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Garden Lovers

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Topic: Garden Lovers
Posted By: grainne_witch
Subject: Garden Lovers
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 15:26
Hi all of you fellow garden lovers! Seems to be some interest in sharing ideas/problems etc.. I'm not an expert but really do enjoy being in the garden and would love to hear what everyone else is doing

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 15:42
Good onya Grainne! I'll keep an eye...different plants, different weather and different season over here but we can post pictures of our places for others to see..what do you reckon? that pic of your water feature is lovely

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 15:57
I'll take a photo of the lovely swimming pool I have in my back garden today........from all that bloody rain 
I think this is gonna be a good thread

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:09

Ok I'll put the first pics up so we can compare and contrast gardens around the world. We laid that "pour on" limestone last summer and got rid of the patio pavers so no more weeds coming through.


Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:11

Cobbles and stones...couldn't "limestone" over this cos we have a soak well under it and need access

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:13

Looking across the pool toward the house

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:16

Planted a herb garden when we did the Limestone and it is now lush and lovely..this was it when it was newly planted

and my vegetable garden (not in view anywhere) has since taken off too. I am aiming for "the good life"...remember that TV show? No chickens or goats though!

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:17
Yeah Carol, but are you Barbara or Margo ????????

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:19
Barbara of Course!!!! with Margo's taste in wine!

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:22
Ok fellow Irish garden lovers that's the zac same as the gardens here isn't it?????????

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:23
Carol - Finn was just looking over my shoulder at the photos and wants to know when He can go to your place for holidays!

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:25
hahaha Grainne...anytime!

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:27
Did I tell you grainne I put in lemon, lime and mandarin trees a while ago. Its the season now and everyones are dripping in fruit ...except mine :( Ferg says they are shocked from being planted out....I hope he's right and next year they too will be dripping.

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:28

Finn says - Hi Carol, Can't wait to do a big canonball in your pool.

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 16:58

Great Thread. I'll be in here a lot!

Carol, Your garden looks fabulous. So tropical! I could see myself there sipping a cocktail  and soaking up some sun .

No chance of me posting a photo of mine until I've done some serious weeding.

So you may get to see a photo in a year or two. In the meantime I'll see if I can dig up some photos of my last "project".

Looking forward to seeing photos of everyone's plot!

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 17:56 path.jpg - path.jpg

I thought I was posting a picture!!!! Will keep trying!!

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 18:01
Grainne you have to click on the little tree square to add your picture when you are posting a message here..type your on the tree thing and add the URL of your picture from photobucket and it'll work

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 18:17
trying again!!!

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 18:19


Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 20:30

You did it! Wow-thats your garden? Beautiful.

You might know of fellow Grove-Siter MurfV...he lives in Carlow on the Knockanna Road? (And my boss lives on Pollerton Road!)

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 20:31
Carol-you're garden is fantastic-I'm so really look like you have 'the Good Life'.

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 23:32

Carol & Grainne, ose gardens, I will be spending loads of time on this thread, lying in your gardens - hope that is ok with you both, Carol put out the lie-lows, Grainne clear the clothesline after our chat...............................

This weekend is gone lads - have a load of work to catch up with you - is there anything better thaning sitting in the fresh air enjoying nature and the beauty a garden can bring.

Well done girls - you could go on tv and produce your own programme.  C - is you gardener like the chap on Desperate Housewives???  You have both set the standard very high (remember my Dad was sending photos to USA many years ago to an old pal, he was in a jokey mood & went down to Fairview Pk. then to Botanics in Glasnevin - posted on his garden photos, only remembered a year later when his friend was coming on holiday - Father thought it was gas fun, chap from America was not impressed when he saw his real garden.

Talk soon & again well done.



Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 23:43
Wow, wow, wow.......those are fab gardens.....never putting a photo of mine up there, it's just grass and weeds with a few kids toys thrown in to add some colour . Think I'll do what your dad did Verona and send HD out to snap the gardens in Farmleigh and claim their mine 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 23:52

Yvonne, You are a howl - imagine if HD got his camera in there, he would have you posing as a statue in amongst the blooms, you could title it BLOOMING GORG.  Got J a digital camera so hoping for great things in the future.



Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 21-June-2007 at 23:56
HD has had his camera in there loads of times.....but as for me posing like a statue, never will happen . Ok that me done for the night folks, need my sleep, catch you all tomorrow sometime night 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 22-June-2007 at 00:01

Just got the glasses back and am trying to name some of the beauties. 

