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RIP Cecil

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sister1 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-November-2023 at 13:06
I didn't really know Cecil when going to the grove originally. He did say hello every now and again as I became a regular but I was too shy to ask him to play a record. To be honest, I was very happy anyway with what he was playing and there was no need to approach him. My grove days finished in 1991 and I remember leaving early on the last night and saying goodbye to him and thanks. I knew it was time to go but didn't have the experience or knowledge to probably articulate why leaving was bittersweet. I often thought of the grove between 1991 and 2006. I then saw the RTE Documentary the night it aired and it had a big effect on me. Firstly, it all made perfect sense that similar folks who attended down the years felt exactly the same as I did - I always thought if you hadn't gone to the grove you could not fully understand what it was like - so this was great hearing all the tributes. Secondly, I hadn't appreciated the history - how it started, the mt prospect days and the fire, the move to pauls and how it eventually ended in 1997 - or that there were reunions going. I just had to go to the next one in the old shieling in oct 2006 - the first person I bumped into was Cecil - he said hello and we had a great night. 

I got to know Cecil a bit from meet ups, get togethers and reunions and then also when Sean and I joined the radio crew and got to interview him. That was really something. It was great seeing first hand how he spoke and chose the music with Derek on air and how it all flowed. It was an education just like the grove itself, but also a privalege (Sean I am sure you will agree). 

I remember another night where Marion and I happened to met Cecil by chance at a party in Raheny - Marion is also a big soccer fan and she and Cecil chatted about Manu and Liverpool for over an hour. 

Some great memories there and there are probably a few more if I thought about it. Anyway, it was always a pleasure to chat to him - he would always thank us for the radio show - the best compliment he paid was for a playlist I did during lockdown that he listened into and he texted me after to say he had really enjoyed it because I reminded him of both Mt. prospect and pauls. Cecil in my view was always humble but liked the craic despite not touching the drink. A top guy and sorely missed by all. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Biker Pat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-November-2023 at 13:44
Good idea Sean.

Cecil/Austin may have told me but I can't remember if they did or not.

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Biker Pat

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Biker Pat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-November-2023 at 13:50

Love your post and it's memories.

A common bond between us all.

And huge credit to you for getting involved in running the Radio Show.

Rock on 🤘 

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pogue Mahoney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21-November-2023 at 17:32

I am getting the impression from posts that when the Mt. Prospect Grove burned down its membership expanded to cover a wider area of the northside. When I first started going in ’68 almost everyone lived in Clontarf with a scattering from the St. Annes area. Pat might agree that he was an exception riding his “Harley” all the way from Celtic Park and Derek with our small group coming from outside the general area. Cecil’s talent for dishing out the music and the walls shaking (as Derek described during a Brown Sugar moment on the Grove Radio Show) it was, to my experience, the only place in Dublin where everyone you met was friendly and willing to dance when asked up (some major horror stories from the ladies I’m sure HAH). …one told on the documentary: describing “sweaty, smelly bodies rubbing up and down against you” (not the exact wording) In pre-Grove days we went into town on Sunday afternoons and weeknights, where you could regularly depend on some kind of gang fight erupting outside. Rough 60’s stuff with belt buckles, broken bottles, and knives. Girls were generally on guard and distant unless you fell into the in-crowd category and were super cool looking. During my two plus years at The Grove, I never witnessed a fight, inside or out.


As one of the painfully shy, below average looking men who could hardly talk to a girl that atmosphere was not the best. Then along came the Grove with Cecil, who invented a great system (intentional or not, who knows?) for mixing the crowd: Three songs in each set: fast set followed by a slow set. The genius in it was that Cecil made every second Ssssslowww set a “ladies’ choice” so the girls, if they liked you, could return the compliment (or so I was told…wink!) by asking you back up to dance. Sounds simple, but the Clontarf girls were far from shy and, living locally, that was an easy opportunity for us sex maniacs to ask a girl if you could walk her home. No rushing to catch the last bus.


That all might have changed a bit after the St. Pauls’ move with a wilder crowd and larger venue but from what I read the atmosphere remained the same. The different fashions, mosh pits, head banging and air-guitars sound like a wilder than wild experience from our Mount Prospect days. Cecil said he loved the kids and the changes over the years. Other than the reunions we all had the luxury of moving on after we grew out of it, but Cecil was the only one who lived through the whole experience and stayed FOREVER YOUNG.


