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Topic: Dreams
Posted By: Biker Pat
Subject: Dreams
Date Posted: 31-July-2008 at 19:32

I was wondering what people's interpretation of dreams are?

For example,

Quick summary.

I had a dream the other night that I was holed up with a load of people, a la The Alamo, and we had basic weapons against current armoury. I was the leader of this group.

We also had basic rations and a lot of people died of starvation but we held out in the end and the outside army withdrew and went away.

Lot's of other stuff went on in the dream as well, violence, erotica, blood and gore, real voices etc...

I emerged with the few remaining few survivors to a hero's welcome.

Now the thing about this dream was that I could clearly see people, they were real people but I didn't know any of them from my life.

How does the mind do this or what goes on in dreams?

I was told that maybe I was probably a King in another life and that they were people from back then.

Could this be true because besides this dream I often get "deja vu" feelings, like I've been in a certain place before.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 31-July-2008 at 22:20

I often dream that Liverpool will win the Premiership one day!

(agreed about the Deja Vu though Pat - often experience that!)

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Grovegirl
Date Posted: 31-July-2008 at 23:31

 I've had those Deja vu experiences too....amazing!

That's some dream ,Pat...very vivid.

I've often wondered about the relevance of dreams myself. One night my little fella and I dreamt of the same thing simultaneously! Apparently an old grandaunt of mine could interpret dreams...wish she was around to advise me now!


Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 31-July-2008 at 23:55
Originally posted by Biker Pat Biker Pat wrote:

I was wondering what people's interpretation of dreams are?

For example,

Quick summary.

I had a dream the other night that I was holed up with a load of people, a la The Alamo, and we had basic weapons against current armoury. I was the leader of this group.

We also had basic rations and a lot of people died of starvation but we held out in the end and the outside army withdrew and went away.

Lot's of other stuff went on in the dream as well, violence, erotica, blood and gore, real voices etc...

I emerged with the few remaining few survivors to a hero's welcome.

Now the thing about this dream was that I could clearly see people, they were real people but I didn't know any of them from my life.

How does the mind do this or what goes on in dreams?

Puy says that I was probably a King in another life and that they were people from back then. Thai's believe in re-incarnation.

Could this be true because besides this dream I often get "deja vu" feelings, like I've been in a certain place before.

Dont know what your on but I'll have some!

A man must have a code

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 00:19
Originally posted by Brunswick Brunswick wrote:

I often dream that Liverpool will win the Premiership one day!

(agreed about the Deja Vu though Pat - often experience that!)


Am talking about DREAMS not NIGHTMARES

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 00:33
great topic Pat - that's one vivid dream!
I had a discussion a while back about dreams and reincarnation - deep, but makes sense.

Either I don't dream much now, or don't remember the dreams

I used to have a recurring dream of being in something like quicksand, being chased by something, and not being able to run!
There's one for the psychiatrists!

I've also had dreams within dreams - have a mad dream, then you wake up but everything's not right - then wake up again for real
Anyone else dream like that ? - maybe i'll stop taking those tablets then...

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 00:36

Am fascinated by dreams. I don't wanna go out and buy books on the stuff.

Would rather hear peoples opinions and experiences with them.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: jbrsmc
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 01:08

Sifting through my own dreams, I find the more confusing the dream, is when my own reality is in a bit of reorganizing! As a comp therapist the question of whether the client dreams or not always comes up, with the lead on to whether they dream in black and white or colour? Supposedly the more logical minded a person is the dreams would tend to be black&white.



Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 08:55

Why do you think that we have dreams?

This is still an unresolved topic amongst researchers as to the reason we have dreams. One theory suggests that dreams serve as a means for cleansing and release. During the day, we may hold back our feelings and repress our anger. Thus dreams serve as a safe outlet for us to release our negative emotions. Another theory says that dreams is a biologically necessary aspect of sleep. Research has shown that people who were prevented from entering the dream state and woken up before they can dream were more easily irritated, jittery, and performed far below average.  I believe these are two theories summarize why we dream.