Lovely silver plant  =  Silver Artemesia - grown for foliage

Delphiniums  =  (Blue flower

Scabias = Usually pink or blue flowers

Is that a Bamboo at the wall ?

Is that climber Pyracantha (Berries / thorns) /

In the back garden that looks like a Henchera (likes sun / shade and plenty of humus (purple leaf) tiny pink flower on foot of stem.  You seem to have a pink woodland geranium a beauty.

Several different Honeysuckles great for climbers (ie covering walls) dont buy them, I just save seed so you can slip from them the following season.  Tell you what Grainne write down names of ones you have - plus ones of names you like, I will tell you what we have ok.  I love to have something "alive" summer and winter and there are plants that look great even if there is snow on the ground. Carol you have it all there - Bali in your garden, all you need is a sun hat and factor 50.



Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 22-June-2007 at 05:36

Hahaha Verh..I decided to get a gardener a few years ago cos Ferg was having to bash the garden into shape when he was home on his week off and I felt he should just be able to relax in it so I "bought" him a gardener (who comes once a fortnight) as a Valentines present. Turns out he WAS just like the guy from Desperate housewives. Ferg didn't meet him for months cos they never crossed paths with the roster but was really pleased with how the garden was coming on. Then once they were both here together and got on like a house on fire and then Ferg said to me " you bought that gardener for YOU!! ya hussy!" *LOL*. He left after about 6 months for bigger things and then we had a brilliant guy who had emigrated from Ireland - but he put his back out and had to give up. Now I have a GIANT of a man about 6'7" and he's just brilliant. I'd be lost without a gardener for the heavy stuff cos I dont have time (or inclination) to do the sh*tty work and Ferg now gets to just relax when he is home.

And yes..we bought this house cos the garden was like Bali!

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 22-June-2007 at 07:42

It's a beautiful garden Carol. I'm very jealous!! Might have to hide a bottle of roundup in my handbag during our lunch!!!



25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 22-June-2007 at 08:19
Originally posted by Floydman Floydman wrote:

You did it! Wow-thats your garden? Beautiful.

You might know of fellow Grove-Siter MurfV...he lives in Carlow on the Knockanna Road? (And my boss lives on Pollerton Road!)

That's my garden - the bane and joy of my life!!!!

 I haven't come across MurfV - will keep an eye out for him

Posted By: Trixie
Date Posted: 22-June-2007 at 09:41
Ladies, the gardens are a credit to you both......Keep it up!

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 22-June-2007 at 18:40

Verh - If it ever stops raining again I will go out and look at what is there and let you know! Thanks.

Today I bought 2 beautiful Pavier Orientale - pale pink poppies with a deep purple/black centre - more perennials!


Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 22-June-2007 at 21:45


On this site -

Reasonable Rates Etc.

A pp Black Russian


Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 23-June-2007 at 20:19
Originally posted by verh verh wrote:

Just got the glasses back and am trying to name some of the beauties. 

Lovely silver plant  =  Silver Artemesia - grown for foliage

Delphiniums  =  (Blue flower

Scabias = Usually pink or blue flowers

Is that a Bamboo at the wall ?

Is that climber Pyracantha (Berries / thorns) /

In the back garden that looks like a Henchera (likes sun / shade and plenty of humus (purple leaf) tiny pink flower on foot of stem.  You seem to have a pink woodland geranium a beauty.

Several different Honeysuckles great for climbers (ie covering walls) dont buy them, I just save seed so you can slip from them the following season.  Tell you what Grainne write down names of ones you have - plus ones of names you like, I will tell you what we have ok.  I love to have something "alive" summer and winter and there are plants that look great even if there is snow on the ground. Carol you have it all there - Bali in your garden, all you need is a sun hat and factor 50.


The one that looks like a delphenium is actually aconitum - I chose that one because the homoeopathic remedy Aconite is made from it. The remedy is a big remedy used for shock. Suggested it to Carol for Niamh.

Also in that bed cosmos chocolate - the flowers smell like chocolate!! Not a huge chocolate lover but I do love the colour of the flower!

It is Bamboo against the shed - black bamboo which I got at the Bloom show for 15 euro each!!


Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 23-June-2007 at 20:22

By the way Carol's gardener may look like the one from Desperate housewives but my gardener was Freddie Mercury's last boyfriend and has great stories to tell - not much work gets done but coffee and chats happen a lot!


