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Grove Years 1979-1983-84ish
Joined: 12-October-2005
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Topic: Chat Room! Posted: 16-November-2005 at 19:58 |
Hi All.
This is only a suggestion! But lots of times when I am chatting it gets a little bit out of hand, meaning the question is asked in one forum and the answer is put in another and you don't know your ass from your elbow. So how about if we want to chat we come here and leave the forums for suggestions or answers. Like name that song - we'll leave it to that and not clog it up with chat. There's a poem and I didn't even know it!!!
Make this your clock in point!
Anyone! Anyone?
Edited by eejit91
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
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�79 - �85
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 03:34 |
Quote, David Sylvian
" I second that emotion "
No one to chat to last night,Eejit ? Sorry,I did stay up 'til half twelve.
Rolo.( One Hundred and Eighty)
Edited by Rolo
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 03:40 |
a chat room as in java chat thingy or keep things to a single thread?
I think that when posting you should keep it to the relevant thread, so say a thread about favorite songs should only contain your favourite songs.
what yis think of that?
work. the curse of the drinking classes!
-----grover 90 - 96 ish------
Kay Fagan
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 04:05 |
Very good idea

See you did learn something in all those years in Manor House
Kay Fagan
Die Hard Grover!
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 05:07 |
Eejit thats a great idea, as is having a few beers sometime. I was getting lost trying to find stuff each time I logged on. Isn't is great that the tickets are on sale, have to email people now and try and pin them down, some people find it hard to commit to something around Christmas time. Anyway I'll be there with bells on (not literally obviously, it'd make moshing difficult).
Pat did I read you right that you work in FCC? I used to work there, up to about 2001, I've been trying to figure out if you fit the profile of any of the Patricks, Pats, Paddys etc that I can remember, but you may be post 2001 in which case I'm wasting my time! PM me if you don't feel like outing yourself in public.
Off to do some work now, talk to yiz later.
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Moderator Group
Grove Years 1979-1983-84ish
Joined: 12-October-2005
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 08:32 |
Yis are all still off chattering around the other forums! - There's no point you’re an uncontrollable bunch of non working louts!
I tried - 
Must work today! Must, Must....
I awoke last night and my mind drifted to this place, then I started thinking imagine if they show the website on the documentary - your all screwed if they do. Imagine Kay's boss - Kay Fagan now you’re going to be hard to spot. 
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 08:36 |
Howya Eejit,
Now you know how I felt yesterday afternoon. Look if you're short on time here's a synopsis.
There's no feckin' tickets yet,we're all getting better at the technical aspects of the site, Ann is back with a vengeance ,we're all going to be fired , love the chat room idea ,there's still no feckin' tickets and oh yeah,someone has posted a fantastic joke they actually made up themselves.
Now you're up to date.
Rolo.( One Hundred and Eighty)
Edited by Rolo
Die Hard Grover!
88/89 ish to 1992ish
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 08:42 |
Rolo's hitting the comedy circuit next!
And you forgot that Kay got wings.
We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
Moderator Group
Grove Years 1979-1983-84ish
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 08:43 |
Hi Rolo.
I am short on time - F-in working till 11 last night trying to catch up from this site, it's a terrible thing.
Thanks for the update: I get emailed on the updated topics but that is clogging up my email - there were about 100 of them when I logged in this morning. I stood here with a big smile on my face thinking look at them, their off...
I will check out the joke! Actually have a bunch of Christmas songs for you also. Dug out my collection last night!
As for the tickets, well you know my thoughts on that - can't go anyway so sulking here.
Glad Ann is back, certainly missed her presence and delightful novels - she's great for capturing the moments.
Crusty was online when I was here last night but that's like chatting to the principal! only kidding Crusty...
Edited by eejit91
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
Moderator Group
Grove Years 1979-1983-84ish
Joined: 12-October-2005
Location: Sometimes here and sometime
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Points: 8180
Posted: 17-November-2005 at 08:49 |
Ok Rolo I seen the joke and was laughing my ass off - as Hubby thinks I am out of control - says he never wants the word Grove mentioned again!!! LOL
Apart from the joke it looks like you were all having some computer classes out there this morning!
Now I am going as I have to do some work!
See yis later.
Edited by eejit91
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
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�79 - �85
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 08:50 |
Great Eejit,
Now listen, tonight I'm going missing until next Wednesday so,here's the thing.
How about ( and I don't ask this lightly ) ........................a daily review,sort of a synopsis of each days posts,similar to the above?
Otherwise I've no chance to catch and may be lost forever.
Please,please,please,please a couple of lines will do.
You know when we're all in the scratcher and you're hanging around with no one to chat to,maybe you'll think about it.
Now, I've said it.
( To edit or not to edit ? To edit or not to edit ?)
Rolo.( A very sheepish One Hundred and Forty)
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Grove Years 1979-1983-84ish
Joined: 12-October-2005
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 08:55 |
Rolo I will do, do you want me to PM you on it daily? Again if your coming this direction - it's brass monkey weather - flurries today.
Freeze the go nads off ya!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
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�79 - �85
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 09:14 |
You know Eejit,
That would be absolutely magic.
Read the joke yet.
Rolo.( One Hundred and Eighty.)
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Grove Years 1979-1983-84ish
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 09:18 |
ok go back to page 1 - answer on the joke - will keep you updated - not a problem considering my hubby thinks I'm out of my mind anyway! I can't let him down now.
Just had an email from someone I am doing a job for asking me why I was working so late last night !!!!!!! I hadn't the heart to tell her...LOL
Edited by eejit91
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
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�79 - �85
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 09:26 |
Thought you were working.
Actually did some work myself in the last few minutes.
You mentioned Year End in another post and then a joke about accountants.
Do I detect a link ?
Rolo.( One Hundred and Seventy Seven)
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Grove Years 1979-1983-84ish
Joined: 12-October-2005
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 09:33 |
Like you fitting it in!!! I actually work for a "food broker" - we rep many manufacturers in the food/gm hbc industry. I do the new item presentations on the Health & Beauty side of the business but I also take care of the finance side - so year end means putting in spend plans for 2006 and so forth - lots of deadline - as you can see I'm meeting them!!!! 
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 09:37 |
Listen,don't want to be responsible for you getting into trouble.
Rolo.( Game Shot and the Match)
Die Hard Grover!
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 10:42 |
A daily review. LOL!! You don't ask for much do you?!!!
Eejit, is that GM as in Genetically Modified?
We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.
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�79 - �85
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Posted: 17-November-2005 at 10:48 |
Howya Eejit,
Now you know how I felt yesterday afternoon. Look if you're short on time here's a synopsis.
There's no feckin' tickets yet,we're all getting better at the technical aspects of the site, Ann is back with a vengeance ,we're all going to be fired , love the chat room idea ,there's still no feckin' tickets and oh yeah,someone has posted a fantastic joke they actually made up themselves.
Now you're up to date.
Rolo.( One Hundred and Eighty)
Xgh, that's not bad is it ? Short and to the point.
Anyway,like me to forward them on to you when you're away next week as well ?
Rolo.( One Hundred and Eighty)
Edited by Rolo
Die Hard Grover!
88/89 ish to 1992ish
Joined: 26-April-2005
Location: Dublin, Ireland
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Points: 2107
Posted: 17-November-2005 at 10:52 |
That would be brill thank you. Are you getting your tickets before you go?
Has Pat been in today anyone?
We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.