Slow Sets
Printed From: The Grove Social Club
Category: The Grove Social Club
Forum Name: The Slow Sets
Forum Description: Did You Score?
Printed Date: 28-March-2025 at 13:27 Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.05 -
Topic: Slow Sets
Posted By: Biker Pat
Subject: Slow Sets
Date Posted: 04-May-2005 at 08:21
Ah yeah, one of the great memories from the "old" Grove was a slow set with a lovely blond girl named Pat. Back in '72 it was.
The song was "Jean Genie" and all around were boppin but me and Pat were oblivious to that. We just swopped tongues !! for the whole song.
Way to go Pat, hope you're still rockin in the free world.
Biker Pat
Posted By: aungier
Date Posted: 14-May-2005 at 15:53
There were never enough slow sets at the Grove, that was my only complaint. Otherwise rock on.
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 25-May-2005 at 09:05
Hi Aungier,
I thought there were loads of slow sets. But I remember the girls use to run for cover when the fast set was about to end. You had to hurry sometimes to catch one. Otherwise they hung in groups and you had to fish one out. God, the innocence of it now.
Biker Pat
Posted By: aungier
Date Posted: 24-July-2005 at 10:09
There were never more thna 3 slow sets in the night and even then they were relatively short so if you missed one, you were lost.
Posted By: crusty
Date Posted: 25-July-2005 at 20:11
Thank God for the slow sets! What if there were no
slow sets?! How would we have learned in the ways
of the opposite sex? I was shy back then (but then I
discovered Dutch Courage, or was that Autumn
Gold, what ever it was they sold it in cans and it
really helped the cause) I don't think I'd be half the
man I think I am today without the help of The
Eagles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Judy Tzuke, Hazel O'Connor
and Co.!?
Posted By: wowo mama
Date Posted: 30-July-2005 at 14:18
My first snog ever was during a slow set, god knows what song, with Steven Davidson from Kilbarrack. He had longish greasy hair and I thought he was gorgeous. No tongues!
Posted By: trazilicious
Date Posted: 12-October-2005 at 04:59
God yeah mine too! Oh the memories!! And it was in the hall, at the back in the annexy type place....I was so nervous...bless! Have no idea what the song was though, and I remember I was trying very hard not to laugh! It was probably the poor guys first time too...but god I remember feeling like my lips wer bruised to bits afterwards! GAS! Also didnt help that my girlfriends wer standing right beside us sl*gging me off! Thanks girls.
Posted By: geraldo
Date Posted: 14-October-2005 at 06:15
I am ashamed to say that I was one of the girls that boldly would say No Thanks when a boy asked me to dance. How cruel! but they were usually Geeks that asked and never the boy you fancied.
Sorry to all those lads whose ego's got deflated.
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 14-October-2005 at 15:25
I remember this one guy who would seek one of us out every week for a slow dance to Free Bird or Stair Way to Heaven and he would paste his gonads up against your crotch! He was the most disgusting person ever - we never had the heart to tell to go to hell - I often wondered what ever happened to him - the dirty git! Probably a flasher in St. Anne's Park now...
... I am cracking up here as now I know this guys name... he was from Howth.... name began with P..... ya feckin eejit ya....
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Eclectic:87-90
Date Posted: 21-October-2005 at 15:06
eejit91 wrote:
I remember this one guy who would seek one of us out every week for a slow dance to Free Bird or Stair Way to Heaven and he would paste his gonads up against your crotch! He was the most disgusting person ever - we never had the heart to tell to go to hell - I often wondered what ever happened to him - the dirty git! Probably a flasher in St. Anne's Park now...
Interesting! There was always a weird and wonderful range of social interaction during the slow sets. (It was a human zoo I suppose). Some couples would be a Taliban-friendly distance apart. Others would look like host and creature in a scene from "Aliens". Given what allegedly goes on at teenage events nowdays it seems that some things never change.
Posted By: Breda
Date Posted: 03-November-2005 at 06:25
I got my first hickey in the Grove when I was about 14. I remember parading around school on the Monday with my neck stuck out so everyone would see it    
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:29
I bet that wasn't Manor House Breda!