Posted By: IanL
Date Posted: 23-June-2007 at 23:14
We have 1.4 acres to play with in Mayo.
On the positive side .. planting native deciduous trees (120+) on
the perimeter of the site was a condition of planning.. and I love
Irish native trees....

On the negative side.. I wish I was more green fingered but come
June 1rst... sniffle.... I'm washed out with rhinitis (hayfever).
I'm tanked up with anti-histamines and grass and tree pollen are
my worst friends.
I'd talk for hours about birch.beech,ash, oak, cherry, poplar,
alder, elm , sycamore, norway maple, etc
but... sniffle.. I'm an armchair gardener between June-July
(when it really matters!!!!)

Ian - Grover '81-'84
Exiled to Mayo since 2005

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 23-June-2007 at 23:33
Wow! amazing gardens Carol & Grainne. Ian- yours sounds amazing too, all those trees. (any suggestions for rhinitis C and G?) my sister suffers badly too.
We don't have much of a garden . We did in our last house - did a lot of 'hard' landscaping; but had to compromise and got a bigger house and small garden when we moved. Got a few dozen pots and planters. tried to repot some today but got washed out! Great scent of night scented stock wafting in now...


Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 24-June-2007 at 05:16

Ian and Roundabout Grainne is known as "the hayfever lady" in Carlow - has GREAT success treating speak to her! I'm a musculoskeletal therapist so only work on your muscles and bones. Grainne is a homeopath.

Ian I'd say you have your work cut out for you with 1.4 acres. We had a big plot in Navan before we came to Australia and I remember cutting the lawns was the bain of Ferg's life! We couldn't afford a "ride on" in those days..the lawn mower was forever breaking down so cutting the grass and keeping the mower going was a half day job!. The last time he cut that lawn, after we'd sold the house an were about to move to Oz..he ran the mower into the side of the house and  was quite vocal about how he would not be missing it!

We dont have much lawn our place now, lots of patio area and beds with different things in them. The front garden is mostly native Australian trees with a small bit of grass because we have "water police" here and have been on water restrictions for a few years now. Only allowed water the garden twice a week so we all tend to try and minimise the plants/grass that might need a lot of water.

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 24-June-2007 at 07:39

Originally posted by IanL IanL wrote:

We have 1.4 acres to play with in Mayo.
On the positive side .. planting native deciduous trees (120+) on
the perimeter of the site was a condition of planning.. and I love
Irish native trees....

On the negative side.. I wish I was more green fingered but come
June 1rst... sniffle.... I'm washed out with rhinitis (hayfever).
I'm tanked up with anti-histamines and grass and tree pollen are
my worst friends.
I'd talk for hours about birch.beech,ash, oak, cherry, poplar,
alder, elm , sycamore, norway maple, etc
but... sniffle.. I'm an armchair gardener between June-July
(when it really matters!!!!)

Hi Ian - You poor thing with your hayfever! Carol is right I treat hayfever all of the time. I will send you my number and if you'd like to call feel free. Otherwise I know there are a few homoeopaths in Mayo - not sure where exactly but they meet up in Westport. if you search and look through the registry you will find exactly where they are.

Carol said there was someone on here giving away Oak tree seedlings - you might be interest in - when you get your hayfever sorted!!

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 25-June-2007 at 09:39
Ian 1.4 acres ???? I'd hate to be cutting your grass 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 25-June-2007 at 21:18
This is what I call a Garden

"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 00:07
That your car I can just make out in the corner Pete ??

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 06:43
Who's garden is that Pete?

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 12:17

Here's the photos of the garden and what we did with it in our first house (Current Garden is in no fit state to be seen )

Before we started it was all concrete with 3 stables and a tack room! The laugh we used to get out of telling people that.


Before Photo


Planting up and putting in the pond...

A Couple of years on...


Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: Caroloz
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 13:06
Wow did amazing things with it! Great vision...I am not good with turning a sows ear into a silk purse but you certainly are!! fabulous work. Can't wait to see what you do with the new garden

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 13:40

That looks fabulous! I love those before and after photos!  I seem to have too many before ones though! I'd love to put in a pond - is it difficult? Well done.

Don't forget to take the before photos of your current garden.

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 14:03
I can't see any photos..........?????? 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 16:16

Yeah I took some before shots of current garden. Only really getting started on it and reckon it will take a few years to complete. But that's the challenge and the fun .

