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Grove Wardrobe

Printed From: The Grove Social Club
Category: The Grove Social Club
Forum Name: Memory Lane
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Topic: Grove Wardrobe
Posted By: Mins
Subject: Grove Wardrobe
Date Posted: 24-November-2006 at 19:35
Who wore what ????

From 84 - 87, I wore a mix of white Grandfather shirts, skin tight faded ( bleach job done in bath ) jeans, Bono boots ( Black suede twinkle pickers ) or Kios -remember them !!.

I also wore a long grey Aran jumper from Clerys. ( I will never forget the time it was knicked, I was in mourning for weeks and was on look out every Saturday for the offender ). I teamed that with either a Shree or PLO scarf.

Other Saturdays I wore a mixture of outfits from Shree or Asha Clothing -hippy skirts or dresses and shirts with the same Bono boots or mocasin tassle type ones...As far as I know I never wore tights under said skirts or dresses just some thick grey socks from the Army Surplus shop near Capel Street and of course fingerless gloves.

I did go through a period where I must have been confused !! and wore one of those check Big Country shirts with black baggies and a long trench coat...crikey....

Important musts in the pockets of said trench were "More" Menthol fags, polo mints and black eyeliner. Had a small tin of vaseline as couldnīt afford or didnīt know about lip gloss.

That was me........

What about you.......?????????

Own up....


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 24-November-2006 at 20:13
Grandfather shirts (almost always), waistcoats, jeans, desert boots, beads, and either denim jacket, duffel coat, afghan coat or army jacket..thats all I remember anyway. 

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 24-November-2006 at 22:08

Letīs not forget the Reefer Jackets and ROM runners !!!

Boy were they some turn on.....


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 24-November-2006 at 23:14
Reefer Jackets, forgot about those....never, ever, wore runners to the Grove..

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 24-November-2006 at 23:17
Seemed to always have a waistcoat. Used to have demin one embroidered with Led Zeppelin. One of my daughters saw the grove documentary as is at me to embroider a denim shirt I gave her

A man must have a code

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 00:17
Hiya Mins, 

White vintage Grandfather shirt, sometimes a waistcoat, or one of those llama wool jumpers in the winter!,  desert boots, duffel coat/army jacket and jeans with a woven woolen belt from the Aran islands!, think it was called a crois! And of course a dab of patchouli....
what would the kids think if I walked in like that now?... probably wouldn't notice any difference

oh - & a black/white PLO scarf that I had for years!

Posted By: Hayseed Dixie
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 02:32

Could never make my mind up between the Combat and the Reefer...

would love to get my hands on a combat jacket now...saw some lookalike ones in Burtons..but they weren't the real thing...not even sure if there are any army surplus shops now...

mind you..I bought mine in the Dandelion Market off Stephens Green...used to be a guy selling all that kind of gear back in the day (late 70's...early 80's)

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - (Henri Cartier-Bresson)

Posted By: Hayseed Dixie
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 02:33

Btw..welcome to the club Mins...

How's the weather in Madrid...?

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - (Henri Cartier-Bresson)

Posted By: freebird
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 07:25

Welcome Mins hows sunny Spain?

Just sent back in a time warp trying to remember what I wore to the Grove.

First night at the grove -I cringe to remember -a BIRGHT Orange Maxi skirt I made at home economics class with a bib. I remember I used to have my hair shoulder length parted in the middle and layered back like a Duck's ass. Then I must have put about a can of Extra Strong Hold hairspray to keep it in place- believe me not a strand of hair moved the whole night. you could lift up both sides in one piece

Second night at Grove and onward. Blue Jeans bought from O Connors in Abbey St. Cheescloth shirts, Shree tops and skirts, Wine coloured Duffel Coat, dessert boots or clogs. Big sloppy jumpers, Beads, Blue PLO scarf. Never used the hairspray since TG

Almost forgot Gingham perfume

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 09:46
Good Morning or Buenos Dias.....

Spain is not so sunny at the moment - in fact it is down right miserable and has been all November, rain and more rain.. the locals love it as the reservoirs need to be filled up for the scorchio Summers we have...Hence no complaints...I move myself and family to an outside sitting room in May and we eventually move indoors early October !!!

Good living !! ( promotes too much of a "lets open another beer" feeling though ). What is it about drinking ice cold beers outside in perfect temperatures that makes you feel so good ???. How I ever managed to down cans in the Annes sheltering from the rain and wind drenching the perm and whistling around my bare legs with the rain soaking through the suede boots...I will never know.....those grey Army socks would be soaked by the end of the evening. could I not include the combat jacket in our " GROVE - Required Clothing " list ???.

My boyfriend wore one at the time and I loved it...did have annoying velcro straps at the top that were a giveaway to the folks in bed asleep, when I was trying to sneak him in for a snog...that sound they made when trying to open them in haste in the early hours of the morning was LOUD and a dead giveaway.

I also associate "A Ladīs First Cologne" or an attempt at one anyhow with that jacket called INSIGNIA. Own up whomever sprayed that on himself.

I think I wore Anais Anais which is still a nice perfume but my sisters wore " Tweed " in the 70īs.

Earrings wise - wore big dangly hoops that played havoc on the lobes and if you werenīt careful would catch in someones hand or yours when headbanging or leaping around - oooouch !!!. In addition had a couple of single studs up one ear only - home job with darning needle and blocks of ice. Was always terrified to go and get anyone else to do it, particularly that guy who is still there in Georges St Arcade !!