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:32
I bet you never did any thing like that 
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:35
Hi Ya Kay, Teresa here! Never in me life. Us Manor House girls had manors alright. Kay do you remember in 6th year they had those communication studies - there were four subjects and sex ed was one of them - I don't believe anyone ever attended any of the other classes but sex Ed. LOL we would be jammed in there to learn it from no less a NUN....
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:37
Ye and look at what she thought us 
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:38
I am lucky not to have any girls as they wouldn't be going To Manor House........
But I would have no problem sending them to the Grove
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:40
No Kidding!!
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:41
Do you remember all the nights down the park Knacker Drinking before the grove and the night that all the drink was taking of Timmy and he wasn't even drinking.
Or the night that Janette said we had enough and through all the drink away
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:45
I remember the night all the booze was taken but not Janette throwing all the booze away! Hell no, they were the practicing years I would have leveled her… Ah those were the days, I am trying to picture us sitting down there now knacker drinking... instead of a nice cozy pub!!! I am also trying to picture someone taking my drink away - like taking a bone away from a dog!!!! I ate them..
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:49
Do you remember lighting the fireligher's and walking up the mile road and getting up to the door and told not 2 night Then going back out side changing coats and trying again in a while and getting into the grove
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:53
Jasus you have a better memory than me. I don't ever remember been turned away except for the 1st night when we had to get Trasa's Dad to get us in - we were no less than 14 just a hair away from 15. I remember this big tall fella asking me to dance and only coming up to his knee and all his friends laughing. 
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:54
Ye that night I thought Joan was going to kill her.I don't think she came down much with us afterthat.Do you remember Mick Nolan and Joe How did we ever thing they were cool 
Well we learn from R mistake.................
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:57
Yeah now that you say it I do, oh I've come a long way since then. Ah but there were a few nice Artane lads. Remember them - let's just call one of them Alan?
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 16:58
R the new year eve that there was a bom scare we only just got in and we all had to leave the hall we couldn't belive it that must have been around 1980 was it........
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: Kay Fagan
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 17:02
Go and do some work and maybe you will be able to make it home for Christmas 
------------- Kay Fagan
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 17:04
I must have drank far too much over the years as I just don't go back that far! If I was there that night I would have been devastated altogether. I remember one night getting all ready to go and was just about to go out the door when my Dad said "where are you going" - The Grove I said positively - "No your not, said he" and that was it final - said and done - I was never so pissed off in all my life. Still feeling a little bad about it. Had a hot date that night.. Crushed
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 04-November-2005 at 17:07
Yeah I know - not a bit motivated - it's terrible. Anyhow it's after 5 now and there's a bottle of beer in the fridge with my name on it so that's where I'm going now.
I'll talk to you soon ok
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 07-November-2005 at 09:22
Love all the stories girls 
That what the forum is about.
If I'm every in Columbus, Ohio I know where to go to get a cold one 
Biker Pat
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 07-November-2005 at 09:29
Pat if your ever in Columbus Ohio, look me up and I'll feed you a slurry of them. That conversation you were reading between Kay and myself - well we have not spoken in over 14 years - I met up with her on this web site - how cool eh! Yes we have had some great fun over the years. by the way Pat my hubby was an avid biker from the Grove also.
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 09-November-2005 at 09:14
Way to go Eejit..................he would be a later generation than me I guess.
What's happening in Columbus?
By the way it's great to see you chattin with old pals on the forum.
I bet a lot more friendships and memories will emerge on the forum over time.
After all it's a small woorld.
Biker Pat
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 09-November-2005 at 09:24
Pat you shared the grove with my sisters, Mary and Bernardine Kelly - although Bernardine was not one for the grove - she went to some dance down by St. Gabriel’s. I bet my brothers Joe and Gerard were also there at times. Do you recall a Celine (spelling?) or Sara O Brien? Breda Fahey maybe - trying to remember the names of their friends. They were Holy Rosary girls back then - the first class ever in the Holy Rosary actually.
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 10-November-2005 at 09:01
Those names don't ring a bell.
But then again we're going back 33 years. I know a Mary Kelly who I worked with before but she never went to the Grove.