BB, not sure why you can't see the photos. Does this link work? - .jpg

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 16:43

Finally got the grass cut today. I was working so I got my son to do it. He began at 10 am and finished at 3! The garden is not that big!! I think he was hoping for rain!

Esthalon did you put the pool in yourselves?

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 22:06

June - Love your garden - full of character, you almost feel as if you are sitting in it - well done



Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 22:37
June, that garden is amazing.  We thought our garden looked sorta nice with decking, lights etc., but your extensive work puts ours to shame.  Better not show Siobhan this thread or she'll start getting ideas!

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 26-June-2007 at 22:47

June any chance u want to come around and do mine for me ??????????

Will baby sit while ur hard at it

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 27-June-2007 at 12:29
Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

That your car I can just make out in the corner Pete ??
Yeah thats my car. This one has no electriocal fault and envoirmentally friendly

Originally posted by Caroloz Caroloz wrote:

Who's garden is that Pete?

This is my friends back garden and fields(Fields are not his) in the background. Sometimes there are cows in the field and they often waken me up at 6 am.... I always get them back with Fireworks at Halloween time though


"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: chi chi
Date Posted: 27-June-2007 at 14:37
Who needs diarmaid Gavin with u around june.....Do u charge a lot??!!

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 27-June-2007 at 16:41
Originally posted by grainne_witch grainne_witch wrote:

Finally got the grass cut today. I was working so I got my son to do it. He began at 10 am and finished at 3! The garden is not that big!! I think he was hoping for rain!

Esthalon did you put the pool in yourselves?

Hi Grainne, We did, but it was only a tiny pond, so not too difficult. I think the main thing is to spare no expense on the pond liner and use Carpet/sand etc to ensure there's nothing to puncture it.

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 27-June-2007 at 17:35
I'd love to put one in my garden and I have one of those 'before' areas that I could do but have been a bit nervous of doing it by myself. I read up on it and decide it can't be too hard but have put off getting started. Your photo inspired me again!

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 27-June-2007 at 18:24


That is P's specialty ie Pools - you could just lie back on the lielow and enjoy the view.............................................V


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 00:24

Well I just got in from the garden as my friend Bernie who I was with last weekend gave me some clippings and I was out planting them.  The garden is full of flowers galore and I love it.  Now that I am back from holidays I will mulch this weekend and get my pots going.  Oh I love the garden and I am excited about this topic.

C your garden is to die for - I love it.


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 11:38
Hi T - Isn't it great to spend some time in the garden?  I'm a Very frustrated gardener here this week. First few days of no rain and I've been working all week! I've the weekend free and it's forecast that we will get the tail end of the floods!! Next week BETTER be dry!!

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 11:52

I love the garden as well but as you say, it is impossible to look after in this weather.

There is only one thing to do--Go Fishin'


Notice 5 layers of clothes !! - g


Posted By: muller
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 12:57
Originally posted by Gary Gary wrote:

I love the garden as well but as you say, it is impossible to look after in this weather.

There is only one thing to do--Go Fishin'


Notice 5 layers of clothes !! - g

Nice brownies, Gary. You'll be giving Matt Hayes and Mick Browne a run for their money. Where is that photo taken?


Life is for living

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 13:13
Great picture!  I like the idea of fishing but the truth is I'd be terrified I'd catch one - a bit squeamish about having to unhook it and kill it!

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 13:14

Hiya B


Lough Meask


We stay in Clonbur and fish Meask and Conn depending on the weather


Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 13:20



From a young age, fish, pheasant , bunnies, lobster. Catch, clean cook and eat.


But only what I or we will eat. I have never shot or caught anything purely for the fun.

During the shooting season my daughters will not go into the shed because of the hanging birds. 


Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 13:34

that really made me laugh and remember one time my dad telling me to up to the bathroom and get him the shampoo - I didn't even think about it - just went up and pulled back the shower curtain and there was the Christmas turkey hanging up by its feet.

All that could be heard was my screams and him in fits of laughter!!!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 13:47

Originally posted by grainne_witch grainne_witch wrote:

Hi T - Isn't it great to spend some time in the garden?  I'm a Very frustrated gardener here this week. First few days of no rain and I've been working all week! I've the weekend free and it's forecast that we will get the tail end of the floods!! Next week BETTER be dry!!