Anyone get their piercing done there ????? Scary stuff.

Finally...I am laughing as a remember this ... we could start another Forum / Topic on this one....


How did everyone get/go home afterwards???.

Has to be some odd or funny stories there...mine are downright embarrassing......

In the early days before I had a lad to walk me home or couldnīt get a lift, on many occasion my Dad would meet me at Raheny Church where I would peel away from my friends and he would.....wait for it......

(A) Give me a backer on his Racer !!!! How embarrassing was that !!!!!

(B) Not as embarrassing but never-the-less not the coolest scenario either; he would have cycled down with my bike in tow and I would then have to cycle home with my shree skirt catching in the chain or the suede boots slipping on the pedals !!!.

Once my best friend who still is my best buddie despite the miles between us took the backer whilst I cycled. She has never forgotten it and remninds me all the time and it gives us such a laugh.

Oh dear - so funny now that I think of it....God love him altogether.....

Okay lets have some funny stories please....

H. Luego.


Posted By: myploscarfe
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 09:47

I remember spending hours sewing patches onto my jeans trying to recreate the back cover of the After The Goldrush sleeve....My folks thought I had completely lost the plot...Had a Reefer jacket aswell, cowboy boots and of course...a PLO scarfe and I usto top the lot of that off with my Grandfather's trilby....dogs dinner springs to mind!!!

Hi Mins cool thread

Careful With That Patchoulie Oil Eugene

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 17:07

Hello Mins and welcome. Great topic BTW.

Before the others spill the beans hafta own up to wearing the Black and Red striped jeans.Was a couple of us used wear them '82/83 ish.

Used wear them with a leather jacket and any old t shirt, ( once it was black.)

Also did the Combat Jacket / big jumpers / faded denims and desert boots bit. Always remember that there was a German Flag on the sleeve of my jacket. Always wondered about the poor soldier that wore it before I ended up with it.

Was useless at art so never had any logos on my gear. Do remember that the lads used decorate a denim jacket, rip the sleeves off and put it on over the biker jackets.

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 19:09
Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

Before the others spill the beans hafta own up to wearing the Black and Red striped jeans.Was a couple of us used wear them '82/83 ish.

Ah, we'd never give those things away Rolo! We've all got a few skeletons in our closet.  My Zeppelin patches on the back of my old duffel coat spring to mind!!   What was I thinking?....

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 25-November-2006 at 20:33

God mine pretty boring as long as it was black I wore it !!!!!!!!

Generally long black skirt black grandfather shirt r t-shirt and docs never varied really.

Rolo dont suppose there is any pics of you in those stripey jeans lov to see them !!!!!!!!!!

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 26-November-2006 at 03:02
Hi Mins
My friends and I used to always wear faded tight Jeans and desert boots and whatever we found that week in Shree or Asha.....loved those shops. I forgot all about Reefer jackets.....and HD always wore one and I loved it on of our friends was into art and used to draw on the jackets and jeans....we thought we were so cool back then Would love to be able to still do it ......but not look silly

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 26-November-2006 at 12:52

Originally posted by Blondie Blondie wrote:

Rolo dont suppose there is any pics of you in those stripey jeans lov to see them !!!!!!!!!!

There is one pic in existence but it'll never see the light of day 'cos it's at my Granny's 80th Birthday Party and not for general consumption.

Posted By: freebird
Date Posted: 26-November-2006 at 13:11
Ah go on Rolo get it back from your Granny 

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 26-November-2006 at 13:14

Be hard Freebird, she's been Brown Bread since 1990.

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 26-November-2006 at 17:09

My stripey Jeans

Photo was taken in Amsterdam '80
Two album I had just bought were in bag one was a japanese disc of Deep Purple in Tokyo (live) cant remember the other

A man must have a code

Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 26-November-2006 at 21:19

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 26-November-2006 at 21:26
Brave....very brave !!!

Posted By: freebird
Date Posted: 27-November-2006 at 01:29

Great pic Finno, -  I was in Amsterdam also Summer of 80, packing Tulips

  Remember that Deep Purple Album well.

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 27-November-2006 at 09:28

I wasn't packing tulips, more just hangin' out at least as far as I remember!

A man must have a code

Posted By: Hayseed Dixie
Date Posted: 27-November-2006 at 13:42
Originally posted by finno finno wrote:

My stripey Jeans

Photo was taken in Amsterdam '80
Two album I had just bought were in bag one was a japanese disc of Deep Purple in Tokyo (live) cant remember the other

Jaysus look the real deal in that pic. Can just see ya on the student protests with the riot police chasing ya down the road...hehehe!!

Either that or University challenge...

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - (Henri Cartier-Bresson)

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 27-November-2006 at 13:46
..........your starter for ten, no conferring !

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 27-November-2006 at 17:00
Can I just add one thing about the Grove Wardrobe...

Is it just me or did NO ONE suffer from any form of


when we were all wearing things so tight ??????

How come it is so obvious NOW if ye wear the wrong knickers with the wrong jeans ????

Surely things were not THAT advanced in that department in those days....

Of course everyone wore shirts out over, baggy and extra long to cover anything like that I guess....

But I am thinking of the " tuckers in "....

those red and black stripey jobs for one...

HOW did they disguise that LINE ????? Was there any garment of decency wore under those at all ????

Iīm telling you Iīm onta ya......


Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 28-November-2006 at 12:25

Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

those red and black stripey jobs for one...

HOW did they disguise that LINE ?????

