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Guilty/Not Guilty Game

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Topic: Guilty/Not Guilty Game
Posted By: xgrovehead
Subject: Guilty/Not Guilty Game
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 07:24

To keep us busy while Word Association is off line...

You pose a question and the next poster has to say whether they have ever been guilty of it or not guilty and then they post a new question.

You'll get the hang of it.

I'll start off with an easy one.  Bound to get a few guiltys

Have you ever been logged on to The Grove Forum when you should've been working?

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 07:26


You ever been working when you should have been logged onto the Grove Forum ?


Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 07:28

Not as regularly.

Have you ever lied to someone when they asked if an item of clothing suited them? 

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 07:40

No i wouldnt do that to anyone too honest for my own good gets me into trouble at times

"Have you ever bought something and wouldnt tell spouse/partner the real price of it?"

I havent but a pal of mine does that all the time  

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 07:43


You ever , nah...........too dangerous.

You ever fed the animals at the Zoo when you're not supposed to.


Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 07:57

Not in recent years but when younger i did but i think then you were allowed to feed them they werent as strict or maybe now i can read the "do not feed the animals"

"have you ever cheated in an exam" since you left school

Havent done any so doesnt apply to me

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 08:09

No, but I saw someone who now holds a very high public office and I won't name doing it in an exam once.  Shame on him.  Been very tempted to in stats exams - sums aren't my strong point.

Have you ever broken a red light?

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 08:12

Millions of times.

Have you ever got Penalty Points ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 08:49

No! it's everyone elses fault when I'm in an accident!!!!!LOL

Have you ever peed on the seat of the toilet?

You know that was pointed at you Rolo I bet you pee on the seat all the time and poor Catherine has to clean it up!!!!

ok since nobody is owning up to that.

Have you ever had sun stroke!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 09:22

Yes, as a kid.

Have you ever stolen anything - even a penny sweet, or apples from a neighbours tree?

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 09:30

Originally posted by eejit91 eejit91 wrote:

You know that was pointed at you Rolo I bet you pee on the seat all the time and poor Catherine has to clean it up!!!!

Ffs Teresa,remind me never to take a short break from here without asking your permission ever again.

Jeez,you're on form today.

Any chance you could have a cut off someone else for a change ? 

Keep this up and it'll be a pleasure to stay away tomorrow.

Oh yeah,stole a tube of Airfix Glue from Woolworths on Henry Street as a kid.

Have you ever decided to pick on some poor fellow forum member,without let up,for the whole day?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 09:54


Have you ever reversed your car without opening your garage door!!!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 10:15

No points here how about u rolo

red light never amber sometimes no garage Teresa

gone out commandoTongue


All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 10:21

The answers to those two questions,in no particular order are no and yes.

Looked at someone elses phone and read their messages. ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 10:26

No never - not my style.

commondo -  Rolo come on now - the kilt - remember.

As for me - I like to keep me knickers on Thank you very much.  I have went commando once as one time I went into a toilet and the shagger before me never left the seat up hense I peed all over the seat and me knickersLOLLOLLOL so I had to put them in the bin!!LOL and go commando as you say - I was only about 14.....Confused

Have you ever picked your nose in public! come on will yis - I bet you all have!

Ok since you wont answer that have you ever fallen down the stairs!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 19:34

God Teresa thats my pet hate ppl picking their nose in public.....dont you just hate being stopped at lights and guy in lane beside you with his finger up his nose thinking no1 can see him...yes i said guy cause ive never seen a female doing it

Havent fallen down stairs but have fallen up night   after a xmas night out we staying in hotel and in bar for a few drinks i went to bar went to go back up the 3 yes 3 steps and i fell up them I swear it was the shoes i was

Has anyone ever tipped off a car and kept going knowing they had done some damage?

Havent dont it myself but has been done twice to me

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 25-January-2006 at 19:41


I love me jammer and get really angry when that happens,which it has a couple of times.Not much damage but fierce upsetting.

Once I was having a meeting with a guy in the Security business,CCTV and stuff,and was parked outside his office.All of a sudden a van pulls out and while we're all looking out the window proceeds to rip the number plate from the front of my car as it reverses out.

