will look great x"

Rooney's team-mate, Rio Ferdinand, posted: "just don't go down the wearing a alice band route!! You'll be doing head&shoulders adverts soon! Hope its gone ok Good luck lad"

The Sun reported that Rooney visited the Queen Anne Street Medical Centre - home to the Harley Street Hair Clinic - on Thursday as part of a two-day treatment.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 05-June-2011 at 11:41


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 05-June-2011 at 11:58
Good that pic for real? He looks like he got a
very small 'toupee'.

Edit: with added grey!

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 11-October-2011 at 10:19
Five foods to beat the blues


If you’re feeling anxious, stressed or depressed, a dose of B vitamins could help to lift your mood. B vitamins are important for normal brain function and producing mood-boosting serotonin, with vitamins B12 and B6 being particularly beneficial for regulating your mood.

To up your intake of B vitamins, try snacking on Marmite on wholegrain toast. As Marmite is fortified with vitamin B12, this is a particularly good choice of food for vegans and vegetarians who may struggle to get their recommended intake.

Oily fish

Omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish are well known for being good for the heart. However, they are equally beneficial for our brain health and mood. A study by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found that participants who had lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood were more likely to be moderately depressed and have a negative outlook.

Furthermore, a study has found surprisingly low rates of seasonal affective disorder in Icelanders, where the diet is high in omega-3 rich fish. To follow in their footsteps and help ward off the blues, try eating two portions of oily fish a week, or up to four for men.


Many people find themselves reaching for chocolate to ease a bad mood, and this could in fact be no bad thing. Research has shown that chocolate contains many chemicals which can help beat the blues, including relaxing magnesium, calming anandamide and pleasure-inducing phenylethylamine.

To up the mood-boosting benefits further, try snacking on chocolate-dipped strawberries for a healthy treat. Strawberries are not only a good source of vitamin C, which helps in the production of endorphins, but they are high in mood-enhancing flavonoids too.


Bananas are high in natural sugars, making them a great remedy for low energy levels which can leave you feeling down. On top of this they are packed with mood-lifting nutrients to help put a smile on your face.

Bananas are a great source of tryptophan, an essential amino acid which boosts serotonin levels, helping to regulate your mood. Furthermore, they are rich in magnesium, which can help you to relax and vitamin B6, which can help to relieve depression.


Walnuts are the perfect good-mood food, offering the combined mood-boosting properties of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6 and tryptophan. The nuts are also a good source of folate (vitamin B9); the deficiency of which has been linked to depression.

As well as snacking on walnuts, another good nut to add into your diet is the Brazil. Brazil nuts are an extremely rich source of the mineral selenium, with research suggesting that just one Brazil nut a day can provide you with your recommended daily intake. As low levels of selenium can lead to depression, irritability and anxiety, snacking on Brazils could be the perfect healthy way to boost your mood.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 02-March-2012 at 01:33" rel="nofollow -

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 02-March-2012 at 11:51
"OTTAWA, Feb. 28 (UPI) -- Two Western Canadian delegations of construction employers were in Ireland Tuesday with offers of as many as 100,000 jobs, a spokeswoman said."

Read more:" rel="nofollow -

Does anyone feel tricked to see Ireland always encouraging its citizens to leave when things get bad?

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 21-March-2012 at 18:40
Chance to win the ultimate Why Pink Floyd? prize," rel="nofollow -

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 21-March-2012 at 22:33
This is the part that would scare me:Ermm

By submitting this form you accept our PRIVACY POLICY" rel="nofollow - i that include details about how we may pass information about you to our worldwide EMI Group companies so we can best serve you." rel="nofollow - Please also read the competition Terms and Conditions

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 22-March-2012 at 02:24
Coming to a player near you...3d Sound" rel="nofollow -

Listen with headphones" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 02-April-2012 at 00:30
Anyone remember Daithí Lacha.!v=1141263" rel="nofollow -!v=1141263

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 06-April-2012 at 15:38

I HOPE it isn't true, I really do.
And there are reasons to suspect it might not be entirely true - or not irreversibly true - that, as this story today claims, nearly half of young women would rather have big breasts than a high IQ (and 40% would rather be thin than clever). The caveats are:

1. It often pays to be wary of online surveys carried out by a brand desperate to get its name in the papers, as opposed to scientifically weighted Proper Polls.

2. It's about women aged 18 to 25, a time when you're still discovering the whole giddy power of being attractive to men and thus naturally absorbed by it. Plus women this age mostly know men of this age, who have yet to discover there is life beyond cleavages. You'd get different answers at 40. I hope.

3. It's easy to imagine what big boobs would look like - they're all around you, after all - but less easy to imagine how it would feel, or what difference it would make, to be very clever. As was swiftly pointed out when a similar American poll found women would rather win America's Next Top Model than a Nobel prize, that's partly because the model contest is more accessible: many people have a very hazy idea of what Nobel prizewinning involves, and it's not constantly on telly.