Commando Mins................ Commando.biggrinbiggrinbiggrin.

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 28-November-2006 at 13:27
LOL Rolo you'd know - Industrial knickers Min that's what I wear now!!!!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 28-November-2006 at 18:50
Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

those red and black stripey jobs for one... HOW did they disguise that LINE ?????

Commando Mins................ Commando.biggrinbiggrinbiggrin.

One final word on those pantszezeezes.....

" OUCH "

Posted By: kbannon
Date Posted: 28-November-2006 at 22:06
Tight jeans, basketball boots or docks, slayer/metallica/etc t-shirt and jumper or jacket.
To this day Joan in the cloakroom sl*gs me over my acid regin t-shirt and jumper - when the slow sets came on I used to go into the cloak room to get my jumper as I would score better if I hid the metal t-shirt!


Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 30-November-2006 at 10:07

I am looking for a PLO that I have started to think about one....I WANT one....

Donīt fancy going down the back alleys of Madrid looking for you so WHERE in Dublin can I get one ??????. It can be my Santa pressie this year from my folks !!

I will pass it on with love to my eldest when I am done.

For the women in the loop here who might appreciate how handy this store is for lots of bits... give you a laugh anyhow...

Guess what store has opened in Espaņa ??????

PENNEYS !!!!!!

And it is mobbed ....looks like Mary Street on a good day...


Any Manor Farmers or Pauls heads here circ 1981 - 1987 ???

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 30-November-2006 at 14:35
I think you might get the scarf in Georges Arcade, Sometimes when I go through there its like time has stopped

A man must have a code

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 30-November-2006 at 16:26
[QUOTE=Mins] Guys...

Donīt fancy going down the back alleys of Madrid looking for you so WHERE in Dublin can I get one ??????.

"looking for you "......

Jakers donīt know what I typed that for...

my English has gone to the dogs since I left....


Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 30-November-2006 at 16:27
OOpps ....thanx...u r probably right...

Georges Arcade might be the very place...


Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 30-November-2006 at 20:24
Mins.....I still have my PLO scarf up stairs....and it still stinks of indian oil...never wear it now, but can't throw it away....too many memories

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 01-December-2006 at 02:11

The PLO scarf I had was so big my mother used to use it on picnics. She washed it and it was the size of a hanky.

I was devestated. Next one I bought was much smaller. Couldn't get a big one anymore (still can't!!!!)

Haven't worn one in years. Have to make a return trip home and collect all my stuff in my mams. Maybe go on Antique Roadshow with it. Must be worth a fortune. Still have jeans there from grove days with embroidery on it of Floyd etc. Haven't a hope of EVER fitting in to them again.

Hope you find your scarf Mins. As for VPL - think of Bridget Jones.


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: muller
Date Posted: 02-December-2006 at 01:52

Hi Mins, welcome. I enjoyed your getting home yarn. I did not have a problem getting home from the Grove but got stranded in Clonskeagh one Sat night/Sun morning after escorting a damsel to her abode and getting unceremoniously turfed out at 3.00 a.m. by her rughy-playing BIG brother. Had to hoof  it in clogs to Raheny because the busses didn't start until 9.00 am on Sundays.

Outfits de riguer for our crowd was Francis Rossi clone stuff and leather jackets for the bikes. Desert boots in summer and leather boots in winter and mostly in summer too. Sounds very facist now.

Life is for living

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 02-December-2006 at 08:42


Welcome to the mad house, like the story about having to walk home in clogs.

I had millions of them in all colours. Loved them. Very comfy to walk in, but not sure about clonskeagh. Bit of a stroll there!!!!


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 02-December-2006 at 10:19
Where did ye all get your clogs? They took a bit of getting used to esp running for a bus etc!
I got a couple of pairs at IC Trawl on the Pier in Howth!

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 02-December-2006 at 12:36
My mam bought me mine in a shop on Sth Anne st. Very expensive at the time but they all lasted for years. Loved the red ones.


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: muller
Date Posted: 02-December-2006 at 18:30
I got mine in Benidorm on my first foreign holiday. Used to resole them and my sisters' with the rubber from old motorcycle tyres

Life is for living

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 02-December-2006 at 18:49
Madre Mia...

This clog thing is funny...

I remember my sisters wearing them and they always seemed to have a hefty supply coming in from their hippie friends in Germany...I was left out of the loop, sniff, sniff... had the pageboy, bowl haircut so I guess that had something to do with it..anyways...

My Dad hated the things, I do remember that...

It was because we were one of these " permanantly running for Buses " family, he had this vision of one of the skin and blisters loosing a clog on road (as they were tearing round the corner for the 29A), stopping to retrieve said clog and ending up flattened by a car or whatever.

Bizarre...but I remember him saying that and I would only have been 7 or so.

Should buy a pair now for the craic and get it out of my system..!!

We have marble floors !! would be worth it just to see my hubbieīs face as I clatter down the stairs to make his breakfast...sorry make mine...nearly got you going there didnīt I ??????



Love the above post Muller...

Do you still have a have a nice Honda CBR 600 sitting outside for playing purposes !! we live in the sticks and have great corkscrew hills to navigate up to a Bikers Haven called the Cruz Verde. You should see what hangs out there and on what machines also...excellent on a bright, clear Sunday morning before lunch.....Espaņa has the perfect biking weather.

Posted By: freebird
Date Posted: 03-December-2006 at 14:01

Loved my clogs. Bought many a pair from the pier in Howth. Think there were two choices, ones with backs and ones without. Used to decorate them with flowers.