We are in need of some rain here Grainne! The ground is so dry and the flowers look famished.  I water at night and you would never think it in the morning.  It's been in the high 90's here so perhaps a storm is in the making.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 14:08



I've just been on lunch and went down Henry Street, it's pi--ing down

I got soaked coming back to work, another Irish summer day.

I'm off tomorrow to play Golf and at least the forecast is saying there is some chance of a few hours of sunshine but there is no way we will get any gardening done again at the weekend as it's raining both saturday and sunday


Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 14:09



Ment to say a big thanks as I've used your excellent link to get a picture uploaded.




Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 28-June-2007 at 15:37
T - I lived in Sydney for 14 years and I remember the same thing with watering at night and then everything looking a bit parched the next day. I also remember how quickly plants took off with the heat! Gardening in Ireland has taught me patience! Well maybe it's taught me that I need more patience!! Hope you get that rain - if only we could share some of ours with you!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 29-June-2007 at 16:38

You are so welcome Gary!

Grainne I wonder what it was like moving back home after 14 years away - there is hope for me after all...

I love to look at gardens when I go home to see some different flowers around.  Never appreciated it when I lived there.  My friend gave me some clipping off some lovely flowers that she brought from home.  I hope they work for me.  There is nothing nicer than walking around your garden and being able to point out different flowers people gave to you.  Most of my flowers came as gifts to me.  The one gift I love most is flowers and do you think the hubby ever gets them for me. 

Note to Teresa! Must go out and get herself some flowers today!!!!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 29-June-2007 at 20:53

Yey! No rain today, finally managed to get some of my stunted seedlings planted. I doubt half of them will flower at this stage but hey I enjoyed being out in the garden pottering about. So now half of my main flower bed in the front is stunted seedlings and the other half of it is still full of dandelions and couch grass (Which hubby is currently out spraying for me)

T and V, are you going to post photos of your plots???

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-June-2007 at 01:14

Working on the garden over the next few days weeding and such and will take a shot of it them.  We just picked up some landscaping wood so I will be well set for a photo.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 30-June-2007 at 19:19


The camera is still in the box but J has promised me 1st chance he gets to get it going.  After seeing your garden, Grainnes & Carols am beginning to think my specimans will look very ordinary.  Regardless, I love it - so relaxing.  Bet the princess is getting big.



Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 30-June-2007 at 21:33
June .... Logged on today and can see the wow wow what a fantastic garden you have.......when is the barbecue??????

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: RoundaboutToo!
Date Posted: 02-July-2007 at 12:40
Love your Garden June, well done.

Grainne, I've put in 2 ponds over the years and its straightforward enough but vital to make sure the edges are level 'cos when the water's in, any you'll see any 'errors'!
It's worth all the checking and rechecking of the spirit levels!


Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 03-July-2007 at 09:33
Thanks for that CP - I've made a start - sprayed with weedkiller!!! Although it has rained ever since so might have been a waste. Will have to invest in a spirit level!!

Posted By: Stoner
Date Posted: 03-July-2007 at 09:40
Ask for a spare bubble just in case.......

Impotence; nature's way of saying no hard feelings!

Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 03-July-2007 at 11:24

Lookign fwd to the photos guys. And T I'm still waiting on the one of the Lifeguard. Hope I didn't miss it!

BB, That was our old garden in Donaghmede, current garden isn't fit for a BBQ, but when it is you'll be top of the invite list  (It might be a while though as I'm only getting started).


Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 09-July-2007 at 21:39

Anyone interested in gardens or gardening The Rose Festival & Flower Show is to be held this coming week end at St. Annes Park - Saturday and Sunday....................................................



Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 10:12

Cheers V, but I plan to support my local horticultural show which is on in Rush this weekend! No idea what to expect but who knows, maybe it will put the RHS Chelsea flower show to shame! (I wish)  

Still I am curious to see what the local interest is like as not many people out here seem to be into gardening.

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 10:16



Oh yes they are. Have sampled the product already


Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 16:13


What he is trying to tell you is - he is BIG into gardening so ring him 24 /7 for any dig outs.  Bet the Rush show will be as good if not better than the rAHENY ONE.  Will let you know if you missed anything - although unless the weather improves you can bet a lot of the exhibitors will not show up.



Posted By: Esthalon
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 16:16

Gary, by product do you mean the show?

I know Rush is market gardening central. But very few people seem to have done much with their neighbours seem to think I'm mad trying to turn our site into a garden.....their sites are just plain grass.

Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for Breakfast!