I've gone down to the driver who flatly denies everything. He's effin and blinding and swearing that he hasn't done anything.

Wasn't the whole thing recorded on my mates security camera.

Ever set off the fire alarm in a hotel ?


Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 11:00

Never! Not in my line of work.

Did you ever feel addicted to a forum and the day everyone agreed not to sign in feel somewhat lost and alone in the world.......

The Doc.

Posted By: Noodles
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 11:02

No, but I know someone who does...............

Did anyone ever rob a bottle of wine in a nightclub 'cos the owners were too drunk to notice ?


Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 11:05

No but I left a bar over here with 16 shot glasses in my doctors case!!

Have you ever went skinny dipping?

The Doc.

Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 11:23
WinkDid THAT the night of the DEBs!!!LOLLOLLOLLOL

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 14:11

Detail Stevie Details!

Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 14:15

Have actually,pure fluke I may add.Remind me to tell y'all some day.

Have you ever made a racist remark ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 14:20

Yes remind me to tell you another time!!!Embarrassed

Have you peed yourself from laughing? 

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 14:21

Haven't actually,but know a few who have.Normally girlies ,think it's an anatomical thing.

You ever listened to Wham ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 14:23

No! terribe..

Have you ever smoked a joint?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 14:32

Sorry to say I never have,never took a tab,snorted charlie,or even smoked a fag.

Lame or what. No,actually quite proud of it.Hope the lads follow suit.

However,do drink like a fish.

Have you ever fallen asleep on the Jacks in a boozer ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 15:56

No I wouldn't sit on a strange toilet to save my life!!!! You'll get crabs if you keep doing that Rolo!

Have you ever talked to someone for ages only to find out you were calling them the wrong name all time?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 16:05

Love it Teresa u from same stock...No sitting on strangers toilets and always Hover(spell)

Have talked to ppl and called them wrong name its awfull or talking to them and thinking they some1 else and u say something and they give u that strange are you mad

Happy to say never took drugs not into that sort of thing and i hope to god sinead will be the same

Jasus everyone has listened to Wham at some stage whether they wanted to or not

As for Racist remark no offence to ne1 reading this but when we younger it was always said "he worked like a black" we didnt take it to be racist then but i sure as hell wouldnt use it now its so hard to know what is PC these days my kid started school and loads of nonnationals in the class when she talking about one of the boys i didnt know what way to ask was he "black,brown,white or what"

still find it hard as i dont know what they really want to be called so i just saw is he/she same colour as Abuka a school pal of my daughters

anyway back to this lawk......

Have u ever knocked down an animal and kept driving?

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 16:11

Ah Rolo I bet you put the joint in your mouth just never inhaled!!! All politicians say that - and sure we know you’re a FF man true and true..


Sharon I think I killed a squirrel the other day - mushed him on the road...


Have you ever walked around with your fly down!Embarrassed

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 16:23

Yes have walked around with fly it happens to everyone

Road kill....jeez lucky you aint like those guys in the blue collar comedy

have you ever gone into a gig or anything like that without paying

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 17:15

Yes - I was on the guest list of course!!!

Drugs - Yes, but of course I didn't inhale Embarrassed 

Fly - yes Cry

Fallen asleep on a loo - No - with you there girls, my mammy taught me to always hover and no matter how pissed I've been I've never broken that rule!  (I've broken plenty of her other rules though!!!)

Hit a car and driven off - jeez no.

Have you ever puked all over the place in someone elses house? Dead

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 18:05

Never! jezz louise....

I did a projectile one night at the top of the stairs in one of the pubs off Grafton street - it landed on a fella as he just started to come up the stairs... full impact - splatter.... Big smile

Have you ever two timed anyone?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 19:16

This is hilliarous!

Debs was in Dalkey Island Hotel and many a tuxedo didn't make it back to the hire shop next dayLOL well you'd have to go for a walk on the beach there after the dancing..etc.., would'nt you? and after a few drinkies it seemed such a good idea to go for a swim and those long ruffled things we wore then would have drowned ya....

