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What would you do if....

Printed From: The Grove Social Club
Category: Non Grove Related Stuff
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Topic: What would you do if....
Posted By: star
Subject: What would you do if....
Date Posted: 23-February-2007 at 21:13


Just thought this would be a cool topic to start.

Ever been in really awkward situations and didn't know what to do and which way to react? Tell us your stories!

I'll start it off so...

Years ago when I was studying acting in Trinity I was playing the lead in one of the productions and my male lead had really pungent pukey smelly (got the idea yet) bad breath! Well, as you can imagine I had to spend hours with him really close to each other rehearsing scenes and worst of all there was some kissing involved. It was sooo bad that when he was talking i literally had to hold my breath because his breath was so bad it was making me want to gag. When i could see inside his mouth he had brownish stuff in between his teeth! Yikes!

Well, i was going mad wondering what to do, should i tell him and risk getting him morto and hateing me or do i go on suffering and let him kill people with his breath for the rest of his life. And I was also thinking that it would probably kill off any chances of a good relationship for him.

So after feckin' hours and days of worrying about how to approach the subject I plucked up the courage and told him and I also told him that there was tablets you could get from the doc to help the smell and also that he could get his plaque removed from his teeth that would help.

He was morto, but after he had gotten over that he thanked me for being so genuine and a "Real" friend to him. He got sorted with tabs and got his teeth looked at and the prob went away.

I was nearly sick with the thought of telling him though . But i would have been physically sick getting off with him onstage everynight     

Well c'mon, anyone else got a story like that?     

Never Again on a school night! Famous last words

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 23-February-2007 at 21:38

I had a girl working for me once and she had a terrible "Peggy Dell" off her.  Dirty hoochie cootchie thing, it was terrible and my boss who was a guy was dying when he would go near her.  The terrible thing was she sat beside me and I was in bits thinking someone would think it was laughing here thinking about it.  One day my boss was trying to hang a picture in his office and it would not work for him! All of a sudden your one comes in and says "I'll do that for you" and hops up on the chair right in front of his face!!!! I was on the floor laughing as if you seen his face... Oh Holy God........

I never could tell her! How do you tell someone that.  I put it into the hands of our HR girl..... Dreadfull thing really.

Dirty wagon!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: star
Date Posted: 23-February-2007 at 21:41
ah yuck!

Never Again on a school night! Famous last words

Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 00:08

I remember meeting a girl from Coolock one night at the Grove (was about 16) and after a couple of weeks I was invited for Sunday tea to meet the mammy. So,very nervous,off I went and after sitting in the front room for what seemed like ages,her older (much older) sister came in to say hello. So me the eejit stood up,shook her hand and said 'Hello Mrs Whelan,pleased to meet you'.

She was mortified,then her real mammy came in and the sister said 'he thought I was you!' and I really just wanted to dive out the window.

Needless to say,that particular blossoming didn't last long...

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: star
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 00:36

ah Martin thats a classic

When myself and Brendan moved into our house five years ago (we weren't married then) a salesman came to the door. I opened it and the man asked me was my dad in.... me loving that said "Yes" and went and got Brendan!!! Love telling that story!

Never Again on a school night! Famous last words

Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 10:31

Ever get in a lift after a BO person has been in it. Then the lift stops and you get out but someone else is getting in and you think, they'll think, you're the one with the BO

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 13:32
Seriously though if you had a friend who had an issue like that would you be able to tell them! Personally if it were me I would want someone to say something but then I am not sure if I could be the one to do the telling myself!!!!!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 14:02
Okay hands up here...

when someone is talking to you and they have a big boggie stuck in their nose mesmorising you as it flaps away in the wind.....

who has had the guts to tell the said aquaintance...

" Look, would u like to borrow a tissue "...

or something to that effect ?????


Posted By: star
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 16:58
Me personally... I would like to be told about something like that! You'd be feckin' morto for a while but relieved someone told you etc.   

Never Again on a school night! Famous last words

Posted By: Sister1
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 17:15

Not so much a faux pa by myself but a story from my wedding day. My mum and sister are quite alike, but there is a thirty year gap. I was talking with the pair of them on the day, when I introduced a work colleague to them both. She obviously did not listen to the introductions and promply asked if they were sisters ! Well I can tell you my sister is senstitive at the best of times, but is still living that one down.......

Keep it Local, Keep it Near!

Posted By: BakerBabe
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 17:16

Star/Teresa - Yuck Yuck - Good stories though - I worked with a girl in a cake shop years ago and my did she smell of BO and think rim around her neck ! She was vile - so after a couple of weeks I told my chargehand that she stunk and could she have a word with her etc etc - my chargehand freaked at me as it was her younger sister !  Eventually the boss (who was a rather old lady) brought in a bottle of impulse and just handed it to the girl and said that she smelled and to spray herself and to have a good wash when she went home.  The girl never came back after that.  But she was really smelly. 

A womans place is on the Phone......

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 17:40

I told a friend once that she had something stuck in her teeth and she was all pissed off with me.  Still can't understand that to this day.  What, would you rather walk around with a big black thing stuck to your tooth all day!