Good On Ye Cecil! 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Biker Pat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22-November-2023 at 07:38

That's a brilliant and so accurate post.

I can relate to it completely.

I have to admit I don't think I'd have enjoyed St. Paul's as I did Mount Prospect.

There was really something special about the psychedelic shack that couldn't be repeated. 

Also as the music scene changed in the late 70's and beyond a lot of it wasn't what I liked compared to Mount Prospect where nearly every song was brilliant.

Different eras  and generations I guess.

However Cecil kept it going for 30 years adapting to new music and trends as he went along. That's the mark of a real dedicated music man.

I dj'd for a while in the 1970's after I stopped going to the Grove. I stuck to the Cecil principles of less talk and more music. Was doing quite well but as my career in Aer Lingus took off I couldn't manage both so the dj business had to stop. Aer Lingus paid more !!!.

Love all the stories here. It's why I'm still on here after 18 years.

Peace and Love from the Philippines ✌️✌️✌️❤️❤️❤️

May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ShortHairHippie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22-November-2023 at 13:48
Brian,like you,I never really spoke to Cecil at the Grove,and the one time I brought a single with me,and asked him to play it,he told me to f**k off,so I stayed away from him after that.It was only at the reunions / meet ups,that I got to know him properly,and when he and Derek Farrell were guests on the Grove radio show,Brian and I had the honour of interviewing him.That show was a complete buzz for me,and I was in awe.
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Pogue Mahoney View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pogue Mahoney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22-November-2023 at 14:19
HAR Sean- While you were the boss it would have been hilarious to put on the record he wouldn't play and make him sit through it. Cecil would have appreciated that - Unless it was "No milk today" by Herman's Hermits...Dereks favourite song    Thumbs Up
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Biker Pat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22-November-2023 at 14:59
I had two requests for Cecil in the years I was in Mount Prospect.

One night I asked him to play "Bad Moon Rising" and he did. I was thrilled.

Another night he played the Creedence Clearwater Revival album " Pendulum" for me and my plans during the album session.

It was incredible hearing it through the Grove speakers.

Other than that I left him alone as our gang always hung out at the opposite end of the hall.

Anyway he played so much great songs there was no need to bother him. 
May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ShortHairHippie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23-November-2023 at 10:48
Pogue,I couldn't risk annoying him again...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Rahenyrhythm Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24-November-2023 at 17:21
Brilliant stories above lads. As you all know I was a Mt.Prospect grover (71 - 75). When Belgrove burnt down I tried Paul's a few (3? 4?) times but really didn't like it. A bigger, rougher, much less friendly crowd I thought - now maybe that's the downside of a bigger crowd. There was only a few of us that went regularly and we didn't seem to fit into the new environment. Also, being about to turn 21 in 1976 I felt it was really time to move on from the Grove advanced age (I know Mel wouldn't agree !!!). Of course there was nowhere to really move on to, nowhere remotely like the Grove, so it was really the pub with the odd excursion into "discos" in town, all of which were sh*tholes to my mind.

The Grove itself was the highlight of my teenage years. Never really knew Cecil but he knew who we were OK- One night I didn't get down for some reason, can't remember why, but he was asking where was yer man in the blue cord jacket - me!!! I was hugely flattered that he knew who I was. In terms of playing records, I would sometimes bring down albums for him to play early in the night, and he usually (not always!) did, in particular a few Budgie albums I'd bring down. So, decent enough of him. I had very long hair at the time and probably looked cool enough (and with my platform shoes I wouldn't have been too much below average height!!!), so I usually got some young wans to dance with me each night, and had a couple of very serious romances over those years. First love - different from any following loves, and unforgettable!
I had one fascinating couple of encounters with a boot girl- in full regalia, suedehead haircut  crombie coat, black court shoes - the look at the time. How she got in I don't know but that little episode never left me and there's a very interesting little tale to tell there - but for another time!
OK I sense people falling asleep now so I'll stop. I enjoyed the stories above so much I thought I'd add my own - apologies if I've told all this before...