Joint? absolutely and still would if given half a chance (Rolo I'm stuuned how ever did you manage to avoid that and go to The Grove??).

Have done the toilet thing too, can't remember the details but I must have done some interested things with the toilet paper as well 'cos the house looked like the Andrex puppy had gone mad on speed the following morningEmbarrassed

Forgot about "Hit-on" thing, yes regularly, like last week ..a bit awkward actually....

Have only ever driven over already dead things like yesterday! 3 foxes in Omagh!

Ever had a one-night stand?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 19:30

eh yeah! only one though...Wink... a good old county boy... what can I say jiggy jiggyLOLLOL...

Rolo will be rolling in his grave at the very thoughts.... the innocent young man that he is!!! yeah right....

Wait I have to tell you about my joint experience!!! I was at the Stones Concert in Slane and feeling very cool when this fine thing sits beside me and offers me his joint to which I reply - Yes please.. (first time ever) anyhow as soon as I put the thing in my mouth he stands up and starts roaring all over the place "she has drugs".  I almost swallowed the thing... that was it for me.  Anyhow a couple of years ago I was in a little wine bar here when I pop outside for air.. with that I bump into a customer of mine and she, to my surprise is smoking a joint - "give us a pull of that says I"... I was 3 sheet to the wind, came back into the bar all wide eyed... Martin did not know what to think.... mad stuff.  1st and last time I tried.

ok that said! Have you ever peed down a laneway?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 26-January-2006 at 19:41

 Oh definitely, women don't do it so well, do they?  I always end up with my feet the the little girl said to the little boy on the sunday school picnic when they both had a call of "nature" ...."thats a handy thing to bring on a picnic"!!!

Rolo is already damned, its young Lenny I'm worried about?!

Ever tried desperately to appear sober in front of someones parents in your Grove days?




Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 05:46

Originally posted by eejit91 eejit91 wrote:

Have you ever talked to someone for ages only to find out you were calling them the wrong name all time?

Jeez,lads seems like there was some crack here last night.

Now,haven't done that but one of the Barman down the boozer used call me Paul for some reason.This went on for about two years and I hadn't the heart to tell him.Then one day out of the blue he started calling me by my right name.Funny thing,his name's Paul.

Skinny Dipping,no.

Fly Down,probably.

Urinated in a lane,definitely.

Hit an animal and kept driving,no.

Puked in someone's gaff,no...............but Buck Whaley's that's another story.

One Night Stand, what's that ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 08:39

Do you want me to tell ya Rolo! since it was Stevie's question I will let her tell ya!Wink


Were you ever bitten by a dog?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 08:47

Yeah,and would you believe I can't even remember her name LOLLOL.

Ever been to nosebag in someone's gaff and had to tolerate crap grub and had to pretend it was tasty ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 08:53

No not me but get this when Martin was working in Dublin.  He was going to the pub with a group of lads from work, well he went home with one of them first as he wanted to change or something like that.  Anyhow this fella's Mother decided to give Martin tea and wait for it - white pudding sandwiches... Martin said he had to eat them... ohhhh yuck.  I think I remember being fed coddle in someones house - those white sausages - like widows memories......

Your terrible on the dog thing!!! did you have to get a tetanus..LOL

Did you ever win a race?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 09:02
Originally posted by Stevie Stevie wrote:

Joint? absolutely and still would if given half a chance (Rolo I'm stuuned how ever did you manage to avoid that and go to The Grove??).


ok Stevie when I come home you get the gear and we'll all have a dope party.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 10:29

Originally posted by xgrovehead xgrovehead wrote:

Yes - I was on the guest list of course

Interested in that one Xgh.Care to release any more details ?

We've always got on the guest list for Gabrielle whenever she comes to play here.

At one show a few years back Catherine and her sister managed to get chatting to one of the backing singers who invited them to the after show party.They were playing the next night so we all got guest passes.During the show Linda ( the backing singer ) drags Catherine up on stage for one of the numbers.From then on whenever they're in town the girls always hook up with them and go along as guests.

Cheating on partners : Whatcha trying to do here Teresa drag us down to your level ? Sure how can you possibly remember all yours ?