Yes If I was talking to someone and they had a bugger hanging from their nose I would discreetly point and say your nose!

What about if you’re talking to someone and they have a big black head on their lip and all you can think of is!!! (LOL) if I could just get my hands on that thing.  I worked with a lovely girl here and she was so self conscious and clean but she walked around with one of them on her lip, it was like a planet... feck sake how can you not know what that is.


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: kbannon
Date Posted: 24-February-2007 at 22:24
Originally posted by Biker Pat Biker Pat wrote:

Ever get in a lift after a BO person has been in it. Then the lift stops and you get out but someone else is getting in and you think, they'll think, you're the one with the BO
At the vibe for Philo in 2006 someone around me was farting big smelly stinkers - I mean really really bad. I have no idea who it was but several people gave me cringing looks!


Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 25-February-2007 at 09:28
ugh! Hate when that sorta thing happens on a packed train as well, Killian, there's no escape!  

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 25-February-2007 at 12:03
Ohhhh.....I just been reading this thread while eating my breakfast.....feel really sick now 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Mins
Date Posted: 25-February-2007 at 13:06
There are two things that get right up my goat and they are...

People who donīt wash..if I wash I expect everyone else to..fullstop. No use spraying an aerosol over the meef, the result is a Category A offence to the senses.

Parents who donīt take responsibilty with the whole headlice issue.

Both in Ireland and here I have encountered Mothers who keep the " big secret " to themselves and tell you weeks later that their angel HAD lice instead of what they should do.." blah has lice NOW, got it under control Mins, but check yer kids hair "....

That is all it takes ...drives me LOONEY.

I have 2 girls with " figure of 8 " Grove hair down to the backside and it is a nightmare at times.

Needless to say I tie their hairs back for that very reason and get really fed up when I see other manes left loose during school hours.

It is really NOT rocket science the whole thing.


Posted By: Floyd
Date Posted: 25-February-2007 at 20:53

I once asked a girl to dance at the Grove who I was sure her name was Janet.

I approached and and quietly confidently asked 'Janet-would you like a dance with me?'

You know what's coming-she turned round and said 'I would if you got my name right'

Right girl,wrong name. Oops. I ran.My loss.

There are three kinds of people in the world,those who are able to count,and those who can't...

Posted By: star
Date Posted: 25-February-2007 at 23:39

Anyone ever send an email about someone to THEM by mistake????

I had a mate in work that did.. doh.. she wasn't very popular with that person after that

Never Again on a school night! Famous last words

Posted By: rosalie
Date Posted: 27-September-2007 at 23:03

how about this for embarrassment..,i was at an ex work mates wedding afters do..,arrived late as ever and as i approached the hotel there was a bunch of people having their fag break outiside,now,as i hadnt seen my mate in a while and it was a shotgun wedding,she was 7 months pregnant, i saw who i thought was her standing with a gang of people and promptly went up and gave her a big hug and put my hand on her belly and gave it a nice rub and overall examination and said "how are you and how is little baba?" she looked at me with shock an disgust  and said "who the f**k are you?" ... turns out it was her older sister and the spit of her...and er..a few too many beers..very cringable and havent been able to show my face near the family home ever since..poor girl..,that was the fastest exit to the bar i ever made!!

i arise today through the strength of heaven,light of the sun,radiance of the moon,splendour of fire,speed of lightening,swiftness of wind,depth of sea,stability of earth,firmness of rock.

Posted By: Vinyl Junkie
Date Posted: 27-September-2007 at 23:14
Ouch!   Welcome to the site by the way Rosalie!

TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).

Posted By: Trixie
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 09:39

Welcome to the board Rosalie - crikey, that is a cringe story! I dont blame you for keeping a low profile!!!

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 10:01
Originally posted by kbannon kbannon wrote:

At the vibe for Philo in 2006 someone around me was farting big smelly stinkers - I mean really really bad. I have no idea who it was but several people gave me cringing looks!


If myself and the brother are in the shop and I have a fart building I stand beside my brother and let it rip and walk away from him The stinkers are the best... Done it on my Mam too


"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 10:55

Jaysis this place is degenerating fast.

Any chance we could up the quality of the posts at all ?

I mean, do we really need to know that ???

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 11:00
I'm stayin clear of this one for sure-------


Posted By: Evangeline
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 13:55

Originally posted by Black Russian Black Russian wrote:

Originally posted by kbannon kbannon wrote:

At the vibe for Philo in 2006 someone around me was farting big smelly stinkers - I mean really really bad. I have no idea who it was but several people gave me cringing looks!


If myself and the brother are in the shop and I have a fart building I stand beside my brother and let it rip and walk away from him The stinkers are the best... Done it on my Mam too


Funny, I was at the last Grove reunion and I was stood there talking to my mate Shaun when we got this awful whiff. He blamed it on me. Now I know who was responsible!!!



"Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 14:37
He's full of hot air!!!! No big surprise there at all.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: rosalie
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 15:06
thanks guys..,i was formally serendippitty in another grove website life but forgot how to spell it and couldnt gain access ..oops..,if anybody has the power to delete that serendippitty one go ahead..good to be back..hope your all keeping well

i arise today through the strength of heaven,light of the sun,radiance of the moon,splendour of fire,speed of lightening,swiftness of wind,depth of sea,stability of earth,firmness of rock.