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Pogue Mahoney View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pogue Mahoney Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24-November-2023 at 17:46

Cool memories Gerry- I didn’t know you were into skinheads. Nothing like a bit of reggae early in the morning. It better not have been you who carved “Boot Girls Rule!” on my mother’s front door back in ‘72.


 Excellent job on the Northside Today radio interview Jenn and Brian, enjoyed it immensely. Makes all of us all proud to be part of Grove history indeed. Got me thinking of how past images cannot be unseen or forgotten. A journey starting at 78s, 45s and 16 rpms through audio Tapes, CDs and iPods and back again to vinyl. Images of Cecil flicking through his singles like pages of a magazine, his cupped hand slipping them rapidly in and out of their sleeves without ever leaving a fingerprint or scratch. The mark of years spent bent over record racks at Dolphin Discs and sorting through his wooden box collection. Memories of diamond tipped needles, carefully chosen so as not to damage the precious grooves…

…I am guilty of this myself, picking those beautiful black satin discs up off my bedsheets and caressing them softly, holding their covers against my cheek and kissing them lightly before undressing them, my wife walking into the room…Ooooops! No Wait, forget it …I never did that. I don’t even own a record player.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Rahenyrhythm Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24-November-2023 at 18:01
😂😂 Poguey! Vinyl porn!!! I'll write up my boot girl story at some stage ...also the scarier story of the big skinhead with the bayonet (encountered outside the Grove of course! On the way home...yikes!!!) Although I think I probably told that one before ...
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Biker Pat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24-November-2023 at 20:29
Brilliant stories above Gerry and Pogue.

Vinyl Porn. That's a new one on me 😂😂😂.

Interesting name for a band though. 
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Biker Pat

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vinyl Junkie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25-November-2023 at 13:18
Thanks to Ciaran Parnell (Roundy) I got to meet Cecil at Austin's news stand in the early(ish) 2000s and the man recognised me straight away and suggested I check out the reunions.  I stayed in the Grove probably longer than the "recommended" age, going from maybe 1978 - 1979 to maybe around 1986 (I was 24 in 1986) - not really feeling like anyone was a kindred spirit at my age of 24, I used to head down on the last bus from town, to just sit with Cecil and rummage through his singles boxes and discuss music with him.  Probably enjoyed those chats more than my times on the dance floor if I am honest.  Pre pandemic, I initially (by chance) then by choice used to meet him on the lunchtime dart to Malahide every Tuesday.  I was heading to my folks for dinner in Artane and he was heading on to Malahide.  Got to know him so well and then of course he would always join us at drinkies etc.,  (still reckon we (the Five Lamps) were robbed by the Grove Radio show team as they had Cecil with them in that pub quiz in the Cedars in Raheny. ;-)  Then mid-pandemic, someone Whatsapped me on holidays to tell me Cecil had stage 4 cancer and I was (like everyone else obviously) absolutely devastated by the news.  We did give him a lovely send off in Dardistown.  Never thought I/we would experience a reunion ever again so fair play to Andy and Rob for sorting this.  A tiny bit anxious about next Saturday, without Cecil but with a lot of the regulars around, it should be a good night.

Edited by Vinyl Junkie - 25-November-2023 at 13:20
TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Biker Pat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25-November-2023 at 13:22
Nice story there Mel. 👏👏❤️❤️

I always said you are a Grove legend.
May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vinyl Junkie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25-November-2023 at 15:32
Thank you Pat.  You're not too shabby yourself.  In the documentary and all. Clap

Did make me laugh last night and my sister, Ger, said to me, "I'm afraid I won't know anyone there, but Mel, everyone knows you, so you can introduce me to them all on the night".  

Not sure if everyone knows me but we (Grove heads on FB and on here) all know one another so we're in a fairly good place alright.

Did ask my sister to join us at the Beachcomber pre Grove so she can say hello. :)  Roll on Saturday next!!
TPFKAB (The Poster Formerly Known As Brunswick).
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Biker Pat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25-November-2023 at 20:54
Enjoy Mel and am sure Ger will be most welcomed by any Grovers there.
May be going to hell in a bucket but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Biker Pat

Grove 1972-1975
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