Me ? Absolutely and unequivocally under no circumstances, wouldn't countenance it.



Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 16:00

That's the last time I'll ever ask you if you ever won a race!!!

Drag you down to my level!!! what does that mean?  I actually have never cheated - thought you knew my take on that...

I'm insulted...  Have you ever been insulted by a person you now consider a friend??????

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 16:05

You're some tulip,anyone can see for themselves the time of your now they all know that I'm not the type to act the goat,take the p*ss or anything like that at all.

So less of the " poor little injured me business ".Why do't you take a minute to read back a few weeks at all the sh*te you've thrown in this direction before you start casting aspersions.





Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 16:08

Speak to the hand Rolo cause the head aint listening!

Your hitting low tonight I must say!!!!

injured! I'm in pain here... in bits.. can't believe you would insult me so.....  Up your gicker!!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 16:14

Originally posted by eejit91 eejit91 wrote:

Your hitting low tonight I must say!!!!

You know what they say,live with them and get like them.Before I came out here I was quiet and shy and NICE.

Now look what's happened in the space of a few weeks.


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 16:16

"Ninja of the Nasty" .... Nice my arse, you were never nice...

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:31

 Ah Teresa that good ole country boy must have dined out on that story for years: of the night he met some "fast woman from Dublin"LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL 

Just as long as it was good...if you know what I mean???!!Wink

I AM NOT posting tonight as I've been out for a few drinks and a chinese meal with girlies and God alone knows what I might reveal here, poor Rolo can only stand so much excitement & shocks at HIS age


Ever left a restaurant without paying the bill?....& No I didn't do that tonight..

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:38

Ah Stevie, some day I will give you the details.. it was gas and you would be on the floor listening to it...

Good for you keep your stories for yourself - Heaven help us... Rolo will give you stick if you say too much..Wink  in the midst of a bottle of wine here myself, supposed to go out but cancelled it as we are both wrecked...

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:41

Jeez Stevie his age is fastly coming up on us all

but i suppose oldies just cant hack it

Note to myself....." no acting old when im old stay young at heart"

no never left without paying unless it was a crap meal and i refused to

Friends Teresa... with a friend like him who needs enemies!!

But sure it keeps u on ur

I wonder if we started a truth or dare  topic would ne1 do the dares?

Has anyone played that and said they did the dare and they hadnt?

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:45

 Teresa, sounds like thats a story for OUR dope partyClap


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:45
LOL Rolo I think the girlies are on my side - see live a little tell alot....

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:47

Stevie it sure is - I have told it to friends and still get a good old sl*gging for it... ah sure it was a long time ago in another world as they say!!


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:49

LOL @ Dope party

Jeez girls do ye want this forum closed

See they were going to let ppl off with a warning for 1st offence with a bit of hash and then 2 days later changed their mind  ffs whats this country like

Teresa us girlies will always stick up for one of our own as we all know we are better than those men or boys!



All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:51
See though the boys always thought they had the better of us! I am beginning to wonder - perhaps it was us girls that had the last laugh so to speekWink....

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:53

Teresa we only let them think to keep them happy but we know better.

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 27-January-2006 at 19:55

could not agree more!

see ya later Sharon, Stevie.

who would ever think we would laugh so much about our past... seems like a long time ago.

No I never left a restaurant without paying a bill!! not that I remember anyway....Confused

No Sharon never played that game!

Did you ever mitch from school?


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 28-January-2006 at 13:28


Never left a restaurant w/o paying either.  Never two timed, never had a one night stand - I'm a good girl!!Embarrassed Did stand a fellow up once though

Ever end up in A&E as a direct result of sex? Confused (thats ER to you Teresa and Casualty to you Russ)  (And I don't mean an STD)

LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL  See if anyone admits to this one!!!

And what did I miss last night?  God glad now that I didn't log on, might've got caught in the cross fire!  Good to see that you've now kissed and made up.