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 08:58

What does it mean to have a dream within a dream? 

Having a dream within a dream may be safer and more acceptable way to express material from your unconscious. The dream within a dream protects you, the dreamer from waking up. Such dreams often reflect a hidden but crucial issue which you need to acknowledge and confront. ,thats for you CP

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 09:00 - ,You might be interested in this site Pat

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 11:32
Originally posted by joey the lips joey the lips wrote: - ,You might be interested in this site Pat

Cool, will check it out.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 01-August-2008 at 12:50

Almost every dream I've had, at some stage in it, I've been on "the enterprise" or similar starship. Not sure what it means, but I guess I watched too much star trek!!! (think I may be a wannabe astronaut who's afraid of heights)

I usually try to interprete dreams that are quite vivid, whether scary, happy, or whatever, as I believe your subconsious mind tries to tell you something you're too busy to listen to when you're awake!! 



25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 02-August-2008 at 14:43

Lesley, - too many drugs

My dreams always end up in me not being able to move and something is stalking me.   Think it is the bank manager   I also have dreams about tidal waves - this was when I lived beside the sea and my efforts to save my kids by driving away really fast.   My husband also had this dream - but the weirdest thing that ever happened to me was in our old house.   There was a cold spot in the hall and I often saw something like a shadow there.   It wasn't until we left the house that both my kids and my husband told me that they had seen an old man in the hall on several occasions.   I checked back into the history of the house and every owner ( bar us) had someone die in strange circumstances in the house usually a young person.   The person who bought the house from us - left it for no reason  and it has been empty for the past two years.   She is living two houses away from it in a rented property !!!!   Very strange.  


Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 02-August-2008 at 17:51

Lucky escape there,Mary???

Tonto's missus Anita is very good at analysing dreams.

What I am told about running away from someone in a dream,like someone is chasing you and you can't run away,you just can't move,is supposedly because your legs are crossed in bed???

Also you (apparently) never remember the start of your dream,just like you never remember falling asleep (as in the exact monent).

I believe you cannot dream about your own death (the old urban myth is that you die if you do!)

And,is it just me or do you find if someone gives you a piece of paper to read,you just cannot make it out? It's like it's not English-not even letters.

Likewise,try to remember tomorrow morning what people were saying to you in a dream-they don't actually say anything,you just hear it,or it's a given that something was said-you don't actually see them saying it-you don't see their lips move,but you just 'inherit' the information.

Strange stuff...

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 02-August-2008 at 23:06


Have a very good book somewhere on the topic of dreams will try & root it up.  Ever dream of something or someone and they turn up next day ????  Happens to me quite often - have to say at this stage I find it amusing.  They say the interpretation of dreams varies but usually signifies the subconscious - so if checking them up, take the "good" that comes out of them, never anything negative.

Goodness breeds better times, negativity breeds misery.



Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 03-August-2008 at 09:54
Great topic listening to other peoples dreams too. My dreams are always very normal and boring, but Robbie's dreams are mad  .

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 03-August-2008 at 11:53


Have some cheese before you go to bed and you will have some MAD dreams.....


"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Evangeline
Date Posted: 03-August-2008 at 15:17

You're right there Peter! When we were in France this year, we bought some handmade cheese. "Matured for three years" your man said. Now when we sampled it, we had a taste from the centre of the cheese, which was strong but delicious. The fecker gave us a slice of the edge which, by them time we got back to the campsite, was smelling quite pungent. After washing down a few slices of it with a bottle of red wine that night, we both had the freakiest dreams ever! Who needs drugs for a bad trip? Can't remember the details now but Brian did wake up clawing at the wall at one point. If I ever see that cheese seller again...


"Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 03-August-2008 at 17:24


Heard that one about cheese and I agree with Jen, it seems to stimulate whatever causes dreams.

I get dreams where I know people in the dream but they are totally out of context to how I knew them before. These people I may not have known well but they feature vividly in my dream.