Still were clogs and jeans to this day although the clogs and the jeans probably come from china

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 03-December-2006 at 19:19
Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

Madre Mia...

This clog thing is funny...

I remember my sisters wearing them and they always seemed to have a hefty supply coming in from their hippie friends in Germany...I was left out of the loop, sniff, sniff... had the pageboy, bowl haircut so I guess that had something to do with it..anyways...

My Dad hated the things, I do remember that...

It was because we were one of these " permanantly running for Buses " family, he had this vision of one of the skin and blisters loosing a clog on road (as they were tearing round the corner for the 29A), stopping to retrieve said clog and ending up flattened by a car or whatever.

Bizarre...but I remember him saying that and I would only have been 7 or so.

Should buy a pair now for the craic and get it out of my system..!!

We have marble floors !! would be worth it just to see my hubbieīs face as I clatter down the stairs to make his breakfast...sorry make mine...nearly got you going there didnīt I ??????



Love the above post Muller...

Do you still have a have a nice Honda CBR 600 sitting outside for playing purposes !! we live in the sticks and have great corkscrew hills to navigate up to a Bikers Haven called the Cruz Verde. You should see what hangs out there and on what machines also...excellent on a bright, clear Sunday morning before lunch.....Espaņa has the perfect biking weather.

Hey Mins, where in Spain are you situated?

Agree re motorbiking weather in Spain.

Myself and a pal did an Easy Rider trip a few years ago from Roscoff in France all the way down to Malaga.

Nantes-Bordeaux-Toulouse-Barcelona-Murcia-Malaga-Madrid-Zara gosa-Lourdes-St Rochelle.

Thought Spain was beautiful. Really enjoyed driving a bike there.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 03-December-2006 at 22:03
Originally posted by Biker Pat Biker Pat wrote:

[QUOTE=Mins]Madre Mia...

Hey Mins, where in Spain are you situated?Agree re motorbiking weather in Spain.Myself and a pal did an Easy Rider trip a few years ago from Roscoff in France all the way down to Malaga. Nantes-Bordeaux-Toulouse-Barcelona-Murcia-Malaga-Madrid-Zara gosa-Lourdes-St Rochelle.Thought Spain was beautiful. Really enjoyed driving a bike there.

Spain is a great country to explore on a bike - the weather of course is a plus - need less gear. Your trip sounded just the biz.

We live about 33 kms NW of Madrid....I have views of the Sierra de Guadarrama from my windows and of the famous CRUZ over the Basilica that that nutter, Franciso Franco built.

Anyhow on Sundays for example, there are always a steady flow of bikers coming from various parts of Madrid out our direction.

There is a road called the M505 and it winds its way through the mountains to a place called the Cruz Verde where the leather clad individuals all relax, enjoy the views, drink the cervezas and admire each others bikes. When my husband says he needs to give the bike a run, that is where he heads.

What is nice about Spain as you know are all the "pueblitos" you happen upon on your many excuses to stop and sit and have a beer or shandy and drink in the atmosphere.

We almost took the bike to Lisbon recently as conditions were more than ideal but decided no at the last minute. The road from Madrid to Lisbon by the way is fantastic - goes through the Extremadura part of Espaņa. Lisbon itself is cobbled and built on 7 hills so that would have been quite an adventure and test.

My husband towed his bike over when we moved here and he took that 24 hour ferry from Plymouth to Santander. He spent hours talking to lads with bikes. He was amazed at the amount of bikes of every description on the ferry. Seemingly those guys have it sussed and that ferry route is quite popular with bikers who head to the even more beautiful Asturian and Cantabrian coastline of Spain. Very rustic and very like Ireland and amazing roads.

Just read a book called "Long way round". Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman...have you heard about their 20,000 MILE bike trip from London to the USA via Mongolia and Siberia ?? Good read, would like to get the DVD maybe....heard it was rubbish but would still like to see it now I have read the book.

Anyhow there it is...


Posted By: muller
Date Posted: 04-December-2006 at 12:26
Hey mins, I was going to the Moto GP in valencia for the alst race of thes eason but couldn't get tickets. If I have my bike next year I will plan to do the same trip as Pat. Went to Donnington last year and got soaked - luckily not riding a bike.

Life is for living

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 04-December-2006 at 12:31

Hi Mins,

Read the book and enjoyed the dvd. If you liked the book you will like the dvd also.

A man must have a code

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 04-December-2006 at 12:48
On the biking note...

for my hubbies 40th in 3 years time !!!

I am organising a " Bikers and Hot B*t*h*s ( Canīt say it...but you can guess )... " Party..

Good idea ??????.

Want to make that one a good one.....

Do I get the


Thanks re: the DVD advice...I am going to get it...I know the whole thing of the two of them with their support vehicles and Dr in tow got up a lot of peoples noses but sure the their intention was real and fair dues...

Another nice Scot......Ewan...

Him and Onkel īem.

Posted By: BakerBabe
Date Posted: 05-December-2006 at 11:31
Mins your right about us all wearing skin tight clothes and the wrong knickers then - I wore black skin tight jeans - They were literally painted on me ! Black t- shirt or a shirt and docs - If I was in a girlie mood I would wear a skirt (looking back now it was like a belt - it barely covered my bits !!!) and of course my stripy tights with my docs ! A must have accessory for me in them days was my eye liner cause I had to draw little scrolls over my white make up !!