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 28-January-2006 at 15:12

XGH you never mitched from school! ah girl what are you missing, I mitched for a whole week once in a friends house only to be sitting at the table one morning and her Dad arrived home - up the stairs we all scarpered and under the bed the lot of us went, we were still there about 3 hours later.  He admitted to us years after we left school that he had got a phone call in work to say a crowd of us were in the house and he knew all the time that we were up under the beds.... Other times we would go to another friends house for lunch and then down the park for the afternoon.... only did that in 5/6th year.  I was always the one to write the notes.

Quote XGH: Ever end up in A&E as a direct result of sex? Only when I was having Darragh, meaning giving birth...the mind wanders..- never ever for any other reason - can you imagine..... have heard some stories from two doctors we know!!!!

Ever caught naked?Embarrassed

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 28-January-2006 at 15:23

Caught naked where Teresa??

Never been to A+E as a direct result of sex, have been there because of the oppisite sex play too rough, broke a toe while messing with one of the lads while swimming down in St Pauls

Never mitched from school too much of a

Ive no probs with nakedness my hubby goes mad if im going around with no clothes on ( upstairs like after a shower or something with blinds opened) says some1 might see i always answer" jasus if some1 is looking they are pervy fooks and sad bastards and god love them if they look at my body"

Ever been to a Naturist resort?


All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 28-January-2006 at 18:06

Yes, a nudist beach in the States, but I didn't take my clothes off!

Watching the 100 Greatest Music Videos on CH 4 - very funny stuff.

Never caught naked - I was still wearing my socks...............

For the girls - Ever leave the loo with your skirt tucked into your knickers?

For the boys - ditto above but with your shirt sticking out of your fly?

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 28-January-2006 at 20:55

no dont wear skirts only pants... but I have seen girls doing that - oh I feel red in the face thinking about it....

Have you ever farted in public! and stayed there to see what strangers think about the glorious smell!LOLLOL no I never have but know someone who didWink


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 28-January-2006 at 21:22

 Jeez girls, what have ye been up to???? gone to A&E as a result of sex...want to know what kinda things ye get up to ( I appear to have lost my copy of the Kama Sutra)LOLLOLLOLLOL

Yep, did mitch 1/2 times, got caught partially dressed at a party once, actually woke up drunk in Mykonos about 25 years ago in the middle of a nudist camp-oh lots of stories here...but they should be saved for a get-together I think we might start to frighten off newbies.

I once got off the 27b ( remember that Rolo) in Gardiner St. and walked to bus stop outside Clerys and called everyone a pervert who whistled at me enroute,then a kindly old dear at the bus stop informed me that my dress was tucked completely into my knickers at the backEmbarrassed--(don't do the dress thing either now at all Teresa).

The secret of farts is to run away quickly and look completely innocentBig smile


Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 29-January-2006 at 11:13

Stevie,I'm with you,the more this thread goes on the more shocking the revelations.

Glad to say never been to A&E as a patient as a result of that,or of anything else for that matter,have actually never been a hospital patient for any reason,( touches all wood within a five mile radius).

Left a Bar in Croatia one night without paying,purely by accident but as we passed by about two hours later the staff gently reminded us so all was resolved peacefully.

There's a nudist section at the very end of the beach in Playa De Ingles on Gran Canaria,almost in Maspalomas,and on our first ever holiday away together (think I was twenty and Catherine eighteen) we happened upon it by accident.Thought everyone was old and wrinkly,probably like we ( with notable ecceptions,Xgh) are now.

Never been caught naked,'cos as I keep telling yiz I was a very innocent teenager and twenty somethingCry. Seems I missed an awful lot.Wish I'd known you lot twenty or so years ago.

Did the school thing,not that often though.

Do remember the 27b well Stevie,remember one day looking out the window to see it going around our corner with this young fella hanging out the upstairs emergency door.

Ever fallen off a bar counter in a boozer while doing the Coyote Ugly thing ?



Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 29-January-2006 at 14:55

caught naked! well here is why I asked!!! Only about 20ish and having a shower one day!!!! out I get to dry myself and before I could grab the towel in walks my brother in law!!!!! I had forgotten to lock the door.  Mortified to say the least.  I still blush a little about that.

Two timed well here is why I asked that - I remember when I was about 19 going to the pictures with a fella one night and going to see the exact same picture the next night with another fella!!! young and innocent, sure I wasn't married so the world was my oyster..