Biker Pat
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 10-November-2005 at 12:39
What do you mean you don't remember 33 years ago, says she who can remember yesterday. Your correct - it was a long time ago. Amazing to think of it! Anyhow do you remember club 74? I hear talk of that among my siblings but not much out here?
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 11-November-2005 at 08:44
[QUOTE=eejit91]Waht do you mean you don't remember 33 years ago,
I remember 33 years ago alright, it's the names of all the girls I can't remember. So many....................
I wish.....................
Club 74. Don't mean anything either. What is it?
Biker Pat
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 11-November-2005 at 09:26
I have heard of it a few times - I think it was on a Friday night in the new grove location - a disco from what I hear the all the hippies would flood in on Saturday. Quite the mix...
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 11-November-2005 at 15:10
I always thought club 74 was the event that was the early format of the Grove, maybe in the Cricket Club or thereabouts or even perhaps Belgrove origionally,
Someone clear this up
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 11-November-2005 at 15:42
Stevie my husband went and said it used to be in Pauls on a Friday night, now it's been a while since he told me that.. so I will run it by him again.
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Lenny3fingers
Date Posted: 14-November-2005 at 11:56
DIdnt they change the name of the grove to club G for a while, to see if that would work out. dont think it did.
------------- work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Posted By: aungier
Date Posted: 10-March-2006 at 04:10
>I always thought club 74 was the event that was the early format of >the Grove, maybe in the Cricket Club or thereabouts or even perhaps >Belgrove origionally,
>Someone clear this up
Club 74 was held every Friday in St Paul's College, the exact same location as the Grove. It was more disco music and it was definitely not as well run as the Grove. There was alomost always fights there either inside the place ot outside. I saw some with chains and knives inside on the dance floor.
Outside there was also almost always fights. I saw some terrible thing there. Once a gang was chasin 1 guy up the road towards Killester Church and I hope that they would not catch up with him for his sake. The bouncers were useless but also the crowd that came from Donneycarney and other parts who were only looking for trouble.
In the beginning it was trouble free limited to people from a number of schools like Manor House, St Pauls and I don't remember what other schools. I missed it when ti closed down from a musical prospective but the Grove was a very safe place. The people who frequented the Grove were seldom trouble makers.
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 10-March-2006 at 14:50
aungier wrote:
>I always thought club 74 was the event that was the early format of >the Grove, maybe in the Cricket Club or thereabouts or even perhaps >Belgrove origionally,
>Someone clear this up
Club 74 was held every Friday in St Paul's College, the exact same location as the Grove. It was more disco music and it was definitely not as well run as the Grove. There was alomost always fights there either inside the place ot outside. I saw some with chains and knives inside on the dance floor.
Outside there was also almost always fights. I saw some terrible thing there. Once a gang was chasin 1 guy up the road towards Killester Church and I hope that they would not catch up with him for his sake. The bouncers were useless but also the crowd that came from Donneycarney and other parts who were only looking for trouble.
In the beginning it was trouble free limited to people from a number of schools like Manor House, St Pauls and I don't remember what other schools. I missed it when ti closed down from a musical prospective but the Grove was a very safe place. The people who frequented the Grove were seldom trouble makers.
René |
I went to the Grove when it was in Mount Prospect and I can't recall any major hassle. I think the music and the crowd and the DJ.......forget his name just made it work.
I wouldn't go near a disco/club now.........even pubs are mad now with fights etc.. and not just in Dublin.
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 13:38
Biker Pat wrote:
Rene,I went to the Grove when it was in Mount Prospect and I can't recall any major hassle. I think the music and the crowd and the DJ.......forget his name just made it work.I wouldn't go near a disco/club now.........even pubs are mad now with fights etc.. and not just in Dublin. |
Too true. Occasionally I read the local papers
here (Mayo News, Western People, Connaught Telegraph,
Tuam Herald) for (as Phoenix magazine would say)
the bog cuttings.
Plenty of agro and mad stuff going on on a regular
basis regardless of location
------------- Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005
Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 15:54
Regarding slow sets in the 80-84 era there was one
slow track which I really didn't take to at all.