A womans place is on the Phone......

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 05-December-2006 at 12:32

Originally posted by Hayseed Dixie Hayseed Dixie wrote:

Could never make my mind up between the Combat and the Reefer...

would love to get my hands on a combat jacket now...saw some lookalike ones in Burtons..but they weren't the real thing...not even sure if there are any army surplus shops now...

mind you..I bought mine in the Dandelion Market off Stephens Green...used to be a guy selling all that kind of gear back in the day (late 70's...early 80's)

I still have my brothers combat jacket (Authentic FCA one) which I inherited :o) Wore it to the reunion actually along with my PLO which I resurrected....was just missing the Dessies!

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: muller
Date Posted: 05-December-2006 at 12:39
Are we theming for this reunion? There are a long of strooong hints for winding back the clock. I'll ask the missus about borrowing her eye liner (whatever that is)

Life is for living

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 09-December-2006 at 17:43
Originally posted by finno finno wrote:

I think you might get the scarf in Georges Arcade, Sometimes when I go through there its like time has stopped

I packed a member of the family into the very place and guess what she got one for 10 euros !!

I am ecstatic !!!!!!
She also said that the place is full of so much stuff and gear she was killing to stay longer...

There u go !!


Posted By: Hayseed Dixie
Date Posted: 09-December-2006 at 18:35
Originally posted by Delia Delia wrote:

If I was in a girlie mood I would wear a skirt (looking back now it was like a belt - it barely covered my bits !!!) 

So er.... are you feeling in a girly moody this Christmas then Delia? *innocent little smile*

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - (Henri Cartier-Bresson)

Posted By: Hayseed Dixie
Date Posted: 09-December-2006 at 18:44
Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

What is nice about Spain as you know are all the "pueblitos" you happen upon on your many excuses to stop and sit and have a beer or shandy and drink in the atmosphere.


Ah Mins will ya stop're making me get itchy feet. Has always been a dream of mine to someday retire to a small village in Spain. Read a book once call Driving Over Lemons..about a couple from the UK who just upped sticks and moved to an isolated farmhouse near Grenada I think... was a brilliant read and really gave me the yearning.


Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - (Henri Cartier-Bresson)

Posted By: Hayseed Dixie
Date Posted: 09-December-2006 at 18:45

Tip: Drinking Vino and posting on the GSC website do not mix....hehehe!!

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - (Henri Cartier-Bresson)

Posted By: Pogue Mahoney
Date Posted: 09-December-2006 at 19:03
In 1969 the gaberdine school coat was in, belt tied at the back. Girls from
The Holy Faith were the height of fashion and if you happened to go to a
school with a green or grey coat you were the bees knees. Even the kilt was
big so everyone just looked like they had come from school. Us lads were in
the black velvet jackets, waist high V-neck jumper, shirt and tie, faded
elephant flare denims and Spanish leathersoled brogues with metal

We hated the French and Spanish invasion every Summer.. beside them
damned foreigners us Irish lads didn't look quite so KEWL

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 09-December-2006 at 19:50
Originally posted by Hayseed Dixie Hayseed Dixie wrote:

Tip: Drinking Vino and posting on the GSC website do not mix....hehehe!!

You are telling me...go easy there !!!


Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 09-December-2006 at 19:50
Originally posted by Hayseed Dixie Hayseed Dixie wrote:

Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

What is nice about Spain as you know are all the "pueblitos" you happen upon on your many excuses to stop and sit and have a beer or shandy and drink in the atmosphere.

Ah Mins will ya stop're making me get itchy feet. Has always been a dream of mine to someday retire to a small village in Spain. Read a book once call Driving Over Lemons..about a couple from the UK who just upped sticks and moved to an isolated farmhouse near Grenada I think... was a brilliant read and really gave me the yearning.Someday....

It IS lovely here...I love being on mainland Europe and Spain really is such a fascinating country - within Spain there are many Spains...In Seville it is amazing to walk amongst the lemon and orange trees on the Plaza..very,very nice.....

Talk to you about it when I see ya !!!!


Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 08:49
Back to the clothes thing...

Had a "flash" as one does when I was returning home from dropping of the kids this morning...

Ladies..DORINDA skirts...

Talking about 1985 - 1989....

Did anyone wear one of those ?????

Long skirts, heavyish plain material with lots of pleats that fell from a fitted front panel. Zip and button at the back.

When I went slightly off the Indian skirts I found these and there were popular. If you had a tiny waist and flat tummy which we all nearly did then, they looked great. Very flattering.

I had a green one, a red one and a pale blue one. They looked nice with boots of flat pumps.

Anyone, anyone ???????????

I luuuuuuuuuuuuuved mine.


Posted By: whippersnapper
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 09:18

Well, for my first grove I thought I was a "trendy", so I wore grey canvas trousers with multiple zips and pockets, white socks, suede shoes, bright orange shirt and flecked jacket.

What ever happened the term "trendy"? It just seems so 80's. Between dermot morgan as Father Trendy, and all the people up the top with their pencil thin ties and highlights in the fringe? What other groups were there beyond metal/rocker/hippy, Goth/curehead, New Romantics and trendies? I think there were two mods in my year in school.

Within about two visits I had been brought down the alcove and had seen the error of my ways. From there on it was white grandad shirt over black "Eddie" t-shirt, tight jeans and docs. sometimes the docs got white laces for that special occasion. Or blue laces even.