Never fallen off the bar but did fall off the stage one night....

Have you ever went into the mens or womens bathroom by mistake?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 29-January-2006 at 19:56

Nice one T. Like the idea of having to explain why you chose a particular question.However I'm not going to explain my last one,least not out here.As Stevie says,some things are better discussed over a few beers.

Almost went to the ladies by mistake,quite recently too.Can't remember where it was though.Have gone on in purpose a couple of times thoughWink.

Ever found a wallet or a purse full of cash and not handed it in to the Garda Station ?


Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 29-January-2006 at 20:24

 Whats the coyote ugly thing?Confused 

know what ya mean Rolo 'bout those nudist beaches the ole phrase comes to mind "Whatever it is- it needs IRONING...!!!!!

Hey I'm a Senior member I have to act responsibly?


Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 29-January-2006 at 20:35

Hi Stevie,you know the movie where there'a a bar called Coyote Ugly and the staff and some of the punters gotta dance on the bar counter.

Can't believe you've never done that.

Responsibly're joking aren't you.Senior Membership entitles you to act how you want,no holds barred ..........


Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 04:59

Rolo...have u done the "Coyate ugly" thing?

I havent ffs waste of good drinking

Wouldnt not hand in anything ild found, have had wallets robbed mislaid so know the feeling and would hate to be cause of it for some1 else

Ever taken a tip left on table

My mum met some1 who did this all the time "hubby left tip and the wife took it with her when he went up to pay" my mum met her on holidays one yr was so disgusted when she saw her do it after a meal out the lady laffed told her she did it all time and hubby never knew.

So come on u tip robbers own

Wouldnt do it myself


All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 06:04

No that would be seriously bad Karma and as an ex (very bad waitress) I think its a really mean thing to do!

Ever been in the back of a Paddy Wagon?

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 06:20

Jeez Xgh,how the hell are you coming up with all these mad questions ?

Sorry to hear about your friend / colleague .

Never in any trouble with the law, ( yet ) and on the tipping thing,I'm a great believer in being a good tipper.Does peoples heads in sometimes 'cos I'll insist on tipping even where there's service charge included on a bill.

Shaz,the Coyote Ugly thing will have to wait for another day.



Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 06:45

Hee hee, not as innocent as I look eh?  Those ringlets are deceptive.  yes I've been in the back of a Paddy Wagon, but it was for my own protection! 

I witnessed a traffic accident one night in town and the perpetrator was absolutely locked and as the Guards took particulars from me and TBF a big crowd of scumbags gathered and started saying that they'd witnessed the crash too and it wasn't yer mans fault.  So the Guards decided to drive us part of the way home in case the lads followed us and jumped us.  It smelt disgusting and I hope I'm never in one again!!!LOLLOL

And you're supposed to ask a question back.

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 07:01

Hiya X,

Who ever said you looked innocent ?

But guessed that people have a reason for asking  particular questions.Still waiting for yours for the A & E one LOL.

Part of the way home ? Did they just pull over and dump ya on the side of the road ?

Sorry,forgot to ask , ( Jeez this gets harder )

Ever actually kicked up a stink in a restaurant 'cos the grub was crap and you didn't want to cause a scene ,instead of doing what most people do and quietly say that everything's grand and then wish they'd said something later.


Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 07:09

Yes, but it really had to be done - it was disgusting and everyone in the restaurant was complaining.  I've done the say nothing and eat nothing thing too.

We asked to be let out - didn't want the neighbours to see us getting out did we?

Ask all you like about A&E, its not a forum story!

Forgot to ask a question.....ever ring in sick to work to spend the day skiving?

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 07:14

Didn't think it was,sounds like it's not even a " few beers " story.

Definitely comes under the " Too Much Information " chapter.

Wasn't it just a great weekend weatherwise,were there many in the Park ?

Went to Parnell to see Wexford Hurlers do the usual against Dublin.

Hope TLF grows up quick,else there won't be a Dublin Hurling Team for him.