I knew a guy who worked in Reservations in Aer Lingus and he recently popped up as a barman selling lotto tickets as well as drink behind a bar somewhere. I was in the queue and I had the winning numbers and there was great banter re my winning and drinks all round.

But why him and why as a barman?

As I said above I see people clearly that I have never seen before and they are of different nationalities.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Grovegirl
Date Posted: 03-August-2008 at 17:29
Originally posted by verh verh wrote:


Have a very good book somewhere on the topic of dreams will try & root it up.  Ever dream of something or someone and they turn up next day ????  Happens to me quite often - have to say at this stage I find it amusing.  They say the interpretation of dreams varies but usually signifies the subconscious - so if checking them up, take the "good" that comes out of them, never anything negative.

Goodness breeds better times, negativity breeds misery.



Well Verona..that's always happening to me! One day I cried when I saw the person that appeared in my dream the night before. I was completely overcome by it and it's always happening. I believe it has to be more than coincidence now because I may not have seen the person  in question for years so it's definitely not a case of being likely to meet them anyway.

As you say,the best thing is to take the positive out of the whole thing and get too caught up in it.

Jen, I heard that one of the (natural) chemical ingredients in cheese promotes dreaming so evidently it's true....don't eat cheese before you go to bed! 


Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 04-August-2008 at 01:03


You are also probably psychic -  treat it as a gift, they say people that have that gift are usually sensitive, caring and aware of others feelings  -  tell Mr. Grovegirl he is a lucky guy and you want your breakfast in bed tomorrow am.



Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 04-August-2008 at 19:07
Verh - you'd think he would know ( me being psychic and all !!!)  Tell you now that house gave me the creeps.   Glad we left.  


Posted By: Grovegirl
Date Posted: 04-August-2008 at 19:26
Originally posted by verh verh wrote:


You are also probably psychic -  treat it as a gift, they say people that have that gift are usually sensitive, caring and aware of others feelings  -  tell Mr. Grovegirl he is a lucky guy and you want your breakfast in bed tomorrow am.


 I'll try that V! 


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 04-August-2008 at 22:40
Any of you other lads dream of Baywatch then or is it just me?

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 05-August-2008 at 07:09
Mel, are you dreaming about the Hoff, or Pammie!!!!!!!!!!!


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 05-August-2008 at 11:22

What they say is that the Anological side of the brain sleeps ( The part the keeps lists, does sums etc )

Leaving the creative side that stores images, and smells and sees in color. awake but with nothing controling it. Thus dreams are images in no order that caome and go.

The longest dream only lasts 45 seconds max


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 05-August-2008 at 14:24
I had a dream last night and a bunch of you were in it! Rolo was the real love doctor in it! Mad stuff

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 05-August-2008 at 14:43

Originally posted by eejit91 eejit91 wrote:

I had a dream last night and a bunch of you were in it! Rolo was the real love doctor in it!

......not that surprising really .

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 05-August-2008 at 16:19
..... No not at all.... You were lovin everyone last night and all dressed to kill....

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 05-August-2008 at 19:19

Puy had a dream last night that an unknown woman, she never saw this woman in her life, saved her sister from the jaws of a crocodile in a river somewhere.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 05-August-2008 at 22:42

Are you sure it wasn't Puy's sister saving her from the mouth of a crocidile


( only jokin'   )


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 06-August-2008 at 00:02

Originally posted by irish_mammy irish_mammy wrote:

Mel, are you dreaming about the Hoff, or Pammie!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hoff wasnt the same after Knight-Rider.    Pammie now

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 06-August-2008 at 08:43
Since this thread started i cannot remember a dream i have had ,the next day

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 06-August-2008 at 12:06

Dreamt last night I was in a helicopter over Florida watching the Florida Keys being flooded from raised sea levels in both Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 06-August-2008 at 12:11
Its the Irish weather Pat,the flood was most likely outside your window

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 06-August-2008 at 12:51

Originally posted by eejit91 eejit91 wrote:

..... No not at all.... You were lovin everyone last night and all dressed to kill....