It was "Chance" by "Big Country". It's a bit of
a new wave dirge to be honest. I'm not sure
if there were any other new romantic/new wave
crossover songs which made it ever into the slow
set. Most of them were "shiny happy" jingly jangly
ditties which were uptempo.
Perhaps some of the angst ridden Morrissey material
might have fitted into the slow sets.
For me the slow set song classics are nearly all
the female vocals ones such as Janis Ian -17 and
Joan Armatrading - Love an Affection. Rolling
Stones Angie is really nice though and I'll always
associate that with Grove nights and a really
pleasant atmosphere when the night was closing in.
------------- Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 16:16
I always loved "Wish you were here" always brings me back to the grove and good days. Others were Angie, Stay with me till dawn Judy Tzuke, Love and Affection also. 10cc I'm not in love seems to even bring me back earlier than the grove and lately I am listening to Guitar Man - Bread.
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 16:59
Teresa - Do you remember "Mama" by Phil Collins/Genesis being played during the slow set ?
------------- Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 19:29
Yes I remember the song not specifically at the grove but thats a great number. Gosh at every hands turn someone mentions a song that you have totally forgotten about!!! Keep them coming....
ps: love Janis Ian and my party piece is always "17"...
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 19:32
Home Thoughts from abroad by Clifford T Ward was always one of my faves...
------------- TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 20:26
Brunswick wrote:
Home Thoughts from abroad by Clifford T Ward was always one of my faves... |
And "Gaye" by same artist.
Also "Fearless" by Pink Floyd.
"Everybody Needs A Friend" by Wishbone Ash another classic.
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 20:28
IanL wrote:
Regarding slow sets in the 80-84 era there was one
slow track which I really didn't take to at all.
It was "Chance" by "Big Country". It's a bit of
a new wave dirge to be honest. I'm not sure
if there were any other new romantic/new wave
crossover songs which made it ever into the slow
set. Most of them were "shiny happy" jingly jangly
ditties which were uptempo.
Perhaps some of the angst ridden Morrissey material
might have fitted into the slow sets.
For me the slow set song classics are nearly all
the female vocals ones such as Janis Ian -17 and
Joan Armatrading - Love an Affection. Rolling
Stones Angie is really nice though and I'll always
associate that with Grove nights and a really
pleasant atmosphere when the night was closing in.
"Chance", the only song I ever liked by Big Country.
Bought the single on a cycling trip in a town called Nijmejen (spelling?) in Holland in 1985.
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 20:32
Love Fearless Pat, and also Suzanne by Leonard Cohen.
Friend of mine sings it really well at parties and stuff.
T, love to hear you sing At 17.
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 20:57
Rolo wrote:
Love Fearless Pat, and also Suzanne by Leonard Cohen.
Friend of mine sings it really well at parties and stuff.
T, love to hear you sing At 17.
Yeah Rolo.
Never forget the first time I heard Fearless in the Grove, which is where I heard it first.
"You'll Never Walk Alone" at the end is priceless, even though I'm a Man U man.
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 20:58
Pat, why would you never knock down a scouser on a bike ?
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 21:03
Rolo wrote:
Pat, why would you never knock down a scouser on a bike ? |
Ah no, I love football and whoever you support that's OK with me.
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 21:07
It's a joke ya dingbat.
Why should you ( as in anyone, not necessarily your good self Pat ) never knock down a Scouser on a bike ?
Because...........knowing the Scousers,it's probably your bike.
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 21:20
Rolo wrote:
It's a joke ya dingbat.
Why should you ( as in anyone, not necessarily your good self Pat ) never knock down a Scouser on a bike ?
Because...........knowing the Scousers,it's probably your bike.
LOL, I know it was a joke .     
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 29-September-2006 at 21:21
My first ever slow dance in the Grove was to Free's "A Little Bit Of Love".
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 11-October-2006 at 21:36
The first song that me and HD danced to at the grove was "stairway to
Heaven" Led Zep and the second was "Women" John Lennon and when we got
married we got the video man to play those songs through out the
video.....I know soppy!!!...but also sweet memories
------------- You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 11-October-2006 at 21:39
Rolo wrote:
Love Fearless Pat, and also Suzanne by Leonard Cohen.