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 08:50
Have you ever fainted?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 10:55

never fainted...yet

only rang in sick once long time ago was signing for my 1st house had taken too many days off before hand and they kept putting it off so had to call in a sickie when the day came to sign

Im a devil for complaining when out if it aint right i complain we pay enough for it these days i cant stand ppl giving out after they have left a place instead of saying it there and then...and im with rolo for tipping i like to tip well and i always make sure it goes to whoever deserves it most.......just a tip(pardon the pun) most chinese make their staff give over their tips so dont put it on the bill give it to waiter/ess discreetly

ever driven while under the influence of drink or drugs??


All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 11:10

Hey Shar,

With you on the tipping,never put it on the bill,know too many restaurant owners and how they operate.

Never fainted,never phoned myself to say I was too sick to go to work,can walk to the pub so no need for that either.

Love getting bolshie in a restaurant,particularly if the steak's overcooked which happens frequently.

Can't think of another one at the minute.



Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 12:41

I only tip where deserved! call me what you like but can't stand bad service.  Tipping is a big thing in the States however so you almost always do.

Drinking under the influence! No don't agree with it either, we take turns on who will drive.

Have you ever done a bungy jump?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 12:46

Never, jeez don't seem to have done any feckin' one of these things you're all talking about,at all.Starting to feel that I've wasted all my young years,missing out on all this exciting stuff.CryCry or maybe should be Angry.

Ever been a gambler ?


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 13:07

Never but Rolo don't worry I have never bungy jumped either - a big chicken for heights.  I am not a gambler either - went out with a fella who was and it almost ruined his life.  Terrible.  ps: some of these fellas I mention might just be the same ones I mentioned before..  dont start counting as you might be counting twice...Big smile

I'm running out of questions!!!

Have you ever flashed your arse at anyone!LOL

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 13:24

Or three times,no more counting for me Teresa,promise.

Used to do the Poker Machines when I was in college and had no cash,so you had to make a fiver last an awfully long time.Walked home from town many a time though as a result.

Have done the mooning thing several times,out bus windows on school trips over the years kinda thing.Not recently though,not even in the Kilt.

Ever thrown someone's bike into a river in Austria,or anywhere else for that matter.


Posted By: Stevie
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 15:31

 Rolo I'm glad you shared your arse on display story as you were beginning to sound like too much of a goody two shoes altogetherSmile

Yes! our youth was obviously misspent-but great! but we're relatively sedate now whereas YOU are going off on mad football trips???

Paddy Wagon- Yes, but I was on jury duty, also ended up in a police car chase when I was mugged of those stories for a few drinks.

Restaurants: always leave tip regardless of service charge or try to hand it to person directly serving me.Used to just accept bad service and/or food but I think something just comes over you when you hit 40 and you decide that it just isn't good enough, so now I do complain.

I'm always scrupuously honest about handing up peoples possessions that I find-also have had the experience of people returning prized possessions to me.

No. I haven't ever flashed or thrown a bike anywhere near water...(now, why do I feel there's a story here??!) nor had the courage or stomach for bungee jumping , I don't even go to Funderland..

Anyone ever fallen asleep on a bus/train and totally missed stop?



Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 17:41

Not fallen asleep Stevie but got on the Malahide train once thinking it was for Raheny and then ended up in Malahide only to get the same train back and end up in town again... - blinken hours by the time I got home, I would have been quicker walking.

Have you ever been walked home by your boyfriends Mother only because he was too drunk to get up off the sofa!!! sorry Rolo I am guessing you never had a boyfriend!!!!Big smile



"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 18:03

Correct Teresa,but as Stevie rightly pointed out I appear to be living my life backwards,so who knows.Having said that,doubt if anyone's Mother would attempt to walk me anywhere.

Never fallen asleep on the bus or train,have thrown someone's bike into a river in Austria though,( Wa Hay ,Rolo actually remembers something slightly wild from his sheltered past so feels like one of the lads again.)

Usual story,gang of lads on way home from boozer after an Ireland match,bike leaning against railings by side of river,now ya see it now ya don't.


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 18:38

So there's a bit of a knacker in ya after all.  I take it, it was some poor fellas bike.  That's terrible, your barred from here, get out!