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 16:23


Like everything else in life - when they see yours it will be a case of monkeys sees - monkey does.  One thing I could never accept is a filthy garden  - you can almost tell the personality of someone by their gardens.  You dont even have to be big into it, think about it - someone with a dirty unkempt patch...................enough said. Have a look around the next time you are out for a walk.

Then they say cleanliness is near to godliness (so it is not even a case of having green fingers).  More a case of having respect for yourself and those who live nearby



Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 16:36
Originally posted by verh verh wrote:

 you can almost tell the personality of someone by their gardens.  You dont even have to be big into it, think about it - someone with a dirty unkempt patch...................enough said. Have a look around the next time you are out for a walk.

Then they say cleanliness is near to godliness (so it is not even a case of having green fingers).  More a case of having respect for yourself and those who live nearby

.................and so endeth the lesson.

Verona, hope you never walk past our gaff but glad ya clarified that generalisation by saying " almost ".

Between trying to run my little business, looking after my under 11 footballers and hurlers,keeping up to date with all you nutters,calling in on my relatively elderly parents now and again, teeing it up in St. Annes the odd time and trying to find the odd moment for my favourite high stool, afraid the garden is so far down my list of priorities that it doesn't even register.

Doesn't make me a bad person .


Posted By: Stoner
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 16:42
Hear hear Rolo 

Impotence; nature's way of saying no hard feelings!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 17:34
I love to see a well kept garden (sorry Rolo your fired).  I love a neat and tidy place.  My neighbor is not the best in that field so I split some of my flowers and planted them along the side of his house so I have something nice to look at when I walk out the side door.  He's a divil for leaving things laying around... but he is a hell of a nice person I can forgive him for that.  I'd rather have them than some stuck up bunch who wouldn't give you the time of day.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 18:24

my neighbours seem to think I'm mad trying to turn our site into a garden.....their sites are just plain grass.




Thats what I meant


Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 18:43
When I moved in here first the garden was a mess but I knew it had to be dug up to solve a sewerage problem so didn't bother with it. One day an old man from down the road asked me if I knew that the local postoffice sold plants. I said I didn't 'isn't that great?' Everyone else laughed because that apparently was his way of telling me to sort it out!!! Too subtle for me!

Posted By: irish_mammy
Date Posted: 10-July-2007 at 23:05

We've just had a 'green' verge collection so most people's gardens here are looking great, especially with all the rain we've had.

My next door neighbour even trimmed the bushes and trees in his next door neighbours garden.

No-body lives there at the moment so it made his garden look awful!!! Couldn't persuade him to do mine tho'.


25th June - 25th July. Get organising my nights out. Child can stay in the car.

Grove 1980-1984

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 09:45
Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

Originally posted by verh verh wrote:

 you can almost tell the personality of someone by their gardens.  You dont even have to be big into it, think about it - someone with a dirty unkempt patch...................enough said. Have a look around the next time you are out for a walk.

Then they say cleanliness is near to godliness (so it is not even a case of having green fingers).  More a case of having respect for yourself and those who live nearby

.................and so endeth the lesson.

Verona, hope you never walk past our gaff but glad ya clarified that generalisation by saying " almost ".

Between trying to run my little business, looking after my under 11 footballers and hurlers,keeping up to date with all you nutters,calling in on my relatively elderly parents now and again, teeing it up in St. Annes the odd time and trying to find the odd moment for my favourite high stool, afraid the garden is so far down my list of priorities that it doesn't even register.

Doesn't make me a bad person .


Well I sure as hell hope that not all people make that generalisation as my "patch" is rather the worse for wear at the moment.  I'm afraid my priorities at the moment don't have room for weeding and tarting up the flower bed - full time job, marriage, parenthood, inpending second baby, housework, feeding us all, shopping for the food to feed us, the odd sit down so the blood pressure doesn't go sky high, maybe put the feet up so they don't swell and not fit into shoes, and of course some sleep!!  I'm not currently able to bend down to tie mine or TLF shoes so I'm certainly not going to do it for a few ole weeds.

I quite like the wild flower garden look as it happens so sod what anyone else thinks!!  Its certainly not "unclean" and I'm sure its providing lots of cover and food for insects and birds, so I'm even doing my bit for the environment.

Here endeth my lesson.

We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 09:49
Originally posted by xgrovehead xgrovehead wrote:

Originally posted by Rolo Rolo wrote:

Originally posted by verh verh wrote:

 you can almost tell the personality of someone by their gardens.  You dont even have to be big into it, think about it - someone with a dirty unkempt patch...................enough said. Have a look around the next time you are out for a walk.