Not those strippy jeans again T

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 06-August-2008 at 13:51

Originally posted by Brunswick Brunswick wrote:

Any of you other lads dream of Baywatch then or is it just me?

Reckon it is just you !!   Never got Baywatch - thought the guys were not my idea of hot.  


Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 07-August-2008 at 12:05
Originally posted by joey the lips joey the lips wrote:

Its the Irish weather Pat,the flood was most likely outside your window

Beginning to wonder if I was on the Titanic in another life

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 07-August-2008 at 12:23

Originally posted by eejit91 eejit91 wrote:

I had a dream last night and a bunch of you were in it! Rolo was the real love doctor in it! Mad stuff

That was no dream T it was a nightmare..LMAO

What was Rolos porn name again..hehe

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: DAYO
Date Posted: 07-August-2008 at 13:53

In your dream T was The Love Doctor Rolo wearing his Jamies and his hat ????????


Grov'in 70 - 76

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 11-August-2008 at 18:12


Found that book on dreams- after a long rummage in the attic (great books had not seen in years and years).  It is all Index Linked so if you want to to look up something shoot - or would you like to have it yourself ???


Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 11-August-2008 at 21:12


Am scared of what I'd find in it.

I seem to dream a lot and they are very vivid.

Where do I get this book in case I want to venture down that road.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 12-August-2008 at 00:04
Pat - It is an old one and I have it.  You have nothing ever to fear i.e. it states always take the goodness out of dreams - never the badness.  Same idea in every day life, smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.


Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 12-August-2008 at 00:20
So smile ,even if it kills you

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 12-August-2008 at 23:05

Verona, there is a lot in what you say - I smiled to an old lady this morning and asked her if she wanted a had putting her bags in the car.    She had a lot of shopping and it was heavy.   We loaded the car and I brought her trolly back so see a big lump of a son sitting in the drivers seat reading the newspaper.   The smile wore a bit thin at that stage - but she was a lovely old lady and i was glad to help out.

So your are right Joey - Smile - it keeps them thinking !!!!


Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 13-August-2008 at 00:30
Hope you told that "lump" to have a nice day ???? 


Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 13-August-2008 at 17:28

ok Verona had a dream other nite down in my mobile i dreamt i couldnt get out of the bed because i had a snow white sheet over me and it was tied to my big toe and i couldnt get out of the bed........

What does that

Jeez dreams are weird best not to look into them too hard im sure

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 13-August-2008 at 22:37

Sharon  -  Will have a "look see" in that book when I get home so expect some good news................. to follow.

Just checked - the white sheet denotes peaceful surcease of worries. Unexpected friends will visit you.  If the bed was in open air, you are due a delightful experience.

Sharon - treat this as fun - nothing else.


Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 14-August-2008 at 00:01

Pat - Have just been checking this old book for Sharon - the summary:

What does it mean to dream of tunnels, rainbows, alarm bells, travelling, swimming or embarrassment ?  Nobody knows for sure how to value dream interpretation in the modern world.  It is a very individual process.  However, the dreaming mind is a kaleidoscope of different images which are thought to reveal important signals from the subconscious. Enclosed mainly represent a study of both folklore and history of popular psychology.

Take from that what you may.


Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 14-August-2008 at 09:18
Blondie....just to let you know that you were in my dream last night, nothing much happened in it, but you were there having dinner with your mum. Just thought I'd let you know.

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 14-August-2008 at 22:10


Fair play BB for sharing that one.

That's exactly what I'm on about.

Why was Blondie in that dream

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 20-August-2008 at 22:04

[QUOTE=Bluebell]Blondie....just to let you know that you were in my dream last night, nothing much happened in it, but you were there having dinner with your mum. Just thought I'd let you know. [/QUOTE

Thats strange BB did actually have dinner with my mam last sunday  spooky

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 21-August-2008 at 09:18
God.....maybe I'm psychic after all !!!!!.....and thats psychic not psycho 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 21-August-2008 at 09:34
A Psycho Bluebell

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 21-August-2008 at 13:50
I had a dream of butterflies the other night and they were ugly first and then a sheet was put over the cage and when it was pulled away they were so white and out of this world.... what does that mean...