I even managed to get my hair long enough to be warned in school to get it cut. I stayed quiet all day Saturday and was delighted on Sunday - all the barbers shut, I thought I might get away with this for a while. No chance. My auld lad grabbed the back of my hair in a clump and cut it with a scissors before I could get out to basketball. It was one of those old cloth scissors (not the straight blades), so I looked as if Jaws had taken a bite out of my hair.

and I can concur with Killian earlier - the ladeeez did not appreciate the metal look (I refuse to belive they just didn't appreciate me!).

I'm searching for that cash I should have saved for the crash

Posted By: whippersnapper
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 09:21

Just on the hair in school thingy - I remember one fella getting sent home for having his hair too long. He had it all standing on end (it wasn't spiked, it was more like a feature from a Diarmuid Gavin garden). He was told not to come back until it was cut off.

He arrived back in the following day having got a one blade (this was 1986 long before hair that short was "acceptable") and was suspended for a week. Despite literally having got it "cut off".

This in Paul's where half the world went around with long hair. Including, one suspects, the odd member here!

I'm searching for that cash I should have saved for the crash

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 09:53
Enjoying your posts Mr WSnapper..keepīem up !!!


Come on lads...own up, who owned a pair, who wore a pair, who posed in a pair ????.

I still canīt make up my mind whether I like them on guys or loathe them.

Heavy duty ones for a bike..different kettle of fish altogether..I actually like that...

No, I am talking about wearing them out and about...Grove, Bruxelles whatever...

My first reaction is generally to laugh...donīt know why...

There has only been ONE occasion where I have taken the whole leather trouser thing seriously. It was definitely NOT a laughing matter not even the hint of a giggle to be heard..and indeed was quite ill and pre-occupied by the whole thing at the time.

It was NOT, I hasten to add, a preoccupation the nuns at Manor Farm would have approved of at all....

Jim Morrisson in them, or them on him whichever way you see it. He takes it to an altogether higher level indeed..takes the breath away.

Canīt bear it actually.... them or loathe them...Bluebell,BakerBabe, eejit and everyone else...

whaddya say ???????


Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 10:41

Originally posted by whippersnapper whippersnapper wrote:

This in Paul's where half the world went around with long hair. Including, one suspects, the odd member here!

Laughing at this 'Snapper. Generally we weren't so lucky in David's, the old Christian Brothers were forever on at us to get the hair cut.

Got so bad that my mam actually went up to the school and told the principal to leave me alone. Turned out in the end that only two of us survived the threats.

Me, 'cos my mam stood up for me, and another ex Grover who was Leinster Schools Senior Pole Vault Champion at the time ( I kid you not. )

Pikey, saw you joined up here one day.............good days eh ?

Mins, glad to report that I never did the leather trousers thing. The old black and red stripeys were enough for me.

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 10:58
Never don't the leather trouser bit only the cheap leather Biker Jacket.
As for women in leather Oh Yeah !!!!!!!!!!

I worked in a shoe shop Barrets I think just there around the corner from the GPO in Henry street I had my hair longish not that long. Boss wanted me to cut my hair. The area manager(He was bald) and the shop manager cornered me one day and told me to go the hairdresser at lunch time so I did. I went back to the shop and they said "I thought you were getting your hair cut".. Told them I did I got it trimed for two weeks they pestered me about it and wanted it above my collar.... Told them to get the girls to cut theirs and then told them to shove their job... They were short staffed and they rang me to go back and I could keep my hair..... But I didn't I went stalking U2 for who were recording down in The Factory in ringsend for 2 months and got a lot of my Vinyl signed...


Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 14:27
Hey BR..

there is a sense of " divilment" about you to-day...

am I right or am I right ???.

Now that you mention the women....who from the FEMALES wears leathers now or wore leathers then........

Wanna know RIGHT now !!!


Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 14:41

Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

Hey BR..

there is a sense of " divilment" about you to-day...

Today and every day, Mins.

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 16:31

Hmmm .....Leathers on Men......It takes a certain something to carry them off, only the very few can, generally they're a bad idea. I think only male rockstars really get away with it. , and bikers of's all in the ass

I never owned a pair of leathers when I went to the Grove, couldn't afford them, however I did treat myself to a pair a few years back, I wore them occasionally when feeling brave, sadly don't know if I'll ever fit into them again never mind be brave enough. Will have to wait and see if I get my figure back after this out Halloween Grove reunion 2007!!!

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 16:40
Originally posted by whippersnapper whippersnapper wrote:

and I can concur with Killian earlier - the ladeeez did not appreciate the metal look (I refuse to belive they just didn't appreciate me!).

I disagree, I know plenty of girls (all Grovers) that wouldn't look twice at a guy unless he had long hair...myself included. What you wore etc was a statement of what you were into... (I have to laugh I was always quoting to my mam, never judge a book by it's cover as practically all my boyfriends were barred from the house for Long hair/ Facial piercings, Clothes whatever) but I was as bad, anyone dressed "nicely" didn't get a look in. I bet I'm not on my own in this...a good metal TShirt couldn't fail to me out girls!

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 18:12
Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

Hey BR..

there is a sense of " divilment" about you to-day...

Today and every day, Mins.

Who me never!!!!.... What you trying to say about me eh eh EH!!!!!

Who did and still does wear leathers out there ????


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 19:16

Had a cheapy pair of leather (or leather like) trousers for a spell in the 80s (fairly thin material as I recall)...fell on the stairs one day in work, rushing up to my boss's office, and ripped the knee out of one leg and they never saw the light of day again..