Friend of mine sings it really well at parties and stuff.
T, love to hear you sing At 17.
Rolo I can't make a trip home without one of my brothers begging me to sing it! Singing it now Rolo can you hear me
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 11-October-2006 at 23:21
Remember Baker Street? and a slow fave was "Stars" -Janis Ian
------------- A man must have a code
Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 11-October-2006 at 23:26
Ahhhh....finno, I loved and still love Baker Street....just one of
those songs that reminds me of when we didn't have any responsibility's
or cares in the world.....just what we were gonna wear to the grove the
following week.
------------- You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter
Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 11-October-2006 at 23:37
Kudos Finno on mentioning Baker Street, what a great song!
------------- TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
Posted By: tmarie
Date Posted: 12-October-2006 at 19:55
I remember being very careful to look busy and studiously engage in conversation during "17" - it was "not a good look" for a girl to be singing wistfully to "17" during the slow sets!! ;) Did Cecil play "Bright Lights and Promises" once or twice?
And here's a bftp..."Old and Wise" - Alan Parsons Project - I'm convinced Cecil played that in early 80's - can anyone confirm?
Has anyone mentioned "The River" yet? I'm not a huge Springsteen fan but I've never tired of hearing that song
------------- Cheers
Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 12-October-2006 at 20:05
TMarie - I think Mel mentioned Cecil playing
"The Factory" by Springsteen. I can definitely
remember him playing "The River" -- the opening
strains of harmonica and it often was one of the
first in a slow set.
I'm not sure on the Alan Parsons track but I don't
think your the first to mention it so it may well
have been played.
------------- Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005
Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 12-October-2006 at 20:08
Good God - You're right. I went onto iTunes to preview
"Old and Wise". Absolutely was played during slow sets
at least for a while while I went (1981-84). I didn't
know it was Alan Parsons. It's a real smoochy
------------- Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005
Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 12-October-2006 at 20:09
Hi tmarie, yeah, now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure he played Old and Wise alright.
------------- TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
Posted By: tmarie
Date Posted: 12-October-2006 at 20:15
I knew it! :) When I discovered Napster in 2000 it was one of the first tracks I downloaded - sounded too evocative not to have been played at the Grove - Eye in the Sky was another of their's but I think Cecil favoured Old & Wise...
------------- Cheers
Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 12-October-2006 at 20:29
Turn of a friendly card was another great track by them, marie!
------------- TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
Posted By: tmarie
Date Posted: 13-October-2006 at 20:55
Will hunt it down Brunswick - thanks :D
------------- Cheers
Posted By: Ger Mc
Date Posted: 14-October-2006 at 11:39
tmarie wrote:
I remember being very careful to look busy and studiously engage in conversation during "17" - it was "not a good look" for a girl to be singing wistfully to "17" during the slow sets!! ;) Did Cecil play "Bright Lights and Promises" once or twice?
And here's a bftp..."Old and Wise" - Alan Parsons Project - I'm convinced Cecil played that in early 80's - can anyone confirm?
Has anyone mentioned "The River" yet? I'm not a huge Springsteen fan but I've never tired of hearing that song
Yeah Cecil used to play Old and Wise a lot in the early 80's.....Loved it so much I ended up buying The Greatest Hits of Alan Parsons for it....can't really comment on the rest of the collection...other than to say....don't waste your mullah!!!
------------- Still Rock'in after all these years......
Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 15-October-2006 at 01:04
Alan Parsons.....remember him alright, and glad to say that I never spent any money on buying his records
------------- You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter
Posted By: Hayseed Dixie
Date Posted: 15-October-2006 at 21:13
Yeah...but I did...heheh..and there's at least one in the
collection...the one that has the track that begins something
like..."as far as my eyes can see....blah blah blah.." can't remember
the rest...
------------- Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. - (Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 15-October-2006 at 21:54
nothing wrong with AP Project! 
------------- TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 17-October-2006 at 10:06
Hayseed Dixie wrote:
Yeah...but I did...heheh..and there's at least one in the collection...the one that has the track that begins something like..."as far as my eyes can see....blah blah blah.." can't remember the rest...