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 21-August-2008 at 14:10 means that you need to give me a lend of that sheet .............or use it on a certain " in law " of yours .

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 21-August-2008 at 14:28
Yep!!!! Your very bad

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 21-August-2008 at 14:46
Learning from the best T

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 21-August-2008 at 20:37

T  -  Remember this is from DA BOOK not me:

To dream of a butterfly indicates prosperity and fair attainments.  To see them flying about, denotes news from absent friends, by letter or via someone who has seen them.

Hope that means something T.



Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 25-November-2008 at 13:43
Ok V had a dream last night that a few houses beside me started falling sideways and leaning on my house! Now what does that mean...............

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 25-November-2008 at 19:25
I had an awful one last night - Dreamed I was buried alive and could not move or get out and it was pitch black.    I woke up drowned with sweat in a complete tangle in the duvet - It took me about an hour to calm down.     Ugh - awful.


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 25-November-2008 at 20:03

That happened to me last week Maryi! Not the same dream but I was roaring and could not wake up.  When I woke up Martin said "what were you dreaming about"... I could have smacked him!!! I said "why did you not wake me up"... Ah he said it was just funny..

.... I was in bits after it.....shook like a leaf for about an hour...

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 26-November-2008 at 14:28
T, Mossy slept through the whole lot - even when I tried to wake him - nothing.   Or was he pretending......


Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 26-November-2008 at 18:07

Originally posted by maryi maryi wrote:

T, Mossy slept through the whole lot -

That can't be Mossy Doyle, can it?


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 26-November-2008 at 21:36
Sorry Bren, I married a Kerryman - Mossy O'Sullivan.    Actually when we started to go out - back in the last century    I noticed that his family called him Mossy, the GAA (long story) call him Muiris, at work he is called Maurice - so I asked him which would he prefer I call him,  he answered Sir !!! ( he is a teacher )  


Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 26-November-2008 at 22:20

Love it Maryi

I'm officially Patrick on my Birth Cert.

My family called me Padraic and still do.

My classmates called me Paddy.

A neighbour called Padraig.

And when I joined Aer Lingus in '73 my first supervisor asked me what's your name.

I told him all of the above and to his enormous credit he said we'll call you 'Pat'. Makes it easy and you'll be known as one name.

And that has stuck with me since except for any family I meet who will still call me Padraic.

They say what's in a name

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 27-November-2008 at 00:04

Biker Patrick.................Biker Padraig...............Biker Paddy

Nah..............don't think so .

Well done that supervisor.

Posted By: maryi
Date Posted: 28-November-2008 at 00:02

Rolo Biker Padraic does not have the same ring to it al all.   

It is funny how names are changed in Ireland - we all know an Anto - one of my best friends was an AO - Adrian,  My mom was known as Babe the youngest of 13 and my dad who was Daniel James was known as Donie or Donal.  (17 in two families )  There is SFA you can do with Mary T.G.Actually that is why I am called MaryI as there are 3 marys in the family.   brother in law married a mary and I have a sister in law mary. 



Posted By: DAYO
Date Posted: 28-November-2008 at 13:57
Two many Mary's if you ask me  lol


Grov'in 70 - 76

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 28-November-2008 at 16:39

Paddy The Biker...LOL

Just think we can change all those Irish jokes...Paddy The Englishman, Paddy The Scotsman and Paddy the Irishman walk into

Paddy The Englishman, Paddy The Scotsman and Paddy The Biker.....

Another name for Patrick seemed to be "WHACKER"..???????


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 10-January-2009 at 17:07

Ok V where are ya! Had a dream last night that I was at a concert with this mad lot.  Anyhow Kay was there buying toilet supplies and Rolo was in a purple suit with a yellow shirt! Mad...