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 21:05
Originally posted by Black Russian Black Russian wrote:

Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

Hey BR.. there is a sense of " divilment" about you to-day...

Today and every day, Mins.

Who me never!!!!.... What you trying to say about me eh eh EH!!!!!Who did and still does wear leathers out there ????P

BR Bet ya have a pair hanging in the closet, but ye arenīt telling !!!!. Do they go with the new car ??

Flash em at the 40th for the craic...

Hey Bruns !!!!

You mentioned someone leaping about to the band at the Xmas do, solo at that..what did he look like in his leathers ?????


PS..Went out to change something in the siopa to-day and came home with 2 hamsters. Kids !!

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 22:01

Hiya Mins!

The guy in the leather trousers sorta swayed in place in front of the band.  I'm not sure if his role model is Jim Morrison but he certainly enjoyed the Doors track the band played - He didnt look anything like Jim though... Wonder if he's a member on this site!??

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 22:46
Just thought of one more acceptable rear in a pair of leathers....

Jon Bon Jovi...

Yep..he is distracting by times..Iīm sure Michael Hutchence wore them also but cannot remember.

A definte for Jon though.


Posted By: LORRI
Date Posted: 16-January-2007 at 22:55
Originally posted by Mins Mins wrote:

Just thought of one more acceptable rear in a pair of leathers....

Jon Bon Jovi...

Yep..he is distracting by times..Iīm sure Michael Hutchence wore them also but cannot remember.

A definte for Jon though.

Without a doubt Mins

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 17-January-2007 at 02:40

Hiya mins

I had a leather pair briefly when I had much better figure. Before my baby belly days. Definitely wouldn't wear them here. Too hot.

You never know, if I can diet this bloody belly away..............



25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: Polly
Date Posted: 17-January-2007 at 12:07
Hi Mins I see previously you were asking if there was any Manor Farmers on the site, well I went from 78 to 83, and I see you mentioned the 29a bus, so u may have lived in Raheny, im originally from st annes. maybe we know eachother. By the way, I think the leather trouser thing is a bit gay, except for on the likes of Jim Morrison or a biker!!
I never had a pair, but I do have a leather skirt!! I may wear it to my divorce party in the Watermill in Feb, if anyones interested lol

Posted By: whippersnapper
Date Posted: 17-January-2007 at 13:16

No leather trousers for me - I sweat too much at the best of times for anything that warm. although that logic didn't stop me having (and continuing to) leather jackets. Hmmmm...

And leather trousers - it's all in the ass - agreed on that point Esthalon. for both males and females....Many moons ago in London, myself and two mates saw a cracking figure in leather trousers that we followed up the road. Much to our dissapointment, not to mention fear, the cracking figure belonged to a male. we don't mention that story much when we meet up! ...I think this story calls for a smiley!

Moving swiftly along....Driving along Clonliffe Road this morning, and saw a pedestrian with a PLO scarf. Is it my imagination or are they becoming more popular again? I seem to have seen quite a few around town over last month or two. Years ago, they seemed common enough. But hadn't seen one in about ten years.

I managed to get my hands on a green one in a bolivian shop in temple bar before the Halloween reunion. I had heard of black, maybe red, but never before green - but that's the grove, buying middle eastern clothing from a south american in dublin.

I'm searching for that cash I should have saved for the crash

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 18-January-2007 at 22:09
Originally posted by Polly Polly wrote:

Hi Mins I see previously you were asking if there was any Manor Farmers on the site, well I went from 78 to 83, and I see you mentioned the 29a bus, so u may have lived in Raheny, im originally from st annes. maybe we know eachother. By the way, I think the leather trouser thing is a bit gay, except for on the likes of Jim Morrison or a biker!!I never had a pair, but I do have a leather skirt!! I may wear it to my divorce party in the Watermill in Feb, if anyones interested lol


Was an 81-87 myself !! Will PM you over the next few days with some names of Manor Housers etc...

Al the best,

Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 19-January-2007 at 17:33
Is Rahgirl still out there? She was a Farmer too I think from your era...

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: Sister1
Date Posted: 19-January-2007 at 18:31

Well I did the leather trousers for a few years. First pair I had were too tight and were as you could say, wrecking my prospects....the second were a much better fit, PVC I think you would call them. Also had one of those 3/4 lenght lenght leather jackets, so must have looked very shinny altogether. It was always a talking point. A couple of complete strangers did say to me that they admired my courage in wearing same. Even got my bottom pinched by a group of girls at the bus stop one night. I remember one night at the grove in particular, sitting on the stage, minding my own business when this young lady sits down beside me and said her mate thought I looked like Jim Morrison ! I was more going for the Andrew Eldridge (Sisters of Mercy) look, but hey what the hell.

Keep it Local, Keep it Near!

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 22-January-2007 at 12:47

Hey Sister1, ya must of been a fine thing in your leathers! Getting pinched at a bus stop...I love it!

Is Johnny the Fox around? Didn't you have a pair of leathers when you were going after the whole Jon Bon Jovi look????? Don't be shy now, I can ask around?

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: rosie
Date Posted: 22-January-2007 at 20:39
Never did leather trousers but would have to confess to knee high leather boots with matchin mini skirt in an effort to catch a certain young mans eye

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 22-January-2007 at 20:53

Hey Rosie, Welcome to the site.

I think that outfit would catch any young mans eye! Well don't keep us in suspense....Did it work?