Then they say cleanliness is near to godliness (so it is not even a case of having green fingers).  More a case of having respect for yourself and those who live nearby

.................and so endeth the lesson.

Verona, hope you never walk past our gaff but glad ya clarified that generalisation by saying " almost ".

Between trying to run my little business, looking after my under 11 footballers and hurlers,keeping up to date with all you nutters,calling in on my relatively elderly parents now and again, teeing it up in St. Annes the odd time and trying to find the odd moment for my favourite high stool, afraid the garden is so far down my list of priorities that it doesn't even register.

Doesn't make me a bad person .


Well I sure as hell hope that not all people make that generalisation as my "patch" is rather the worse for wear at the moment.  I'm afraid my priorities at the moment don't have room for weeding and tarting up the flower bed - full time job, marriage, parenthood, inpending second baby, housework, feeding us all, shopping for the food to feed us, the odd sit down so the blood pressure doesn't go sky high, maybe put the feet up so they don't swell and not fit into shoes, and of course some sleep!!  I'm not currently able to bend down to tie mine or TLF shoes so I'm certainly not going to do it for a few ole weeds.

I quite like the wild flower garden look as it happens so sod what anyone else thinks!!  Its certainly not "unclean" and I'm sure its providing lots of cover and food for insects and birds, so I'm even doing my bit for the environment.

Here endeth my lesson.

I still live at home so I don't have a garden... Does this mean I am a nobody ????


"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 11:27



Do I detect a bit of self doubt here my man.

Stand up straight, take a deep breath and say to yourself

" I don't need a garden to be a fulfilled person in life. I can make it without a patch of weeds "


Then go an buy a window box for your bedroom ledge


Posted By: Blondie
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 12:11

Eh rolo really feel i would have to take issue with a few of your comments here 

" teeing it up in St. Annes the odd time and trying to find the odd moment for my favourite high stool, afraid the garden is so far down my list of priorities that it doesn't even register "

Be honest now we all know there is nothing odd about ur golf r infrequent about ur visits to the high stool !!!!!!!!!!

And Peter the answer is Yes does make you a nobody

X completely agree with the wild flower garden / environment thoughts and its definately my story from now on if anyone comments on my "natural looking garden " !!!!!!!!

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it !

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 12:46
Originally posted by Aries Aries wrote:



Do I detect a bit of self doubt here my man.

Stand up straight, take a deep breath and say to yourself

" I don't need a garden to be a fulfilled person in life. I can make it without a patch of weeds "


Then go an buy a window box for your bedroom ledge

But I sleep in the Attic and I have a skylight window that doesn't have a window ledge... So I can't even have a window box.


"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 13:33



I knew a guy in the 70,s who lived in an attic and had a window light that looked into the valley between two roofs.

A little imagination, one bag of compost and a few seeds and he was in business. Mind you he had to block the downpipe so his precious garden wouldn't get washed away and the other occupents of the houses were wondering why the water was running down the front walls. But with a little thought you'd never know


Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 13:34
God I hope no-one is reading this. I'm in the WI-FI space at Heathrow and with all the new security I could be in the sh-t


Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 13:45

Originally posted by Aries Aries wrote:

God I hope no-one is reading this. I'm in the WI-FI space at Heathrow and with all the new security I could be in the sh-t

Depends on what he was growing in his window box Gary!

We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 13:49

Gary, by product do you mean the show?

I know Rush is market gardening central. But very few people seem to have done much with their neighbours seem to think I'm mad trying to turn our site into a garden.....their sites are just plain grass.


End of quote

I couldn't have put it better myself !!!!!!


Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 14:03
Originally posted by Aries Aries wrote:

God I hope no-one is reading this. I'm in the WI-FI space at Heathrow and with all the new security I could be in the sh-t

Can you bring me back a Toberrone from Dutyfree a dark chocolate one


"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 11-July-2007 at 16:00

See we have people that live across from us and they go to Florida for the winter!!! If you seen the state of the garden, there has to all kinds of wild life living in it.  I know their neighbors and they are beside themselves and we even have an ordinance in place here.  Problem is it brings the housing value down when they do things like that.  That is the only thing that bothers me.  I'm all for just grass as some people are just not into gardening but it is nice to see a place kept clean at least.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

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