What does that mean?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 10-January-2009 at 23:39
T,  You will have to pm Biker Pat, gave the book to him - so he will translate that dream while lying in the sun  -  hope it is something great Love, V


Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 13-February-2009 at 21:57

Last night I dreamt I had a bag of jelly

babies and as I haven't eaten any sweets

since the New Year began,I decided that I

would only eat the black ones(my favourites).

Is there some earth-shattering meaning to

this dream.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 13-February-2009 at 22:10
yep Frank you're missing your jelly babies treat yourself

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: BrendanFella
Date Posted: 13-February-2009 at 22:29

Monarch....It means you ain't getting your moneys worth. Ya gotta eat them ALL.

Jeez, I thought I had problems till I found this thread......LOL


IRISH DIPLOMACY IS....The ability to tell a man to Go To Hell so that He looks forward to making the trip.

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 19-July-2010 at 20:16
Originally posted by Biker Pat Biker Pat wrote:

I was wondering what people's interpretation of dreams are?

For example,

Quick summary.

I had a dream the other night that I was holed up with a load of people, a la The Alamo, and we had basic weapons against current armoury. I was the leader of this group.

We also had basic rations and a lot of people died of starvation but we held out in the end and the outside army withdrew and went away.

Lot's of other stuff went on in the dream as well, violence, erotica, blood and gore, real voices etc...

I emerged with the few remaining few survivors to a hero's welcome.

Now the thing about this dream was that I could clearly see people, they were real people but I didn't know any of them from my life.

How does the mind do this or what goes on in dreams?

Puy says that I was probably a King in another life and that they were people from back then. Thai's believe in re-incarnation.

Could this be true because besides this dream I often get "deja vu" feelings, like I've been in a certain place before.


Referring to your thread on Dreams.

This came up before and here's some comments.


May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Robbie63
Date Posted: 19-July-2010 at 23:20
Thanks Pat. I never noticed that.


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 09-November-2010 at 17:43
I had a dream last night that the Rolling Stones were playing in my garden at home! I was going out with one of them!!!! Somehow this lad was good looking and must of been a stand in for the night as that lot are pure UGG!!! ... Anyhow he was a bit of alright.....

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 10-November-2010 at 07:43 that's where I was .........


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 10-November-2010 at 12:31
That's it, it was you Gary!!!! Your quite the lover lol

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: DONDON
Date Posted: 10-November-2010 at 13:22
I had a wet dream last night ...the hot water bottle leaked again

Grover from 73(old Grove)

In the year of the bankers and developers
When recession raged across the land
there were many driven by the hopelessness to set sail for the Americas and Australia

Posted By: joey the lips
Date Posted: 10-November-2010 at 13:54
yeah right ,,,In your dreams

You can checkout anytime u like but u can never leave

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 05-October-2011 at 13:38
I been having crazy dreams lately!.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: gra
Date Posted: 05-October-2011 at 16:02
tell us more Frank?

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 05-October-2011 at 19:00

Yeah Frank, your dreams would be awesome. Take us there man Thumbs Up

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 06-October-2011 at 08:41
Originally posted by monarch monarch wrote:

I been having crazy dreams lately!.
Paul Brady?  Sorry, this isnt the song lyrics thread! LOL

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 01-March-2012 at 13:22
Still having weird dreams must stop eating cheese before bed.

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 01-March-2012 at 13:55
Since I went to see Il Divo last week I've been having lovely dreams!!!


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: whippersnapper
Date Posted: 02-March-2012 at 21:30
Had a dream last night. I cycled up to a building and went in. Wooden floors and stairs. Climbed stairs. Told "the room is over there" and realised that we (suddenly there were lots of people there, think it was a work conference all of a sudden with non work people in the crowd as happens) had to climb along a ledge and then leap through the air into a room where the presentation was.