Have you ever peed anywhere other then the toilet when you were drunk... in the house that is..... let's see who will admit to that...Big smile

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 18:42

Most definitely was some poor Austrian's bike,didn't care though 'cos they'd just beaten us 3-1 and he was probably cheering louder than anyone else.

Must've done that,though not in my own house.Remember using the sink in someone's bathroom once 'cos the jacks was occupied.


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 18:48

You know my brother did that in one of his friends brand new house... his new wife caught him and has still not spoken to him till this day... LOL...

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 19:03

u didnt edit quick

never thrown a bike in a river never bungee jumped on my to do list mind that and a parachute jump.....have to loose weight 1st dont want to drop like a lead

peed hmm never newhere bar toilet fields etc but nearly did on the bus home one night ...had too many drinks after work one night got last bus home to the briggan got into the country no lights nothing and needed to pee jeez i was in bits decided if it was to happen itld have to happen so took off coat incase i peed on the seat so i could cover up as i left bus luckily enough i managed to make it to balbriggan jumped off bus nearly knocking the hubby over as i dashed past him into the nearest pub hadnt been in it be4 ended up in a snug(snug ffs country bumpkins...gone now mind) had to go behind bar to get to loo with all these old fellas looking at me dashed to loo just made it......i wouldnt have cared if i had peed on bus i was that

never been walked/driven home by a parent

"Has ne1 got tattoos??"

was out tonite at removals back in aunts house a cousin of my dads said she'ld got a tattoo i couldnt believe it she is 59 my mum was all fair play to u and all that....i was lol ffs i got a tattoo 3 yrs ago and my mum wouldnt talk to me for a



All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 19:08
Originally posted by Sharon Sharon wrote:

u didnt edit quick


Ah Sharon I don't care if you lot see that but not the free world as we know it!!!

Anyhow any chance you would have a lone of an ashtray is thereLOL

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 19:09

This is getting too predictable tattoos,sis in law has one though,does that count ?.

Like this story though. Know a girl who was at a work party with a gang of lads,she was the only girl working there.They're on the minibus on the way home when she's gotta go.It's three in the morning and they're on the way back from Ashbourne or somewhere.

So the bus stops and she goes into someone's garden and squats to do the business. All of a sudden the Security Lights come on and she's illuminated like a rabbit in headlights. Needless to say the boys in the bus got a good kick out of it.


Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 19:11

plenty of ashtrays in my house all dettoxed before being


All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: Sharon
Date Posted: 30-January-2006 at 19:12


no it doesnt

All I wanted was chips!!

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 31-January-2006 at 07:57

No tats, never did a bungee jump.

Anyone ever milked a cow?

Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 31-January-2006 at 08:30

I was going to ask that yesterday! Yep I have but I don't like the feel of their yokey me bobs.....Big smile

Have you ever ran up the road after someone shouting their name only to find it was not the person you thought it was?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 31-January-2006 at 08:54

Oh God yes or something very similar..........................

Have you ever lost your car in a multistorey or other very large car park?

And no I haven't done this!

re milking cows, udders are a peculiar texture all right.  Did make me very glad that I'm not a cow though - farmers aren't very gentle when they have a big herd to milk before breakfast................................

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 31-January-2006 at 09:06

Actually had to wander around the DCU Car Park for a while today,'cos we were a bit late and locked the car and ran. I'm not familiar with the layout so took about fifteen minutes.You do feel like a gobsh*te though.

Never milked a cow.

Ever tried to exchange something in a shop in which you hadn't made the original purchase.( Scraping the bottom of the barrel here lads.)


Posted By: xgrovehead
Date Posted: 31-January-2006 at 09:16
God Rolo, I'm shocked between this and the bike in Austria............

We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, we have only borrowed it from our children.
-Ancient Proverb.

Posted By: Rolo
Date Posted: 31-January-2006 at 09:18

I know Xgh, but pales into insignificance compared to some of yours,Stevies and Teresa's.

Thought Sharon 'd have some colourful stories to share.

See ya,


Posted By: eejit91
Date Posted: 31-January-2006 at 09:21
Xgh Rolo was a boot boy in his day....

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better."

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