That's Old and Wise . Is it the Green album with the Golden eye?
------------- Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 17-October-2006 at 13:22
I love that song!
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 17-October-2006 at 21:24
eejit91 wrote:
I love that song! |
ok Teresa.....we will see if Cecil has that record at the reunion and
get him to play it for you....and we will all stand around the stage
with lighters lighting in our hands waving them for you.....and I will
take some photo's to prove it.....promise 
------------- You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter
Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 17-October-2006 at 21:38
Bluebell wrote:
eejit91 wrote:
I love that song! |
ok Teresa.....we will see if Cecil has that record at the reunion and get him to play it for you....and we will all stand around the stage with lighters lighting in our hands waving them for you.....and I will take some photo's to prove it.....promise  | we won't !
Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 17-October-2006 at 21:56
Eh......ok then won't but the rest of us will ......
......won't we ??? ...or is it me on my own.....still making a fool of myself in my 40's 
------------- You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter
Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 17-October-2006 at 22:21
Slow set: Father and Son - Cat Stephens You've got a Friend - James Taylor Still in Love with You - Thin Lizzy (live version) Stay with me Till Dawn - Judie Tzuke Wondrous stories - Yes
------------- A man must have a code
Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 18-October-2006 at 00:30
I love all of this selection Finno! just knew without checking the dates that we had to be at the Grove around the same time!
keep up the good work
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 18-October-2006 at 13:40
off you go Bluebell can't wait to see the pic?
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 19-October-2006 at 18:49
1. After The Goldrush - Neil Young 2. Fearless - Pink Floyd 3. Nights In White Satin - Moody Blues 4. Mandolin Wind - Rod Stewart 5. Everybody Needs A Friend - Wishbone Ash
You'd never get rid of me after that slow set   
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: ShayG
Date Posted: 21-October-2006 at 01:46
At 17 - Janice Ian
You've got a Friend - James Taylor
Stay with me Till Dawn - Judie Tzuke
Nights In White Satin - Moody Blues
Sometimes when we touch - dan hill
------------- never forget your roots..northside forever
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 21-October-2006 at 14:19
Somethimes when we touch - i just love that!!! great pick
I am so surprised that so many of you like Janis Ian as since I have been about 12 she is one of my top favorites and I sing most of her songs. Bright lights and promises being one of my favorites - but sing at 17 most!
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: tmarie
Date Posted: 21-October-2006 at 17:09
Bright lights and promises is a great song - I don't know any girl who didn't give it socks for "take a little time, some memories and wine, loosen up the sucker by the bar". Was thinkin you might be persuaded to do a few tunes after the dj's, but then remembered you're in the states I think? Maybe next time...
------------- Cheers
Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 21-October-2006 at 17:20
eejit91 wrote:
Somethimes when we touch - i just love that!!! great pick
I am so surprised that so many of you like Janis Ian as since I have been about 12 she is one of my top favorites and I sing most of her songs. Bright lights and promises being one of my favorites - but sing at 17 most!
T |
Have the album "Between The Lines".
Hard to believe it's over 30 years old 
------------- May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
Biker Pat
Grove 1972-1975
Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 21-October-2006 at 21:18
Between the lines is the one I have and listen to most - know all the songs.... brill stuff.
------------- "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Posted By: ShayG
Date Posted: 22-October-2006 at 01:30
Hazel O'Connor - Will You
I Know soppy git but d'ont know about anyone else but when I was growing up (in the grove) i always associated the slow songs with breakups etc.. they are forever stuck in my mind ..just back from gig (30th B/Day) and the bday girl asked me for "Hazel will you" so threw in Judy Tsuke and Lay lady lay for good measure ... MAD
------------- never forget your roots..northside forever
Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 22-October-2006 at 19:32
Always liked Janis Ian. I think she reminds me/us of when we were teenagers.