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: rosie
Date Posted: 22-January-2007 at 21:40

Tx Esthalon, interesting user name wots story there ?

Yeh have to be honest did work finally Johnny was his name , dont know if hes on this site hope not

fancied him for ages and finally decided to go all out to catch his eye

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 23-January-2007 at 13:49

It was my first role playing characters name. There are lots of user name explanations in The Off Topic Forum, "Where did you get your usename from ?" Thread.

Glad your outfit worked. You should wear it to the next reunion!

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 23-January-2007 at 17:17

Rosie...very welcome along...

You do realise everyone will be waiting to see this dress code at the next re-union???

(Including me...!)

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 23-January-2007 at 20:15
Welcome to the site Rosie - be warned, this place gets VERY addictive!

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Johnny the Fox
Date Posted: 26-January-2007 at 14:04




I don't think I ever had a pair of leather trousers to be honest.

I couldn't have afforded them.

But I did have somthing worse! black and white stripey jeans.

This was during my Van Halen period!

I had black seude frindged jacket.

Eventually got a biker jacket.

had sleeveless denim with zeps swansong design enbroidered

(did it meself!) my mam was very impressed!

What else - Cowboy boots, desert boots, loads of red converse boots.

parrot earing.

god, what a site.


all blue jeans and fishermans jumpers these days. 


Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 26-January-2007 at 15:44

Hummmmmmm stripey jeans strikes again

Quite impressed with that wardrobe Foxy but you were after my time

Rosie am sur all the boys would love to see in u in that outfit

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 26-January-2007 at 17:22
Hey Rosie,

Why not come dressed in the leathers for the 17th...

Go on double dare ya ???

Those stripey trousers again...

They had a strange effect on the senses to be honest...


Posted By: rosie
Date Posted: 27-January-2007 at 14:52

Ah Mins come on give us a break that was'nt today or yesterday.

Might manage the boots alright but my mini skirt days are long over.

Depends on when reunion is I'm away over Easter.

life is for living so go out and grab it by the throat

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 28-January-2007 at 17:23

Ah Johnny the Fox....The Parrot earring with the fringe jacket (not forgetting the Armani).....It's all coming back, can't say I remember the B&W stripey trousers but then again I could just be blocking that memory out!!!


Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 02:09

Did attempt to buy a leather pair a long,long time ago but decided against it. My buddy Derek and I went tinto that place on Liffey St. where all the 'heads' used to go...not Shree was it? I know that was a girlie shop but they had cool T shirts and some stuff for guys. Accross a bit from Hector Gray's-can't remember it's name now...

Derek did talk me out of it though...Mel-thank him for me when you see him!

The jacket (or jacka as Mins would say) was an essential however,so as it doesn't seem to fit anymore (leather jackets shrink with age,don't they? Nothing at all to do with the wearer...) here is MurfV (a member) and I...not sure if this was a gig in Olympia or at a re-union...

Thanks to Tonto for taking the pic...

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: whippersnapper
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 10:18

those stripey trousers live long in my mind. I was told by you my first night at the Grove that "everyone was wearing stripey trousers". You were so proud of them! you brooked no comments that you appeared to be the only one wearing them. And indeed, I don't seem to recall anyone else ever wearing them any other night either!


Let us know if you're still planning a game of ball or was that just drink talking at the last reunion?

I'm searching for that cash I should have saved for the crash

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 11:55
Originally posted by Floydman Floydman wrote:

Did attempt to buy a leather pair a long,long time ago but decided against it. My buddy Derek and I went tinto that place on Liffey St. where all the 'heads' used to go...not Shree was it? I know that was a girlie shop but they had cool T shirts and some stuff for guys. Accross a bit from Hector Gray's-can't remember it's name now...

Shop was called Asha, now located top floor of St Stephen's Green SC.

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 20:43

Thats the one!

Still have some good T's and stuff.Might need to get a new leather jack for the 40th...

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 20:52
You'd want to get it soon Floydman....cos you'll need to break it in to get rid of the New look....otherwise we may have to Christen it like in the old days!!!

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 23:24
Used to own 2 'peruvian' jumpers in the Grove days, probably from Asha or Shree in Grafton St. Think they were made from Llama wool - at least there were llama images & s. american looking patterns woven in!
Anyone remember anything like 'em?

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 23:31

Not sure if you're a big computer game fan CP but there was a programmer/game company fella called Jeff Minter back in the 80s, who was renowned for his long hair/beard and "llama" jumpers.  He even made games called "attack of the killer llamas" and stuff like that - real off the wall stuff, bizarre games even if they were lots of fun!

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Tonto
Date Posted: 29-January-2007 at 23:58
Oh Gawd what did I wear??
When I started going to the Grove I started out with the white runner-boots, Jeans a white Grandfather shirt and the denim jacka.

The jeans started to wear out and I started drawing and writing band names on them and the denim jacka got Santana, Pink Floyd and The Eagles embroidered on the back.

The denim jacket lost its sleeves and was put over a leather jacket which had Guns 'n' Roses logos painted on each sleeve. The jeans where still around but where kinda replaced with black skin-tight jeans (bought in Asha me thinks) along with a bullet belt, studded wristbands and (ahem) every now and then black eyeliner

The denim jacket and the jeans with the drawings on them still exist (they are in me Mammy’s) along with me PLO scarf and my Niece (17) got the belts & bracelets. Oh what will I wear for the 40th


Grover 84-88...ish... I think..
I dunno! I was all dazed and confused...(with Floyd).. -

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