Heard others say - there is a door along the corridor, we don't need to jump. Thought - that'll do me (not being so good  on the heights). I also had a pint of lager in my hand at this stage and was worried that I might  spill during jump.

Some fella decided to do the jump, fell short and flew down to the ground and hit with an unmerciful clatter.

He had a kid, whose name was Toooosh, which was the Danish for Paracetemol. I said that must be because the wife always has a headache and the only time she didn't they concieved the child. Everyone laughed

End of dream.

I'm searching for that cash I should have saved for the crash

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 07-March-2018 at 13:06
Had a dream I was out in Howth

and got stranded with no way to get home but to walk .

Woke up jaded the next morning .

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Rahenyrhythm
Date Posted: 06-May-2018 at 10:13
This is an interesting topic. Few random things re me/dreaming:

I seem to dream most nights, and remember them the next dsy - not in any great detail. Some people (my adult daughter included) say they "never" dream. But seemingly everybody dreams, just not everyone remembers them...

Water, the sea, the tide coming in. I lived in st Anne's in raheny, within walking distance of the seafront. Left raheny age 29 when I got married. To this day I have regular dreams about water, the sea etc. Oftentimes I am in a situation where the tide is coming in rapidly (I have no fear - but a great respect for - water, never learned to swim properly), but at the last minute the tide recedes or I get to higher ground or whatever, and am safe. Some kind of anxiety dream maybe?

They used to say if you dreamt of falling, and actually hit the ground in your dream, you'd die in real life! Well I am living proof that's not true. Again, some kind of anxiety thing I suppose, but I have sometimes dreamt of falling or whatever, would be terrified in the dream, but than would land softly on my feet, no bother! The feeling of relief be tremendous!

Lots more I could write on this topic, fascinating stuff ... Do you dream more/more vividly, as you get older? Just wondering...!

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 06-May-2018 at 15:08
Well I am always dreaming and sometimes they are nightmares.

What gets me is that some people in the dream are people I know from different stages in my life.

But the strangest part is when people I never met or know appear vividly in a dream or nightmare.

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Rahenyrhythm
Date Posted: 06-May-2018 at 15:22
Yes it's weird. Despite the fact it was 45 (up!) years ago I still have anxiety dreams about doing the leaving cert - you know the usual stuff: I'm in for a subject I thought was next week, and not prepared for, or the question for eg maths are in French, etc, etc. Always wake up bothered, then big grin and sigh - or the other way round - when I realise it's all in the past. Wouldn't mind only, I was no genius, but I had studied (kinda secretly lol) for the leaving so wasn't unduly worried by it!

Also always dreaming about work - I took an early retirement (I know, lucky me) a number of years ago. Never dreamt about it when I was in work and these dreams are kinda mundane, if weird. Normal enough work situation etc, so I don't really get the point of these dreams!

Just thinking, all this stuff I'm saying probably gives an impression of a kinda anxious individual - but I'm really not, maybe I deal with them all in my dreams ... 😊

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 07-May-2018 at 00:21
Some times I find if I'm reading a book which I am really into some part of the theme in the book surfaces in my dreams.

Picture yourself on a boat on a river...............jaysus it must be an imaginary LSD trip I keep having Smile

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Rahenyrhythm
Date Posted: 07-May-2018 at 00:36
Ha! I like it. Afraid to go to bed now ...!!!

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 07-May-2018 at 00:41
Sleep with one eye open, clutching your pillow tight LOL

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: Rahenyrhythm
Date Posted: 07-May-2018 at 00:43
G'wan ya good sandman thing ya !!!

Posted By: monarch
Date Posted: 15-January-2019 at 12:59
Had a weird dream last night where I was cycling around Malta and all the adventures I had .

There is a crack in everything ...... that's how the light gets in

Posted By: Rahenyrhythm
Date Posted: 15-January-2019 at 13:37
Interesting one Frank, wonder why Malta?! Was it close to when you woke up for the day or do you even know, I wonder?

One of its legs is both the same

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