------------- A man must have a code
Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 22-October-2006 at 22:42
Hey Finno.....reminds us of been teenagers....I still am a teenager
------------- You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter
Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 22-October-2006 at 23:34
1.Still in Love with you
3.Wish You Were Here
4.Will You
5 Baby I Love You
Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 22-October-2006 at 23:49
1. Ripples - Genesis
2. Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
3. Nights in White Satin - Moody Blues
4. I'm not in love - 10CC
5. Home Thoughts from Abroad - Clifford T Ward*
* Yer right Rolo, forgot that one!
------------- TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 22-October-2006 at 23:52
Hate Nights in White Satin and Whiter Shade of Pale, Mel
Don't know why, just do.
Remember Home Thoughts From Abroad ? Used like that
Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 11:31
I had to work hard to get a chance to score. My friends dad was a bouncer (cop from Raheny) and everytime he saw me dance in a slow set with a guy, he was over telling him that he wouldn't be allowed back in if he kissed me!! He thought it was funny to do that to all of his daughter's friends!!
We had to have a quiet word with her. He was ruining our chances week after week.
Funny though. He saved me from certain kiss of death sometimes!!!
------------- Lesley
25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.
Grove 1980-1984
Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 12:11
Wow, Home thoughts from abroad, Clifford T Ward, that reminds me of Colin O'Conner from Clontarf. He bought me that record, one of my faves, and the first boyfriend to buy me music stuff!! or anything else for that matter. Thanks for the memories.
Going to go out and try to buy it again. (I still have it in my mams house back in dublin) Hope I can get it here in Perth.
------------- Lesley
25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.
Grove 1980-1984
Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 14:29
Not neccessarily my Favorites, but definitely what I remember from my era
All Out of Love - Air Supply - Always 1st song 2nd Slowset, Preceeded by the one and only time Cecil ever said anything, the infamous line "We're gonna sssslow things down a bit"
At 17 - Janis Ian
Will You? - Hazel O'Connor
In the Air Tonight - Phil Collins
Nights in White Satin - Moody Blues
------------- Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!
Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 14:42
Esthalon wrote:
Not neccessarily my Favorites, but definitely what I remember from my era
In a similar vein :
Life on Mars - David Bowie
Changes - Black Sabbath
Mama - Genesis (Phil Collins)
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton
Romeo & Juliet - Dire Straits
Noticed noone mentioned (or maybe were too embarrassed
to mention REO Speedwagon - Keep on Lovin' You )
------------- Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005
Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 14:52
Did you have to mention REO!!!! I'd successfully blotted that song out 
------------- Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!
Posted By: ShayG
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 15:25
did he also play "c'ant fight this feeling" d'ont , c'ant remember maybe I have justed blotted out the bad memory
------------- never forget your roots..northside forever
Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 15:42
ShayG wrote:
did he also play "c'ant fight this feeling" d'ont , c'ant remember maybe I have justed blotted out the bad memory |
Shay - not that I remember. I think he played
"Take it on the run". It's the one (if you needed
reminding) that starts off with the lyric
"Heard it from a friend who ... heard it from a friend.."
When I was in first year college there was a student
union rep candidate who had as one of the promises
in his manifesto that he would ban REO Speedwagon
tracks from any of the student discos. His other
popular promise was to improve the quality of college
toilet roll.
------------- Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005
Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 15:44
Yes, thanks Shay. This thread now needs a health warning. Just for that I'm goign to mention....
Chicago - If you Leave me Now (Pass the bucket) 
------------- Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!
Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 23-October-2006 at 15:48
IanL wrote:
ShayG wrote:
did he also play "c'ant fight this feeling" d'ont , c'ant remember maybe I have justed blotted out the bad memory
Shay - not that I remember. I think he played "Take it on the run". It's the one (if you needed reminding) that starts off with the lyric "Heard it from a friend who ... heard it from a friend.."
When I was in first year college there was a student union rep candidate who had as one of the promises in his manifesto that he would ban REO Speedwagon tracks from any of the student discos. His other popular promise was to improve the quality of college toilet roll.
--Ian |
Thanks Ian! I now have that song in my head too.....I had successfully blotted out the whole REO experience and between the 3 of you you've set me back to fleeing to the toilets to escape....and any guy who intercepted asked you up to dance to that....Well lets just say he lost ALL credibility as a rocker!
------------- Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!