Nonetheless, what worries me is that there are two reasons it might be true. The first is the blindingly obvious one: when popular culture teems with women lauded mostly for what they look like, it sends young women a very strong message about what counts.
But the second is that we're not just overselling physical attractiveness but making intellectual ability seem actively undesirable. Smart is made to look not just unsexy, but potentially unhappy, because the one widely-agreed perk of a good brain - a good career - is so often portrayed as a double-edged sword for women.
The dilemma for professional women is that being honest about how difficult it can be either to succeed in male-dominated industries, or as a working mother, risks frightening younger women off the whole thing. But keeping quiet means you can't argue for change. Which is the greater betrayal?
It's a tricky one, but I think part of the answer must be to balance the misery with the joy: for women in public life to feel comfortable talking about (and actually to be reported when they talk about) the rewards of work, and by inference of being bright, not just the cost.
A couple of weeks ago I read a magazine interview with the screenwriter Jane Goldman, which left me feeling mysteriously re-energised about work. I eventually realised it was because it's so rare now to hear a successful woman who makes no bones about relishing her job, being 'ridiculously wellpaid for it', and looking forward to doing more of it now her kids are nearly grown up - and who is described by her interviewer as being 'really, really good at' her work and 'clearly very bright', without any suggestion that she must somehow have suffered as a consequence.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 08-April-2012 at 00:35

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 08-April-2012 at 06:22
Jeez Pogue.....that was a great description of Flann O'Riann......exactly the way I remember him too....LOL
Great portrait BTW.
Was he and Crump from Killester Tech twins?


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 08-April-2012 at 14:58
How did you see that Bren?--I thought it was a bit rough and removed the post before Rolo did.
Afraid I'll have to do just that Pogue.............unsubstiantiated allegations and all that.
Having also attended a Christian Brothers School, albeit a little later than you did, I don't doubt for a minute that the stuff you are talking about did happen.
Just that it is as you say yourslef, a bit rough.
Know you'll understand  Wink

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 11-April-2012 at 13:36
The upsurge of interest in the fate of the Titanic in recent years has meant a repeated airing for one of the most enduring images of that disaster: the youthful news vendor on a London street corner holding a poster announcing the disaster.

Though the loss of life from the sinking of the ship in 1912 is well-documented, the picture hides a private tragedy. Six years later that young man Ned Parfett - was killed at 22 during a German bombardment while serving in France,days before the Armistice.

He had enlisted in the Royal Artillery in 1916, serving for a period as a dispatch rider before being assigned to reconnaissance duties. He was mentioned in dispatches and awarded the Military Medal for his gallant conduct during a series of missions.

After his death, the officer who recommended him for the award wrote to one his brothers: "On many occasions he accompanied me during severe shelling and I always placed the greatest confidence in him."

Ned, was one of four brothers from Cornwall Road, Waterloo, who served their country. One served in the disastrous Dardanelles landings in 1915, surviving to become part of the army of occupation in Germany. Another emerged unscathed from the slaughter of the Somme, only to be wounded and gassed at the third battle of Ypres.

Of the four brothers, only Ned failed to make it. He died on October 29, 1918, near Valenciennes, when a shell landed on the quartermaster's stores just as he was collecting some clothes before going home on leave. If he had survived the attack, he would have been at home when the Armistice was signed. He lies in the British cemetery at Verchain-Maugre.

The famous image of Ned on the corner of Trafalgar Square has assured him a place in history. His medals and the gravestone in a corner of a French cemetery ensure that his bravery will not be forgotten by his family, despite the passing of the years.

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 11-April-2012 at 19:35
Titanic trivia.......
It sank!

!9 dogs onboard (pets- there was a dog walking service provided)
Before ship left Southampton one of the coal bunkers was on fire and had burned for six days. Painters and decoraters were still working on the ship while she sailed from Belfast to Southhampton

A man must have a code

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 12-April-2012 at 02:46


All I can say about that picture is....

"Does it look like that fella (second from Left) has his hat on backwards?"


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 14-April-2012 at 07:16
Good goal." rel="nofollow -

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 14-April-2012 at 09:10
Add abit to Finno Titanic trivia...

The first person to die on The Titanic died two years before it was even in the water. A worker fell from the scaffolding in H&W ysrd

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 14-April-2012 at 15:22
Here's a picture of The Titanic Crew

after landing in New York.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 16-April-2012 at 11:23
Never knew Marty Feldman worked on the Titanic............second from the left looking straight into the camera.
I'k know those mincers anywhere.

Posted By: Uncle Arthur
Date Posted: 16-April-2012 at 22:50
Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

Never knew Marty Feldman worked on the Titanic............second from the left looking straight into the camera.
I'k know those mincers anywhere.
I take it you mean second from the right as we look at it?


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity but an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 17-April-2012 at 10:00
I think yer Man is saying..." Look! I found Pats Jacket " LOL

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 06-May-2012 at 13:51" rel="nofollow -

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 07-May-2012 at 14:31
Woman walks through ghost in Japan." rel="nofollow -

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 30-December-2013 at 15:09
Anyone,any old guff to share .

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 31-December-2013 at 13:37
Selfie Of The Year.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

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