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 15:09

Ha, that's funny Rosalie.

Nice to see you again.............and tell me this....... will we really never see a smoother operator ?

Posted By: Black Russian
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 15:13
Originally posted by eejit91 eejit91 wrote:

He's full of hot air!!!! No big surprise there at all.
HA HA...

Oh no she's back!!!!!

Welcome Rosalie nice simple name


"Legal downloads is killing Piracy"

Posted By: verh
Date Posted: 28-September-2007 at 21:52

Welcome Rosazlie - enjoy the site and please stay with us


Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 29-September-2007 at 19:09
Originally posted by star star wrote:

Anyone ever send an email about someone to THEM by mistake????

I once worked for a woman who was a terrible bully. I stood up to her on behalf of one of the younger members of staff and for 3 or 4 months she didn't speak one word to me (which was a blessing!) One morning she came in and was full of chat about everything and full of praise for me. Confused I typed a text message to a friend saying 'L** has just come in and was all over me!! what game is she playing now????' I promptly scrolled through the names to her name and pressed send!!!!!

In the long run it was a good thing as it sorted things out - she went on a rampage about me, I resigned everything SORTED!!!!

Posted By: rosalie
Date Posted: 01-October-2007 at 23:23
phew grainne..,thats hot! yeah, we can all meet them in the work place..,bullies especially..,just get on with the job i say..,thanks everyone for inviting me back..,rolo..,am i a smooth operator..,whys that u say? oh, i just opened up a new forum discussion on led zeppelin and then found the old one too..,does this count for another embarrasing blunder..,sorry,was desperado for some news..a

i arise today through the strength of heaven,light of the sun,radiance of the moon,splendour of fire,speed of lightening,swiftness of wind,depth of sea,stability of earth,firmness of rock.

Posted By: Trixie
Date Posted: 02-October-2007 at 09:18

Grainne, I can empathise.....Did the exact same thing as you once, but only difference was I sent it via a text can guess who got the text!!!! EEEEKKK!!! He didn't speak to me after that to this day (and that was years ago!) - thankfully he recently left the organisation (thank god!)......I tried to run up to his office and delete it from his phone before he could see it, but he had already read it by the time I tried to rectify things! In my defence like the lady you were talking about, he was an absolute eejit aswell (I could use other words, but alas I won't!) so I didnt really lose sleep over it, it was just really uncomfortable after that.

Posted By: grainne_witch
Date Posted: 02-October-2007 at 13:33

Since then I only send pleasant texts!! I am paranoid now - it wasn't the first time I had done it but other times were of no consequence as I wasn't bitching!

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 02-October-2007 at 13:44

Anyone ever see a Dublin Comedian called David O'Doherty ?

He plays a small lap top keyboard while singing supposedly funny songs............anyway, one of the aforementioned songs is called

" Have you ever sent a text message to the person who the text message is about "

The previous stories reminded me of that, it's quite an amusing song, BTW.

Posted By: Trixie
Date Posted: 02-October-2007 at 14:34
Yep, saw him when he was supporting Des Bishop and a few other comedians....he's the guy who always sings a song on stage called "not quite right" - he's brilliant....very funny guy!

Posted By: finno
Date Posted: 03-October-2007 at 10:20


This is for If anyone is being bullied at work or elsewhere.

Each occasion there is an incident, make a note of it and date it. If it continues, and you have to make a compaint, you will be able to back it up with a contemporaneous notes. Believe me it works, as when push comes to shove you will have a note written at the time and in detail (with quotes if relevant) while it was fresh in your mind, as opposed to someone trying to "remember" what happened.  

A man must have a code

Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 03-October-2007 at 13:20
I find that if you invade a bully's personal space that sometimes they do back off. When I was working my boss was about 2yrs younger than me. The only reason this person was the boss was because they went for the position ( I was very happy doing the job I was doing and having no responsibility) Anyway my boss did not like the fact that I was older and knew more about the job than he did so he tried to bully me. When he used to come over to me screaming or ordering me about in a horrible way, I used to stand up really close to him (right in his personal space) and just smile at him......The fact that I was taller than him also pissed him off 
Well he got the message when he realised he couldn't scare me and backed off. Wonder what the prat is doing with his life now.

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 03-October-2007 at 13:21
Hopefully selling the Big Issue


Posted By: Bluebell
Date Posted: 03-October-2007 at 13:24
LOL Gary......I hope your right 

You are what you wanna be....age doesn't matter

Posted By: Aries
Date Posted: 03-October-2007 at 13:32

Yeh BB

There are some people, quite an all as I am--,I would love to see suffer for their down right brashness, rudeness and evil little minds.

If I ever won the lotto, getting even would be my very pleasurable project-just to keep myself amused.

There again I would probobely just laugh, say F--k them, and piss of somewhere nice.


Posted By: Biker Pat
Date Posted: 06-July-2010 at 15:30

Another !!

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975

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